رخ رخص رخل
1. ⇒ رخص
رَخُصَ, aor. ـُ
رَخُصَ, aor. ـُ
2. ⇒ رخّص
رُخِصَ لَهُ فِى كَذَا, inf. n. تَرْخِيصٌ, He had indulgence, license, or facilitation, granted, or conceded, to him in, or with respect to, such a thing. (Ṣ, A,* Ḳ *) You say, رَخَّصَ الشَّرْعُ لَنَا فِى كَذَا, inf. n. as above, The law has been indulgent to us in, or with respect to, such a thing; has facilitated it to us; as alsoارخص↓, inf. n. إِرْخَاصٌ. (Mṣb.) And رَخَّصْتُ فُلَاناً فِى كَذَا وَكَذَا, [or, more commonly, لِفُلَانٍ,] I gave license, or permission, to such a one to do such and such things after my forbidding him to do them. (TA.)
4. ⇒ ارخص
ارخصهُ He (God, Ṣ, A, Mṣb, or a man, JK) made it (a thing, Mṣb, or a price, Ṣ, A) cheap, low-priced, or low. (JK, Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ.) رَخَّصَهُ, in this sense, is not known. (Mṣb.)
Also He found it to be cheap, low-priced, or low. (Ḳ.)
Also, (Ḳ,) orارتخصهُ↓, (Ṣ, A,) He bought it cheap, or at a low price. (Ṣ, A, Ḳ.)
5. ⇒ ترخّص
ترخّص He took, or availed himself of, or allowed himself, indulgence, license, or facilitation; (A, TA;) he did not go to the utmost length; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) [he relaxed, or remitted;] in (فِى) such a thing; (Ṣ;) in affairs; (A;) or in the affair. (Mṣb.) You say also, ترخّص فِى حَقِهِ He took what was easily attainable, of his right, or due, and did not go to the utmost length. (A.)
8. ⇒ ارتخص
ارتخصهُ: see 4.
Also, (Ṣ, Ṣgh, Ḳ,) orاسترخصهُ↓, (A,) He reckoned it cheap, or lowpriced: (Ṣ, A, Ṣgh, Ḳ:) and↓ the latter, he saw it, or judged it, to be so. (Lth, Ḳ.)
10. ⇒ استرخص
استرخصهُ: see 8, in two places.
رَخْصٌ / رَخْصَةٌ
رَخْصٌ applied to a thing, (A, Ḳ,) or to the body, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) and to flesh, and to a plant, (A,) Soft, or tender; (Ṣ, M, A, Mṣb, Ḳ;) and soft to the feel: (Mṣb:) andرَخِيصٌ↓ signifies the same, (AA, M, Ḳ,) applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, (AA, Ḳ,) as also the former: (TA:) fem. of each with ة: (M, TA:) رَخْصَةٌ is also applied to a girl, (A,) and to a woman, (Ḳ, TA, but omitted in the CK,) and to fingers, signifying not rigid or tough: (Ḳ:) or, applied to a woman, it signifies soft, or tender, and delicate, or thin, in her external skin: and applied to a woman's fingers, soft, or tender: but رَخْصٌ applied to a plant, soft, flaccid, or easily or quickly broken: (Lth, TA:) and applied to a twig, or rod, fresh, or succulent, and soft, or tender: (Mṣb:) the pl. of رَخْصٌ is رِخَاصٌ: (Mṣb:) and that of رَخْصَةٌ is رَخَائِصُ, which is irreg. [as such, but reg. as pl. ofرَخِيصَةٌ↓]; (Ḳ, TA;) occurring in poetry. (TA.) You say, هُوَ رَخْصُ الجَسَدِ He is soft, or tender, in body. (Ṣ.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ رَخْصَةُ البَدَنِ A woman soft, or tender, in body. (IDrd, TA.)
رُخْصٌ [see 1, of which it is the inf. n., in the first of the senses explained above.]
[Also The act of making cheap;] a subst. from أَرْخَصَهُ in the first of the senses here assigned thereto. (Mṣb.)
رُخْصَةٌ (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ) and رُخُصَةٌ (A, Mṣb, Ḳ) Indulgence, license or facilitation; (Ṣ, A, Mṣb, Ḳ;) in an affair: (Ṣ, A, Mṣb:) pl. رُخَصٌ (A, Mṣb) and رُخْصَاتٌ and رُخَصَاتٌ and رُخُصَاتٌ. (Mṣb.) You say, لَكَ فِى هٰذَا رُخْصَةٌ [Thou hast, or shalt have, in, or with respect to, this, indulgence, license, or facilitation]. (A.)
‡ Indulgence granted, or conceded, by God to his servant, in a matter which He alleviates to him. (A, Ḳ.)
[† An ordinance of indulgence; such as the shortening of prayer in travelling, and the like: pl. رُخَصٌ, of which we have an ex. in the following trad.:] اَللّٰهُ يُحِبُّ أَنْ تُؤْتَى رُخَصُهُ كَمَا يُحِبُّ أَنْ تُؤْتَى عَزَائِمُهُ [† God loveth that his ordinances of indulgence be performed, like as He loveth that his obligatory ordinances be performed]. (A.)
‡ A portion, or share, of water: (A:) or a time, or turn, in drinking. (Ḳ.)
رَخِيصٌ A cheap, or low-priced, thing; (Mṣb;) a low price. (Ṣ, A.)
‡ A quick death. (Lth, A, Ḳ.)
See also رَخْصٌ, in two places.
‡ Soft, without strength or sturdiness, and without endurance: or stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; syn. بَلِيدٌ. (TA.)