شتر شتم شتو
1. ⇒ شتم
شَتَمَهُ, (MA, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ
شاتمهُ فَشَتَمَهُ: see 3.
شَتُمَ, aor. ـُ
[شَتِمَ, trans. by means of ب, expl. by Golius as meaning He rejoiced at evils, or misfortunes, of an enemy, is, I doubt not, a mistake for شَمِتَ; though it might be supposed to be formed by transposition, like جَبَذَ from جَذَبَ.]
[2. {شتّم}]
[شتّم, accord. to Reiske, said of a camel when haltered, and of a lion, as mentioned by Freytag, signifies † He was harsh, and surly, in countenance, and uttered a grumbling sound: if used, it must be شُتِّمَ, agreeably with the part. n., expl. below.]
3. ⇒ شاتم
مُشَاتَمَةٌ is syn. with مُسَابَّةٌ, (Ṣ,) signifying The reviling, vilifying, upbraiding, reproaching, defaming, or giving a bad name to, each other: (KL:) and [in like manner] تَشَاتُمٌ↓ is syn. with تَسَابٌّ, (Ṣ,) signifying as above [but used in relation to two persons and more than two]: (KL:) you say, شَاتَمَا andتَشَاتَمَا↓ meaning تَسَابَّا [They reviled, vilified,, &c., each other]: (Ḳ:) andتشاتموا↓ They reviled,, &c., one another; like تَسَابُّوا. (MA.) [شاتمهُ may therefore be rendered He reviled him,, &c., being reviled,, &c., by him: but sometimes it is syn. with شَتَمَهُ:] see 1, in two places.
One says also,شَاتَمَهُ فَشَتَمَهُ↓, aor. ـُ
[5. {تشتّم}]
[تشتّم is said by Freytag to signify He exposed himself to contumelies; on the authority of the Ḥam p. 310: but I there find only the part. n., مُتَشَتِّمٌ, signifying as expl. below: so that the verb, if used, means he became exasperated by reviling, vilifying,, &c., and addressed, or applied, himself thereto.]
[He also explains it as signifying † He contracted the face very austerely; on the authority of the Deewán of the Hudhalees.]
6. ⇒ تشاتم
see 3, in three places.
شِتَامٌ: see the next paragraph.
شَتِيمٌ: see مَشْتُومٌ.
Also † Displeasing, or hateful, in countenance; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) applied to a man, and to a lion; (Ṣ;) and to an ass, as meaning thus, and foul, or ugly: (TA:) or to a lion as meaning ‡ grim-faced; or stern, austere, or morose, in countenance; as alsoمُشَتَّمٌ↓; andشَتَّامَةٌ↓; (Ḳ, TA;) the last like جَبَّانَةٌ [in measure, but in the CK written شَتامَة]. (TA.) One says, فُلَانٌ شَتِيمُ المُحَيَّا † Such a one is displeasing, or hateful, in countenance. (Ṣ.)
Also, andشِتَامٌ↓, An obstruction (سُدَّة) of the fauces, combined with foulness, or ugliness, of face. (TA.)
شَتِيمَةٌ a subst., (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, and Ksh in lxxiv. 41, [by Bḍ, in explaining the same passage of the Ḳur, improperly said to be an inf. n.,]) from شَتَمَهُ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) in the sense of شَتْمٌ [meaning The act of reviling, vilifying, or upbraiding; reproach, obloquy, or contumely]; (Ṣ,* and Ksh ubi suprà;) as alsoمَشْتَمَةٌ↓, andمَشْتُمَةٌ↓, or, as mentioned above, [see 1, first sentence,] these two are inf. ns. (TA.)
شَتَّامٌ [One who reviles,, &c., much]. (Ḥam p. 310.)
شَتَّامَةٌ One who reviles,, &c., [very] much. (TA.)
[شَاتِمٌ act. part. n. of 1, Reviling,, &c.]
[It is also said by Golius, on the authority of the Mirḳát el-Loghah, to signify Rejoicing at another's evils, or misfortunes: but this I believe to be a mistake for شَامِتٌ: see 1, last sentence.]
الاشتيام, with kesr, [which seems to indicate that it is الإِشْتِيَامُ,] is expl. by IB as meaning رئيس الركاب [app. رَئِيسُ الرُّكَّابِ The headman, or master, of the riders: but whence this is derived I know not, unless it be arabicized, from the Pers. أُسْتَا يَام (if there be such an appellation), meaning “the master of the post-horse”]. (TA.)
مَشْتَمَةٌ / مَشْتُمَةٌ
مَشْتَمَةٌ and مَشْتُمَةٌ: see شَتِيمَةٌ.
مُشَتَّمٌ: see شَتِيمٌ; and see also مُشَبَّمٌ.
مَشْتُومٌ / مَشْتُومَةٌ
مَشْتُومٌ Reviled, vilified, upbraided, reproached, defamed, or called by a bad name: and so with ة
مُتَشَتِّمٌ Exasperated by reviling,, &c., and addressing, or applying, himself thereto. (Ḥam p. 310: there expl. by the words متحكك بالشتم ومعترض له [i. e. مُتَحَكِّكٌ بِالشَّتْمِ وَمُعْتَرِضٌ لَهُ: see 5].)