Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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شرف شرق شرقرق

1. ⇒ شرق

شَرَقَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ {يَشْرُقُ}, (Ṣ, M, Mṣb,) inf. n. شُرُوقٌ (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ) and شَرْقٌ, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) The sun rose; (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ;) as alsoأَشْرَقَت↓: (Ḳ:) the sun rose from the east; and in like manner one says of the moon, and of the stars: (M:) or the sun rose so that its light began to fall upon the earth and trees: (T and TA in art. ذر:) andاشرقت↓ signifies, as distinguished from شَرَقَت, (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb,) or signifies also, (Ḳ, TA,) for both verbs are correctly expl. in the Ḳ as above, (TA,) it shone, or gave its light, (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) and spread (M, TA) upon the earth, or ground: (TA:) or, as some say, شَرَقَت, andاشرقت↓ are syn., (M, Mṣb,) as meaning it (the sun) shone: (M:) and شَرْقٌ [as inf. n. of the former verb] signifies the shining of the sun. (Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

And شَرَقَ النَّخْلُ, andاشرق↓, The palm-trees showed redness in their fruit: (M, Ḳ:*) or showed the colours of their dates. (AḤn, M.) [See also شَرِقَ in what follows.]

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

شَرَقَ الشَّاةَ, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ {يَشْرُقُ}, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb,) inf. n. شَرْقٌ, He slit the ear of the sheep, or goat, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) in the manner expl. voce شَرْقَآءُ. (Mṣb.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: B2

And شَرَقَ الثَّمَرَةَ, (Az, Ḳ,) inf. n. شَرْقٌ, (IAmb, Az, TA,) He plucked the fruit: (Az, Ḳ, TA:) or cut it. (IAmb, Az, TA.) One says in crying بَاقِلَّآء [or beans], شَرْقُ الغَدَاةِ طَرِىٌّ The cutting of the morning, fresh! meaning what has been cut, and picked, in the morning. (IAmb, Az, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

شَرِقَ, [aor. ـَ {يَشْرَقُ},] inf. n. شَرَقٌ, It (a place) was, or became, bright by reason of the sun's shining upon it; as alsoاشرق↓; (M, TA;) [whence,]وَأَشْرَقَتِ↓ ٱلْأَرْضُ بِنُورِ رَبِّهَا occurs in the Ḳur [xxxix. 69 as meaning And the earth shall shine with the light of its Lord]: (M:) [in other instances,] أَشْرَقَتِ الأَرْضُ means The earth was, or became, bright with the sunshine. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C2

[Hence, perhaps, or, though not immediately, from what here next follows, some other applications of this verb, to denote redness.]

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C3

شَرِقَ بِرِيقِهِ, (Ṣ, M, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and بِالمَآءِ, and the like, (M,) aor. ـَ {يَشْرَقُ}, (Mṣb,) inf. n. شَرَقٌ, (M, Mṣb,) He (a man, M, Mṣb) was, or became, choked with his spittle, (Ṣ, M, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and with water,, &c. (M.) [And جَرِضَ and غَصَّ and شَجِىَ are sometimes used in the same sense in relation to spittle, &c.]

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C4

[Hence,] شَرِقَ الجُرْحُ بِالدَّمِThe wound became [choked or] filled with blood. (Mṣb.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C5

And شَرِقَ المَوْضِعُ بِأَهْلِهِThe place became [choked or] filled and straitened by its occupants. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C6

And شَرِقَ الجَسَدُ بِالطِّيبِ[The body became choked in its pores with perfume]. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C7

[And شَرِقَ الثَّوْبُ بِالجَادِىِّThe garment, or piece of cloth, became glutted, or saturated, with the dye of saffron: see the part. n. شَرِقٌ.]

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C8

And شَرِقَتْ عَيْنُهُHis eye became red [being surcharged with blood]; as alsoاِشْرَوْرَقَتٌ↓: (M, TA:) and so شَرِقَ الدَّمُ فِى عَيْنِهِ: (Ḳ, TA:) or this last signifies the blood appeared in his eye: (M:) and شَرِقَتْ بِالدَّمِ it (the eye) had the blood apparent in it, [as though it were choked therewith,] without its running from it. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C9

And شَرِقَ لَوْنُهُ, inf. n. شَرَقٌ, † His colour, or complexion, became red, by reason of shame, or shame and confusion. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C10

And [hence, app.,] شَرِقَ الشَّىْءُ, inf. n. as above, † The thing became intensely red, with blood, or with a beautiful red colour. (M, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C11

And also † The thing became mixed, commingled, or blended. (M, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C12

شَرِقَتِ الشَّمْسُ, inf. n. as above, means ‡ The sun had a duskiness blended with it, and it [app. the duskiness] then became little: (TA:) or it was near to setting: (M, Ḳ:) or became feeble in its light; (O, Ḳ;) app. from شَرِقٌ applied to flesh-meat as meaning “red, having no grease, or gravy,” and applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, as meaning “red, that has become glutted, or saturated, (شَرِقَ,) with dye;” because its colour, in the last part of the day, when it is setting, becomes red. (O.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Signification: C13

The phrase يُؤَخِّرُونَ الصَّلَاةَ إِلَى شَرَقِ المَوْتَى, (Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ, [in the CK, erroneously, شَرْقِ,]) occurring in a trad., (Ṣ, M, O,) in a saying of the Prophet, (O, Ḳ,) is expl. as meaning Who postpone, or defer, the prayer until there remains not, (Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ,) of the sun, (Ṣ,) or of the day, (M, O, Ḳ,) save as much as remains (Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ) of the life, (Ṣ,) or of the breath, (M, O, Ḳ, [but in the CK, نَفْسِ is put in the place of نَفَسِ,]) of the dying who is choked with his spittle: (Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ:) or the meaning is, until the sun is [but just] above the walls, and [diffusing its feeble light] among the graves (M, O, Ḳ *) as though it were a great expanse of water. (M, O.) AZ says, يُكْرَهُ الصَّلَاةُ بِشَرَقِ المَوْتَى means Prayer is disapproved when the sun becomes yellow: and فَعَلْتُ ذٰلِكَ بِشَرَقِ المَوْتَى I did that when the sun was becoming yellow. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 1. Dissociation: D

شَرِقَتِ الشَّاةُ, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـَ {يَشْرَقُ}, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. شَرَقٌ, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) The sheep, or goat, had its ear slit (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) in the manner expl. voce شَرْقَآءُ. (Mṣb, Ḳ.)

2. ⇒ شرّق

شرّق, (TA,) inf. n. تَشْرِيقٌ, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) He took to the direction of the east, or place of sunrise: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA:) he went to the east: he came to the east: (M, TA:) and he directed himself to the east. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

And He prayed at sunrise: and hence, app., He performed the prayer of the festival of the sacrifice: (TA:) or this meaning is from شَرَقَتِ الشَّمْسُ. (Mgh: it is also mentioned in the M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Signification: A3

شرّقت الأَرْضُ, inf. n. as above, The land became affected with drought, and dryness of the earth, being [parched by the sun and] not reached by water: whence the term شَرَاقِىّ↓ [q. v.] in the dial. of Egypt. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Signification: A4

تَشْرِيقٌ also signifies The being beautiful, and [sunny or] shining in face. (Sh, O, Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Dissociation: B

شرّق اللَّحْمَ, (M, Mgh, Mṣb,) inf. n. as above, (Ṣ, M, Mgh, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) He cut the flesh-meat into strips, and dried it in the sun, or spread it in the sun to dry: (Ṣ, M, Mgh, O, Mṣb, Ḳ:) or [simply] he cut it into pieces, and into strips. (Mṣb.) [In like manner also] تَشْرِيقُ الشَّعِيرِ signifies The throwing barley in a sunny place in order that it may dry. (Mgh.) And one says of the [wild] bull, يُشَرِّقُ مَتْنَهُ, meaning He exposes his back to the sun in order that what is upon it of the dew of night may dry: in this sense the phrase is used by Aboo-Dhu-eyb. (M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Signification: B2

أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ is an appellation of The three days next after the day of sacrifice: (Ṣ, M, O, Mṣb:) [i. e. the eleventh and twelfth and thirteenth days of Dhu-l-Hijjeh:] these days were so called because the flesh of the victims was therein cut into strips, and dried in the sun, or spread in the sun to dry: (Ṣ, M, Mgh, O, Mṣb, Ḳ:*) or because the victims were not sacrificed until the sun rose: (IAạr, Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) or from the prayer of the day of sacrifice, which they follow: (Mgh:) or because they used to say, [on that day,] (Ṣ, M, O,) in the Time of Ignorance, (M,) أَشْرِقْ↓ ثَبِيرْ كَيْمَا نُغِيرْ, (Ṣ, M, O,) which means Enter thou upon the time of sunrise, Thebeer, (addressing one of the mountains of Mekkeh, M,* Mgh,) that we may push, or press, on, or forward, (M, Mgh, Mṣb,) to return from Minè: (M: [see also 4 in art. غور:]) Aboo-Ḥaneefeh used to hold that التَّشْرِيق means التَّكْبِير [i. e. the saying اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرْ]; but none beside him has held this opinion. (TA.) It is said in a trad. that the days thus called are days of eating and drinking, and of celebrating the praises of God. (O.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Signification: B3

شرّق الثَّوْبَHe made [or dyed] the garment, or piece of cloth, yellow: (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O:) [or he dyed it red: (see the pass. part. n., below:)] or تَشْرِيقٌ signifies the dyeing with saffron, (M, L,) so that the thing dyed is saturated, (L,) or not so that the thing is saturated: (so in a copy of the M:) it is not with safflower. (M, L. [See also 4, last signification.])

Root: شرق - Entry: 2. Dissociation: C

شرّق الَحْوَض is sometimes said for صَرَّجَهُ, meaning He plastered the watering-trough, or tank, with شَارُوق [q. v.], or صَارُوج. (M in art. صرج.)

4. ⇒ اشرق

اشرق: see 1, in six places. One says also, اشرق وَجْهُهُ, (Ṣ,) and لَوْنُهُ, (M,) His face, (Ṣ,) and his colour, or complexion, (M,) shone, (Ṣ, M,) and was bright, with beauty. (Ṣ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

Some allow its being made trans.; [meaning It caused, or made, to shine;] as in the saying,

* ثَلَاثَةٌ تُشْرَقُ الدُّنْيَا بِبَهْجَتِهَا *
* شَمْسُ الضُّحَى وَأَبُو إِسْحَاقَ والقَمَرُ *

[There are three things, with the beauty of which the world is made to shine; the sun of the bright early morning, and Aboo-Is-ḥáḳ, and the moon]: but there is no proof in this, because [the right reading may be تُشْرِقُ, and so] الدنيا may be an agent; therefore the making the verb trans. [in this sense] is said to be post-classical, though it is mentioned by the author of the Ksh. (MF, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 4. Signification: A3

It signifies also He entered upon the time of sunrise: (Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ:) similarly to أَفْجَرَ, and أَصْبَحَ, and أَظْهَرَ. (TA.) See 2.

Root: شرق - Entry: 4. Dissociation: B

اشرق عَدُوَّهُ He caused his enemy to become choked [with his spittle, or with water, or the like: see 1]. (O, Ḳ.) And أَشْرَقْتُ فُلَانًا بِرِيقِهِ[I choked the utterance, or impeded the action, of such a one;] I did not allow such a one to say, or to do, a thing. (Z, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 4. Signification: B2

اشرق الثَّوْبَ بِالصِّبْغِ, (Moḥeeṭ, A, O,) or فِى الصِّبْغِ, (Ḳ,)He exceeded the usual degree in dyeing the garment, or piece of cloth; [saturated it with dye;] or dyed it thoroughly. (Ḳ, TA. [See also 2, last signification but one.])

5. ⇒ تشرّق

تشرّق He sat in a sunny place (Ṣ, O, Ḳ) [at any season, (see مَشْرُقَةٌ,) or particularly] in winter. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: 5. Signification: A2

And تشرّقوا They looked through the مِشْرِيق of the door, i. e. the chink thereof into which the light of the rising sun falls. (O.)

7. ⇒ انشرق

انشرقت القَوْسُ The bow split. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ.)

12. ⇒ اشرورق

اِشْرَوْرَقَتْ عَيْنُهُ: see 1, latter half.

Root: شرق - Entry: 12. Signification: A2

اِشْرَوْرَقَ بِالدَّمْعِHe became drowned in tears. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ, TA.)


شَرْقٌ [an inf. n.: see 1, first sentence.]

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A2

[Also] The sun; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) and soشَرَقٌ↓: (Ḳ, and thus in one of my copies of the Ṣ in the place of the former:) [or] شَرْقَةٌ↓ has this signification: (M, Mṣb:) and شَرْقٌ signifies the rising sun; (M, TA;) as some say; (M;) thus accord. to AA and IAạr; (TA;) and soشَرَقٌ↓, (M, Mṣb,) andشَرْقَةٌ↓, andشَرِقَةٌ↓, (M, Ḳ,) andشَرَقَةٌ↓, (TA,) andشَارِقٌ↓, (Ṣ,* M, Ḳ,) andشَرِيقٌ↓: (M, Ḳ:) one says, طَلَعَتِ الشَّرْقُ The sun rose; (Ṣ, M, O; in one of my copies of the Ṣالشَّرَقُ↓;) but not غَرَبَتِ الشَّرْقُ: (M:) andآتِيكَ كُلَّ شَارِقٍ↓ I will come to thee every day that the sun rises: or, as some say, شَارِقٌ signifies the upper limb (قَرْن) of the sun: (M:) and one says, لَا آتِيكَ مَا ذَرَّ شَارِقٌ [I will not come to thee as long as a sun, or the upper limb of a sun, rises, or begins to rise]. (Ṣ, M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A3

See also مَشْرِقٌ, in three places.

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A4

Also A place where the sun shines (حَيْثُ تُشْرِقُ الشَّمْسُ). (Ḳ.) See مَشْرُقَةٌ.

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A5

The warmth of the sun. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A6

The light that enters from the chink of a door; (IAạr, Th, Ḳ;) as alsoشِرْقٌ↓. (Ḳ.) In a trad. of I’Ab, (TA,) it is said of a gate in Heaven, called المِشْرِيقُ↓ [q. v.], قَدْ رُدَّ حَتَّى مَا بَقِىَ إِلَّا شَرْقُهُ (O, Ḳ, TA) i. e. It had been closed so that there remained not save its light entering from the chink thereof: so says I’Ab. (O, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Signification: A7

And A chink, or fissure. (Ḳ, TA.) One says, مَا دَخَلَ شَرْقَ فَمِى شَىْءٌ Nothing entered the chink of my mouth. (Z, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقٌ Dissociation: B

Also A certain bird, (Sh, M, Ḳ,) one of the birds of prey, (M,) between the kite and the hawk, or falcon, (Sh, Ḳ,) or between the kite and the [species of falcon called] شَاهِين [q. v.]: (O:) pl. شُرُوقٌ. (M.)



Root: شرق - Entry: شَرَقٌ Signification: A2

[And also a subst.]: see شَرْقٌ, in three places.

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرَقٌ Signification: A3

Also A thing [such as spittle and the like (see شَرِقَ)] obstructing, or choking, the throat, or fauces. (Ṣ, and Ḥar p. 477.)


شَرِقٌ A place bright by reason of the sun's shining upon it; as alsoمُشْرِقٌ↓. (M, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A2

A man choked with his spittle, or with water, or the like. (M, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A3

† A plant, or herbage, having plentiful irrigation; or flourishing and fresh, or juicy, by reason of plentiful irrigation; syn. رَيَّانُ. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A4

† A garment, or piece of cloth, red; that is glutted, or saturated, [so I render اَلَّذِى شَرِقَ,] with dye: (O:) and شَرِقٌ بِالجَادِىِّ applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, [app. signifies † glutted, or saturated, with the dye of saffron: see also مُشَرَّقٌ, and see 4.] (TA.) One says also صَرِيعٌ شَرِقٌ بِدَمِهِ[Prostrated,] dyed with his blood. (M, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A5

‡ Flesh-meat (Ṣ, M, O, TA) that is red, (M, O, TA,) having no grease, or gravy. (Ṣ, M, O, TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A6

† A thing intensely red, with blood, or with a beautiful red colour. (M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِقٌ Signification: A7

And † A thing mixed, commingled, or blended. (M.)


شَرْقَةٌ: see شَرْقٌ, in two places:

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقَةٌ Signification: A2


شُرْقَةٌAnxiety, grief, or anguish; syn. in Pers. أَنْدُوهْ. (KL.)


شَرَقَةٌ: see شَرْقٌ:

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرَقَةٌ Signification: A2
Root: شرق - Entry: شَرَقَةٌ Dissociation: B

Also A brand with which a sheep, or goat, such as is termed شَرْقَآء, is marked. (O, Ḳ.)


شَرِقَةٌ: see شَرْقٌ.


شَاةٌ شَرْقَآءُ A sheep, or goat, having its ear slit (Ṣ, Mgh, O, Ḳ) lengthwise, (Ḳ,) without its being separated: (TA:) or having the ear slit in two, (Aṣ, Mṣb, TA,) as though it were a زَنَمَة [q. v.]: (Aṣ, TA:) or شَرْقَآءُ applied to an ear signifies cut at its extremities, without having anything thereof separated: and applied to a she-goat (مَعْزَة), having its ear slit lengthwise, without its being separated: and, as some say, applied to a شاة, having the inner part of its ear slit on one side with a separating slitting, the middle of its ear being left sound: or, accord. to Aboo-ʼAlee in the “Tedhkireh,” شَرْقَآءُ signifies having its ears slit with two slits passing through, so as to become three distinct pieces. (M.)


شَرْقِىٌّ [Of, or relating to, the east, or place of sunrise; eastern, or oriental].

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقِىٌّ Signification: A2

لَا شَرْقِيَّةِ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ, (Ḳ, TA,) in the Ḳur [xxiv. 35], (TA,) means Not such that the sun shines upon it at its rising only (Fr, Ḳ, TA) nor at its setting only, (Fr, TA,) but such that the sun lights upon it morning and evening: (Fr, Ḳ, TA:) or, accord. to El-Ḥasan, it means not of the trees of the people of the present world, but of the trees of the people of Paradise: Az, however, says that the former explanation is more fit and more commonly receive. (TA.) And مَكَانٌ شَرْقِىٌّ signifies A place, of the earth, or ground, in, or upon, which the sun rises, or shines. (TA.) See also شَارِقٌ [and شَرِقٌ and مَشْرُقَةٌ].

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرْقِىٌّ Dissociation: B

Also A certain red dye. (TA.)


شَرِيقٌ: see شَرْقٌ.

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِيقٌ Signification: A2

Also A boy, or young man, goodly, or beautiful, (Ḳ, TA,) in face: (TA:) pl. شُرُقٌ, (Ḳ, TA, [in the CK شَرْقٌ, but correctly]) with two dammehs. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِيقٌ Signification: A3

And A woman small in the vulva: (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ:) or having her vagina and rectum united by the rending of the separation between them; syn. مُفْضَاةٌ. (M, Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَرِيقٌ Signification: A4

And الشَّرِيقُ is the name of A certain idol. (M, TA.)


[شُرَيْقَة The first part of the rising sun. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.) See also شَارِقٌ, voce شَرْقٌ.]


شَرَاقِىُّ [The lands that are not reached by the water, or inundation, and that are consequently parched by the sun]: a word of the dial. of Egypt. (TA.) See 2.


شَارِقٌ: see شَرْقٌ, in two places.

Root: شرق - Entry: شَارِقٌ Signification: A2

Also The side that is next the east; (O;) the eastern side; (Ḳ;) of a hill, and of a mountain: you say, هٰذَا شَارِقُ الجَبَلِ andشَرْقِيُّهُ↓ [This is the eastern side of the mountain], and هذا غَارِبُ الجَبَلِ and غَرْبِيُّهُ [in the opposite sense]: (TA:) pl. شُرْقٌ. (O, Ḳ.) Hence, in a trad., as some relate it, الشُّرْقُ الجُونُ [meaning † Trials, or conflicts and factions, like portions of the dark night, rising from the direction of the east]: but it is otherwise related, with ف [in the place of the ق: see شَارِفٌ]. (TA.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَارِقٌ Signification: A3

And الشَّارِقُ is the name of A certain idol, of the Time of Ignorance; (IDrd, M, Ḳ;) whence عَبْدُ الشَّارِقِ, a proper name [of a man]. (IDrd, M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: شَارِقٌ Dissociation: B

Also [if not a mistranscription for شَارُوقٌ, q. v., app. Clay, or some other substance or mixture, with which a place is plastered,] مَا يُطَيَّنُ بِهِ مَكَانٌ. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O.)


شَارُوقٌ signifies [The kind of plaster called] كِلْسٌ, [q. v.,] (Kr, M,) i. q. صَارُوجٌ. (Ḳ. [See this last word: and see also the last sentence of the next preceding paragraph above.])


مَشْرَقٌ: see what next follows.


مَشْرِقٌ (Ṣ, M, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) which by rule should be مَشْرَقٌ↓, (M, Mṣb,) but this latter is rarely used, (Mṣb,) The place, (M,) or quarter, or direction, (Mṣb,) of sunrise; (M, Mṣb;) [the east, or orient;] andشَرْقٌ↓ signifies the same; (Ṣ, M, O, Mṣb, Ḳ;) as alsoمِشْرِيقٌ↓: (Seer, M:) the pl. of the first is مَشَارِقُ; and the pl. ofشَرْقٌ↓ is أَشْرَاقٌ. (M.) The dual, المَشْرِقَانِ, means The place of sunrise of summer and that of winter [E. 26 degrees N. and E. 26 degrees Ṣ. in Central Arabia]. (Ṣ, O, TA.) And also The place of sunrise and the place of sunset; [or the east and the west;] (M, O;) the former being thus made predominant because it denotes existence, whereas the latter denotes non-existence: (M:) thus in the saying, (M, O,) in the Ḳur [xliii. 37], (O,) يَا لَيْتَ بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَكَ بُعْدَ ٱلْمَشْرِقَيْنِ [O, would that between me and thee were the distance of the east and the west]. (M, O.) And [in like manner] one says مَا بَيْنَ الشَّرْقَيْنِ↓, meaning What is between the place of sunrise and the place of sunset. (M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: مَشْرِقٌ Signification: A2
Root: شرق - Entry: مَشْرِقٌ Signification: A3

The saying, cited by IAạr,

* قُلْتُ لِسَعْدٍ وَهْوَ بِالأَزْارِقِ *
* عَلَيْكَ بِالمَحْضِ وَبِالمَشَارِقِ *

he explains as meaning [I said to Saạd, he being at El-Azárik (a certain water in the بَادِيَة, TA in art. زرق)], Keep thou [to pure milk, and] to the sun [or the places of sunshine] in winter: but [ISd says,] in my opinion, المَشَارِق is here pl. ofمُشَرَّقٌ↓ applied to flesh-meat that is “[cut into strips and] spread in the sun [to dry];” and this is confirmed by his saying بالمحض, each of them being food. (M.)


مُشْرِقٌ: see شَرِقٌ.

Root: شرق - Entry: مُشْرِقٌ Signification: A2

Also Entering upon the time of sunrise: the pl. occurs in this sense in the Ḳur xv. 73 and xxvi. 60. (TA.)


مَشْرُقَةٌ and مَشْرَقَةٌ (Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ) and مَشْرِقَةٌ, (M, O, Ḳ,) the last mentioned by Ks, (O,) A place of sitting in the sun; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) accord. to some, peculiarly, (TA,) in the winter; (O, Ḳ, TA;) andشَرْقَةٌ↓ andمِشْرَاقٌ↓ (Ṣ, O, Ḳ) andمِشْرِيقٌ↓ (O, Ḳ) signify the same: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) or a place upon which the sun shines; accord. to some, peculiarly, in the winter, (M,) as alsoشَرْقَةٌ↓ andشَرَقَةٌ↓ (M, TA) andشَرْقٌ↓ (M) and مشرق [app.مَشْرِقٌ↓, of the pl. of which, or of one of the first three words in this paragraph, see an ex. in a verse cited voce مَشْرِقٌ if the explanation of that verse by IAạr be correct]. (TA.)


مَشْرِقِىٌّ (Mṣb, TA) and مَشْرَقِىٌّ both [applied to a man] signify Of the east; or eastern: (Mṣb:) pl. مَشَارِقَةٌ. (TA.)


مُشَرَّقٌ A place of prayer; syn. مُصَلًّى; (Aṣ, Ṣ, M, Mgh, Ḳ;) i. e., in an absolute sense: (TA:) or the place of prayer of the festival (العِيد): (TA:) or the place of prayer of the two festivals: and المُشَرَّقُ is said to mean the place of prayer of the festival at Mekkeh: (M, TA:) and the mosque of El-Kheyf. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: مُشَرَّقٌ Signification: A2

And The festival (العِيد) [itself]: because the prayer thereon is after the شَرْقَة, i. e. the [rising] sun. (M.)

Root: شرق - Entry: مُشَرَّقٌ Dissociation: B

Also Flesh-meat [cut into strips and] spread in the sun [to dry: see its verb, 2]. (M.) See also مَشْرِقٌ, last sentence.

Root: شرق - Entry: مُشَرَّقٌ Signification: B2

And A garment, or piece of cloth, [dyed yellow: or with saffron: see, again, its verb: or] dyed with a red colour. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: شرق - Entry: مُشَرَّقٌ Dissociation: C

And a fortress [or a watering-trough or tank (see 2, last sentence,)] plastered with شَارُوق. (O, Ḳ.)


مُشَرِّقٌ Taking to the direction of the east, or place of sunrise: one says, شَتَّانَ بَيْنَ مُشَرِّقٍ وَمُغَرِّبٍ [Different, or widely different, are one going towards the east and one going towards the west]. (Ṣ.)


مِشْرَاقٌ: see مَشْرُقَةٌ.

Root: شرق - Entry: مِشْرَاقٌ Dissociation: B

Also A man accustomed to make his enemy to be choked with his spittle. (Z, TA.)


مِشْرِيقٌ: see مَشْرِقٌ:

Root: شرق - Entry: مِشْرِيقٌ Signification: A2
Root: شرق - Entry: مِشْرِيقٌ Signification: A3

Also, (M, O, Ḳ,) of a door, (M, Ḳ,) A chink into which the light of the rising sun falls. (M,* O, Ḳ.*)

Root: شرق - Entry: مِشْرِيقٌ Signification: A4

And المِشْرِيقُ is the name of A gate for repentance, in Heaven. (I’Ab, O, Ḳ.) See شَرْقٌ.

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited