Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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اطر اطم اف

أُطُمٌ / أُطْمٌ

أُطُمٌ and أُطْمٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) like أُجُمٌ and أُجْمٌ, (Ṣ, and Mgh in art. اجم) A fortress: or, as some say, any lofty building: (Mgh:) or a [building such as is termed] قَصْر [q. v.]: (IAạr, Ḳ:) and any fortress built of stones: and any square, roofed, house: (Ḳ:) pl. (of pauc., TA) آطَامٌ (Ṣ, Mgh. Ḳ) and (of mult., TA) أُطُومٌ: (Ḳ:) آطَامٌ signifies fortresses of the people of El-Medeeneh: and one of these is termed أَطَمَةٌ↓: (Ṣ:) or this signifies [simply] a fortress; and its pl. is آطَامٌ (TA.)


أَطَمَةٌ: see above.

آطَامٌ مُؤَطَّمَةٌ

آطَامٌ مُؤَطَّمَةٌ Lofty [fortresses,, &c.]: (A, TA:) [or it may signify fortresses,, &c., disposed in order, or grouped together; for it is said to be] a phrase like أَبْوَابٌ مُبَوَّبَةٌ, (O, TA,) or like أَجْنَادٌ مُجَنَّدَةٌ. (Ḳ.)

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Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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