خبط خبعثن خبل
خَبَعْثَنٌ: see خَبَعْثِنَةٌ.
خُبَعْثِنٌ: see خُبَعْثِنَةٌ.
Root: خبعثن - Entry: خُبَعْثِنٌ
Signification: A2
Also Plump in body; or fat, soft, thin-skinned, and plump, in body; applied to any thing [i. e. to any animal]. (Ḳ.)
خُبَعْثِنَةٌ, like قُذَعْمِلَةٌ, Big and strong; (AO, Ṣ, Ḳ;) applied to a man; and (in like manner, TA) a lion; (Ḳ;) and soخُبَعْثِنٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) as in the phrase خُبَعْثِنُ الخَلْقِ [big and strong of make]; (AA, Ṣ;) andخَبَعْثَنٌ↓: (Ḳ:) the first is applied as an epithet to a lion by Aboo-Zubeyd Et-Tá-ee: and [the pl.] خُبَعْثِنَاتٌ, by El-Farezdaḳ, to camels. (Ṣ.)