1. ⇒ جزف
جَزْفٌ [inf. n. of جَزَفَ] signifies The taking a thing [in the manner termed] مَجَازَفَةً and جِزَافًا [i. e. by conjecture, not knowing the measure nor the weight]: (Ṣ, TA:) or the taking largely, or copiously: (IF, Mṣb, TA:) and it is [from] a Persian word. (Mṣb. [See جُزَافٌ, below.]) And you say, جَزَفَ فِى الكَيْلِ, inf. n. جَزْفٌ, He gave large measure: (IḲṭṭ, Mṣb:) and جَزَفَ لَهُ فِى الكَيْلِ He gave him large measure. (Jm, TA.)
3. ⇒ جازف
جازف, (Mṣb, TA,) inf. n. مُجَازَفَةٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA) and جِزَافٌ, (Ṣ, TA,) He sold, or bought, a thing not knowing its measure nor its weight: (Mṣb:) or he conjectured in selling and buying. (Ḳ.)
He acted in an easy, or a facile, manner, (Mṣb, TA,) in selling or buying. (Mṣb.)
And hence, جازف بِنَفْسِهِ ‡ He perilled, endangered, jeoparded, hazarded, or risked, himself; as though he acted in an easy manner with himself. (TA.)
5. ⇒ تجزّف
تجزّف فِيهِ He picked out, or selected, the good in it; syn. تَنَقَّدَ [in the CK, erroneously, تَنَفَّذَ]. (Ṣgh, Ḳ.)
8. ⇒ اجتزف
اجترف He bought a thing by conjecture, not knowing the measure nor the weight. (AA, Ḳ.)
جَزْفٌ Of unknown quantity, whether measured or weighed. (Nh, TA.)
جِزْفَةٌ A portion of a number of cattle: (Ḳ:) and of hair. (TA)
جَزَافٌ: see what next follows, in two places.
جُزَافٌ, accord. to the ʼEyn, in selling and buying, is [The selling, and buying,] by conjecture, without measuring and without weighing; and by rule should be جِزَافٌ↓, with kesr; i. e., if formed in accordance to the verb [which is جَازَفَ]: (Mgh:) or the selling or buying a thing not knowing its measure nor its weight: (Mṣb:) or conjecture in selling and buying; as alsoجِزَافٌ↓ andجَزَافٌ↓ andجُزَافَةٌ↓ andجِزَافَةٌ↓ andجَزَافَةٌ↓: (Ḳ, TA:) arabicized, from گُزَافْ, (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) which is Persian: (Mṣb, TA:) they say لَافْ وگَزَافْ, meaning “excess in speech, by conjecture:” accord. to the Jm, its primary signification is muchness, or copiousness: (TA:) some say that the most chaste form of جزاف is جِزَافٌ↓, with kesr; [because this is a regular inf. n. of جَازَفَ;] (MF, TA;) and some, that the triple vocalization of the ج in جزاف is a kind of جزاف [i. e. conjecture], since all assert it to be a Persian word arabicized, and it cannot be so and be also an inf. n., conformable to the verb and to rule: it seems that, when they arabicized it, its original was gradually forgotten, so they formed from it a verb, and derived from it, and made it analogous. (TA.)
بَيْعٌ جُزَافٌ andجِزَافٌ↓ andجَزَافٌ↓ andجَزِيفٌ↓ (Ḳ) andمُجْتَزَفٌ↓ (TA) A thing sold, or bought, of unknown quantity, whether measured or weighed. (TA.) [See also جَزْفٌ.]
جِزَافٌ: see جُزَافٌ, in four places.
جَزُوفٌ A pregnant female exceeding the term of her bringing forth. (Ḳ.)
جَزِيفٌ: see جُزَافٌ.
جَزَافَةٌ / جُزَافَةٌ / جِزَافَةٌ
جَزَافَةٌ and جُزَافَةٌ and جِزَافَةٌ: see جُزَافٌ.
جَزَّافٌ A fisherman. (El-'Azeezee, Ḳ.)
جَازِفٌ فِى كَلَامِهِ † One who pours forth his speech without rule. (Mṣb.)
مِجْزَفَةٌ A fishing-net. (El-'Azeezee, Ḳ.)
بَيْعٌ مُجْتَزَفٌ: see جُزَافٌ.