Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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حت حتد حتر

1. ⇒ حتد

حَتَدَ بِمَكَانٍ, aor. ـِ {يَحْتِدُ}, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) inf. n. حَتْدٌ, (L,) He remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, in a place, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) and became fixed, or settled. (Ṣ, L.)

Root: حتد - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

حَتِدَ, aor. ـَ {يَحْتَدُ}, (L, Ḳ,) inf. n. حَتَدٌ, (L,) It (anything, L, Ḳ) was pure, (L,) or pure in origin. (Ḳ.)

2. ⇒ حتّد

حتّدهُ, inf. n. تَحْتِيدٌ, He chose it for its purity and excellence. (Ḳ.)


حَتِدٌ Anything (L, Ḳ) pure, (L,) or pure in origin. (Ḳ.)


مَحْتِدٌ Origin; syn. أَصْلٌ; (IAạr, Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) app. in respect of race, or lineage, only, as several of the lexicologists have expressly asserted; (MF;) as also مَحْفِدٌ (Ṣ, L) and مَحْقِدٌ and مَحْكِدٌ: (IAạr, L:) pl. مَحَاتِدُ. (A.) You say, فُلَانٌ مِنْ مَحْتِدِ صِدْقٍ, (Ṣ,) or فِى مَحْتِدِ صِدْقٍ, (A,) [Such a one is of a good, or an excellent, origin.] And هُوَ كَرِيمُ المَحْتِدِ [He is generous in respect of origin]. (A, L.)

Root: حتد - Entry: مَحْتِدٌ Signification: A2

Also Nature; natural, or native, disposition, temper, or the like. (L, Ḳ.) You say, of a man who has done an act of kindness and reverted from it, رَجَعَ إِلَى مَحْتِدِهِ He returned to his natural disposition. (L.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited