Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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حلق حلقم حلقن

Q. 1. ⇒ حلقم

حَلْقَمَهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) inf. n. حَلْقَمَةٌ, (TA,) He cut, or severed, his حُلْقُوم [or windpipe]; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) accord. to the Ḳ, meaning his حَلْق; but see the explanations of حلقوم below: (TA:) he slaughtered him in the manner termed ذَبْحٌ. (TA.) [Mentioned in the Mṣb in art. حلق.]

Root: حلقم - Entry: Q. 1. Dissociation: B

حَلْقَمَ الرُّطَبُ [or rather البُسْرُ]The dates began to be ripe next the base; as also حَلْقَنَ, in which the ن is asserted by Yaạḳoob to be a substitute for م. (TA.)

Q. 3. ⇒ احلنقم

ٱحْلَنْقَمَ He left, or forsook, food; expl. by تَرَكَ الطَّعَامَ. (Ḳ.)


حُلْقُومٌ The windpipe, or passage of the breath; (T, Mgh, TA;) by the cutting, or severing, of which, and of the مَرِىْء [or œsophagus] and وَدَجَانِ [or two external jugular veins], the lawful slaughtering of an animal is completed: (T, TA:) accord. to the Ṣ and Ḳ, [and to the Mṣb, in art. حلق, though it is there correctly and fully explained as meaning the windpipe,] i. q. حَلْقٌ: but in the M it is explained [agreeably with general usage] as the passage of the breath, and of coughing, from the جَوْف [or chest]; consisting of a series of successively-superimposed cartilages (أَطْبَاقُ غَرَاضِيفَ), before which, in the exterior of the throat, is nothing but skin; having its lower extremity in the lungs, and its upper extremity at the root of the tongue: from it pass forth the breath and the wind and the saliva and the voice: [see also another explanation voce حَلْقٌ, from Zj in his “Khalk el-Insán,” and the Mṣb:] pl. حَلَاقِمُ and حَلَاقِيمُ. (TA.) Accord. to some, the م is augmentative: accord. to others, radical. (TA.)

Root: حلقم - Entry: حُلْقُومٌ.1 Signification: A2

[Hence,] they say, نَزَلْنَا مِثْلَ حُلْقُومِ النَّعَامَةِ, meaning † We alighted in a strait, or confined, place. (TA.) And حَلَاقِيمُ البِلَادِ means † The strait, or confined, parts of the country, or of countries: (Mgh:) or the lateral, and extreme, parts thereof. (TA.)


حُلْقَامةٌ: see what follows.


رُطَبٌ مُحَلْقِمٌ [or rather بُسْرٌ محلقم]Dates that have begun to be ripe next the base; (Ḳ;) [or that have become ripe to the extent of two thirds; (see حُلْقَانٌ in art. حلق;)] as also مُحَلْقِنٌ: (TA:) andرُطَبَةٌ حُلْقَامَةٌ↓ [or rather بُسْرَةٌ حلقامة (in the CK حَلْقَامَةٌ)] is applied to a single date in this sense. (Ḳ,* TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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