Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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دملق دملك دمن

Q. 1. ⇒ دملك

دَمْلَكَهُ He made it smooth and round: (Ṣ:) or smooth and even: like دَمْلَقَهُ. (TA in art. دملق.)

Q. 2. ⇒ تدملك

تَدَمْلَكَ It was, or became, smooth and round: (Ṣ, TA:) [or smooth and even: see above.] Said of a girl's breast, It became round and prominent: (Lth, Ḳ:) one should not say تَدَمْلَقَ. (Lth, TA.)


دُمْلُوكٌ: see what follows.


مُدَمْلَكٌ Smooth and round; applied to a solid hoof; like مُدَمْلَقٌ and مُدَمْلَجٌ; and as applied to an iron head of an arrow or of a spear, &c.: (Ṣ:) and soدُمْلُوكٌ↓ applied to a stone: (M, Ḳ:) or the latter, thus applied, signifies [simply] round: (Ṣ:) and the former, smooth and even; or made smooth and even; syn. مُخَلَّقٌ [in the CK مُحَلَّقٌ]; applied to a stone, and to an arrow: (M, Ḳ:) and i. q. مَفْتُولٌ مَعْصُوبٌ [app. as meaning compact, or firm, in make; as though twisted]. (Ḳ.)

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