1. ⇒ رغم
رَغِمَ الأَنْفُ, [and, as will be seen from what follows, رَغَمَ, and رَغُمَ, inf. n. رَغْمٌ and رُغْمٌ and رِغْمٌ,] His nose clave to the رَغَام [i. e. earth, or dust]. (TA.)
[Hence,] رَغَمَ أَنْفُهُ, aor. ـُ
And رَغَمَ فُلَانٌ, (Ṣ, TA,) or رَغِمَ, aor. ـَ
رَغَمَ as a trans v.: see 4, [with which it is app. syn. properly as well as tropically,] in three places.
[Hence,] رَغَمْتُهُ, (Ḳ,) inf. n. رَغْمٌ; (JK, TA;) andتَرَغَّمْتُهُ↓; (so in the JK; [perhaps a mistranscription for رَغَمْتُهُ;]) † I did a thing against his will: (JK, Ḳ, TA:) or, so as to anger him; and vexed him. (TA.)
[And † I made him to do a thing against his will; forced him to do a thing: for] الرَّغْمُ is also syn. with القَسْرُ; (IAạr, Ḳ, TA;) in some copies of the Ḳ erroneously written القَشْرُ. (TA.)
And رَغِمَهُ and رَغَمَهُ, aor. ـَ
2. ⇒ رغّم
see 4, in three places.
رغّمهُ, (JK, M, Ḳ,) inf. n. تَرْغِيمٌ, (Ḳ,) also signifies He said to him رَغْمًا; (JK; [see رَغْمٌ, below;]) or رَغْمًا رَغْمًا; so in the Ḳ; but in the M, رَغْمًا وَدَغْمًا: (TA:) andرَغَمَهُ↓ inf. n. رَغْمٌ, [in like manner,] he said to him رَغْمًا: or he did with him that which made his nose to cleave to the earth, or dust, (مَا يُرْغِمُ أَنْفَهُ,) and that which abased him. (Ḥam p. 97.)
3. ⇒ راغم
مُرَاغَمَةٌ signifies ‡ The breaking off from, or quitting, another in anger: (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) and the cutting off another from friendly, or loving, communion; cutting one, or ceasing to speak to him; or forsaking, abandoning, deserting, or shunning or avoiding, one: and the becoming alienated, or estranged; or the going, removing, retiring, or withdrawing, to a distance, far away, or far off, one from another: (Ḳ, TA:) [or] راغمهُ signifies † He left, forsook, abandoned, or relinquished, him, or separated himself from him, against his [the latter's] wish: (Mgh:) or he broke off from him, or quitted him, in anger: (Mṣb:) andارغم↓ أَهْلَهُ ‡ He cut off his family from loving communion, or forsook them, or deserted them, against their wish. (TA.) It is said in a trad., لِيُرَاغِمُ رَبَّهُ إِنْ أَدْخَلَ أَبَوَيْهِ النَّارَ, i. e. ‡ He will assuredly break off in anger from his Lord [if he cause his two parents to enter the fire of Hell]. (TA.) And you say, رَاغَمَ فُلَانٌ قَوْمَهُ ‡ Such a one retired apart from his people, or party; or disagreed with them; or opposed them; (Ṣ, Ḳ,* TA;) and went forth from them; (Ṣ, TA;) and cut them off from friendly, or loving, communion; or forsook them; and treated them, or regarded them, with enmity, or hostility. (Ḳ, TA.)
And فُلَانٌ لَا يُرَاغِمُ شَيْئًا † Such a one does not want, need, or require, and is not unable to attain, anything. (JK, TA.)
4. ⇒ ارغم
ارغمهُ [He cast it upon the رَغَام, i. e. earth, or dust: and he made it to cleave to the earth, or dust]. You say, ارغم اللُّقْمَةَ مِنْ فِيهِ He cast the morsel from his mouth upon the earth, or dust. (TA.) And it is said in a trad. of ʼÁïsheh, respecting the material for dyeing the hair, and the hands of women, اُسْلُتِيهِ وَأَرْغِمِيهِ [Wipe thou it off from thy hand, or hands, and cast it upon the earth, or dust]. (Ṣ. [There said to be from the phrase here next following.]) You say also, ارغم أَنْفَهُ He, (i. e. God, JK, Ṣ,) or it, (i. e. abasement, or humility, or submissiveness, Ḳ,* TA,*) made his nose to cleave to the رَغَام, i. e. earth, or dust; (JK,* Ṣ, TA;) [or may He (i. e. God) make his nose to cleave to the earth, or dust;] andرَغَمَ↓ أَنْفَهُ signifies the same [app. in this (the proper) sense, as well as in that next following]. (Mgh, TA.)
And [hence] the former of these two phrases means ‡ He (i. e. God, Mṣb) abased him, humbled him, or rendered him submissive, (Mṣb, TA,) against his will; (TA;) [or may He abase him,, &c.;] and so↓ the latter of the same two phrases: and the former, † He angered him; likewise said of God; (Ḥam p. 551;) and so ارغمهُ alone; (Ḳ, TA;) like ادغمهُ; (TA;) or both signify ‡ he did evil to him, and angered him: (TA in art. دغم:) and أُرْغِمَ † He was abased, or humbled, or rendered submissive: (Ḥam p. 617:) andرَغَمَ↓ ٱللّٰهُ بِهِ الأُنُوفَ, inf. n. رَغْمٌ, † God abased, or may God abase, the noses by means of him, or it. (Ḥar p. 369.) [رغّمهُ↓, also, signifies † He abased him, humbled him, or rendered him submissive: you say,] هٰذَا تَرْغِيمٌ↓ لَهُ † This is an abasing, or a humbling, to him: (Mṣb:) andتَرْغِيمًا↓ لِلشَّيْطَانِ (occurring in a trad., TA) means † For the abasing, or humbling, of the devil. (Mgh.)
And ارغمهُ † He urged him, or made him, to do that from which he was not able to hold back, or that which he could not refuse to do, or that which he could not resist doing. (JK, TA, and Ḥam p. 97, from Kh.)
5. ⇒ ترغّم
ترغّم † He became angered, or angry, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) with speech, and otherwise: (TA:) and sometimes it occurs with ز [i. e. تزغّم]. (Ṣ, TA.) Hence the saying of El-Hotei-ah, [app. describing a she-camel,]
* تَرَى بَيْنَ لَحْيَيْهَا إِذَا مَا تَرَغَّمَتْ ** لُغَامًا كَبَيْتِ العَنْكَبُوتِ الُمَدَّدِ *
[Thou seest between her two jaws, when she is angered, foam like the web of the spider stretched out]. (TA.)
رَغْمٌ andرُغْمٌ↓ andرِغْمٌ↓ are inf. ns. of رَغِمَ and رَغَمَ said of the nose; andمَرْغَمَةٌ↓ is syn. therewith; (Ṣ;) as is also مَرْغَمٌ↓. (TA.) One says to another, [by way of imprecation,] رَغْمًا [for رَغِمَ أَنْفُكَ رَغَمًا May thy nose cleave fast to the earth, or dust; meant to be understood in the proper sense, or in a tropical sense explained by what follows]; (JK, M, Ḳ;) and [sometimes] دَغْمًا is added, (M,) which is an imitative sequent to رَغْمًا. (Ḳ in art. دغم.) And لِأَنْفِهِ الرَّغْمُ andالمَرْغَمَةُ↓ [May cleaving to the earth, or dust, befall his nose; which may likewise be meant to be understood properly, or tropically]. (TA.)
[Hence,] the first also signifies, (IAạr, Ḳ, TA,) and soمَرْغَمَةٌ↓ also, (TA,) ‡ Abasement. (IAạr, Mgh, Ḳ, TA.) The Prophet said, بُعِثْتُ مَرْغَمَةً↓, (Ṣ,) i. e. ‡ I was sent for abasement to the believers in a plurality of gods, [or] by reason of dislike or disapproval [of their state; agreeably with the explanation next following]. (TA.)
رَغْمٌ andرُغْمٌ↓ (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA) andرِغْمٌ↓ andمَرْغَمَةٌ↓ (Ḳ, TA) also signify ‡ Dislike, disapproval, or hatred. (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA.) You say, فَعَلَهُ رَغْمًا orرُغْمًا↓ orرِغْمًا↓, (TA,) and عَلَى رَغْمٍ, (ISh, TA,) and على رَغْمِهِ, and على الرَّغْمِ مِنْهُ, (TA,) and على رَغْمِ أَنْفِهِ andرُغْمِ↓ أَنْفِهِ, (Mṣb,) and على الرَّغْمِ مِنْ أَنْفِهِ, (Ṣ,) i. e. ‡ [He did it against his wish; in spite of him; or] notwithstanding his dislike, or disapproval, or hatred. (Mṣb, TA.)
حَتَّى يَخْرُجَ مِنْهُ الرُّغْمُ↓, [or الرَّغْمُ, in the TA without the vowel-sign,] occurring in a trad., means † In order that he may become humble and abased, and the pride of the Devil may go forth from him. (Mgh, TA.)
رُغْمٌ: see the next paragraph above, in six places.
رِغْمٌ: see رَغْمٌ, in three places.
شَاةٌ رَغْمَآءُ A sheep, or goat, having upon the extremity of its nose a whiteness, (JK, Ḳ,) or a colour different from that of the rest of its body. (Ḳ.)
رَغْمَانُ: see the next following paragraph.
رَغَامٌ Earth, or dust; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) as alsoرَغْمٌ↓: (IAạr, Ḳ:) [or] soft earth or dust, (Ḳ, TA,) but not fine: (TA:) or fine earth or dust: (AA, TA:) or sand mixed with earth or dust: (Ḳ:) or sand such as does not flow from the hand: (Aṣ, TA:) or, as IB says on the authority of AA, sand that dazzles the sight; as alsoرَغْمَانُ↓; which latter, accord. to the Ḳ, is the name of a certain tract of sands. (TA.)
رُغَامَةٌ A thing that one desires, or seeks; (JK, Ḳ;) as alsoمَرْغَمَةٌ↓: (TA:) so in the saying, لِى عِنْدَهُ رُغَامَةٌ (JK, TA) and مَرْغَمَةٌ (TA) [I have a thing that I desire, or seek, to obtain from such a one].
رُغَامَى The nose; as alsoمَرْغَمٌ↓ andمَرْغِمٌ↓, (Ḳ,) of which the pl. is مَرَاغِمُ: (TA:) or رُغَامَى signifies the nose with what is around it: (IḲooṭ, TA:) and in this sense also the pl. above mentioned is used; as in the saying, لَأَطَأَنَّ مَرَاغِمَكَ [I will assuredly trample upon thy nose with the parts around it]. (TA.)
And The [appertenance called the] زِيَادَة [q. v.] of the liver; as also رُعَامَى; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) but the former is the more approved. (TA.)
And, (Ḳ,) some say, (Ṣ, TA,) [The bronchi, or the windpipe; i. e.] the tubes, (قَصَب, Ṣ,) or the tube, (قَصَبَة, Ḳ,) of the lungs. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)
Also A certain plant: a dial. var. of رُخَامَى [q. v.]. (Ḳ.)
رَاغِمٌ: see 1. You say, هُوَ رَاغِمٌ and رَاغِمُ الأَنْفِ [He has the nose cleaving to the dust: and hence,] † he is abased, or humble, or submissive: and † he is unable to obtain his right, or due: and [رُغْمٌ is its pl.:] you say, هُمْ رُغْمُ الأُنُوفِ. (Ḥar p. 369.) And دَاغمٌ is used as an imitative sequent thereto. (Ḳ.)
Also † Angry. (TA.)
And † Disliking, disapproving, or hating. (TA.)
And † Fleeing. (TA.)
مَرْغَمٌ: see رَغْمٌ, first sentence:
مَرْغِمٌ: see رُغَامَى, first sentence.
مَرْغَمَةٌ: see رَغْمٌ, in five places:
Also A certain game of the Arabs. (Ḳ.)
مُرَغَّمٌ: see the next paragraph but one.
مِرْغَامَةٌ ‡ A woman who angers her husband. (Ḳ, TA.)
مُرَاغَمٌ (Ṣ, Mgh, Ḳ, TA) andمُتَرَغَّمٌ↓ (JK, TA) andمَرْغَمٌ↓, (JK,) thus accord. to one reading in the Ḳur iv. 101, (Ksh,) orمُرَغَّمٌ↓, (TA, [perhaps a mistranscription,]) † A road by the travelling of which one leaves, or separates himself from, his people, against their wish, or so as to displease them: (Ksh and Bḍ in iv. 101:) and a place to which one emigrates: (Zj and Ksh and Jel ibid.:) or a place to which one shifts, removes, or becomes transferred: (Bḍ ibid.:) or a way by which one goes or goes away: (Fr, JK, Ṣ, Ḳ:) and a place to which one flees; a place of refuge: (Fr, Ṣ, Mgh, Ḳ:) and i. q. مُضْطَرَبٌ [meaning a place in which one goes to and fro seeking the means of subsistence: see art. ضرب]: (Fr, JK, Ṣ, Ḳ:) and a fortress, or fortified place; syn. حِصْنٌ. (IAạr, Ḳ.) It is said in the Ḳur, [iv. 101, of him who emigrates for the cause of God's religion], يَجِدٌ فِى الأَرْضِ مُرَاغَمًا كَثِيرًا [He shall find in the earth many a road, &c.]. (Ṣ, TA.) And a poet says,
* إِلَى بَلَدٍ غَيْرِ دَانِى المَحَلِّ ** بَعِيدِ المُرَاغَمِ وَالمُضْطَرَبْ *
[To a country not near in respect of the place of alighting, remote in respect of the road, &c. and of the region in which people go to and fro seeking the means of subsistence]. (Zj, TA.)
مُتَرَغَّمٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.