شعبذ شعث شعذ
1. ⇒ شعث
شَعِثَ, aor. ـَ
شَعَثٌ, (Mṣb,) orتَشَعُّثٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) [or each,] also signifies ‡ The being separated, or disunited, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) and spread out, (Mṣb,) and uncompacted, (TA,) like as is the head of the سِوَاك [or tooth-stick, by its being bruised, or battered, or mangled by blows]. (Mṣb, TA.) You say,تشعّث↓ رَأْسُ السِّوَاكِ, (Mṣb, TA,) and الوَتِدِ, (A, TA,) ‡ The head of the tooth-stick, and of the wooden peg or stake, became disintegrated; or separated, disunited, or uncompacted, in its component parts [or its fibres; or rendered brushy; by its being bruised, or battered, or mangled by blows]. (TA.) Andتشعّثوا↓ ‡ They [meaning men] became separated, disunited, dispersed, or scattered. (A.)
And شَعِثَ, aor. as above, (TḲ,) inf. n. شَعَثٌ, said of the state of affairs, † It was, or became, dissolved, broken up, discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled. (Ṣ,* A,* Ḳ,* TA, TḲ. [In the Ṣ and A and Ḳ, this is placed as the first of all the meanings in this art.; and in the A, it is mentioned among the meanings that are proper, not tropical; but in my opinion it is tropical. See also شَعَثٌ below.])
2. ⇒ شعّث
شَعّثهُ, inf. n. تَشْعِيثٌ, He rendered it (i. e. hair) [shaggy, or dishevelled, and frouzy: (see 1:) or] matte, or compacted, and dusty: or he rendered him [shaggy, or dishevelled, and frouzy, in his hair: or] matted, or compacted, and dusty, in his hair. (TA.)
تَشْعِيثٌ also signifies † The separating, disuniting, dispersing, or scattering, a thing. (Ṣ.) And † The making to separated like as do rivers and branches. (L.) [Hence,] شعّث رَأْسَ السِّوَاكِ ‡ [He made the head of the tooth-stick to become disintegrated; or separated, disunited, or uncompacted, in its component parts or its fibres; or rendered it brushy; by bruising it, battering it, or mangling it by blows: see 1]. (A.)
شعّث السَّنَا ‡ He took of the straggling branches, or sprigs, of the senna, without pulling it up by the roots. (TA, from a trad.)
See also 5, in two places.
شعّث النَّاسُ فِى الطَّعْنِ عَلَيْهِ † The people took, or began, to impugn his character, censure him, reproach him, or speak against him, by befouling his reputation (بِتَشْعِيثِ عِرْضِهِ). (TA, from a trad.)
And شعّث مِنْهُ † He detracted from his reputation; syn. غَضَّ مِنْهُ and تَنَقَّصَهُ: from الشَّعَثُ [as inf. n. of 1 in the last of the senses assigned to it above,] meaning اِنْتِشَارُ الأَمْرِ. (L.)
And also, inf. n. as above, † He repelled from him, or defended him: (Ḳ:) or he defended his reputation. (TA.) [Thus it has two contr. meanings.]
4. ⇒ اشعث
اشعث مِنِّى فُلَانٌ ‡ Such a one was angry by reason of me; syn. غَضِبَ. (A. [But this I have not found elsewhere; and I almost think that اشعث, in my copy of the A, may be a mistranscription for شعّث; and غَضِبَ, for غَضَّ.])
5. ⇒ تشعّث
see 1, in six places.
تَشَعُّثٌ also signifies † The act of taking; syn. أَخْذٌ; (Ḳ, TA;) and soتَشْعِيثٌ↓. (TA.) One says, تشعّثهُ الدَّهْرُ † Time, or fortune, took him. (TA.) And تشعّث مَالَهُ He took his property. (TḲ.)
And † The eating little of food; (Ḳ, TA;) and soتَشْعِيثٌ↓: whence one says, شَعَّثْتُ مِنَ الطَّعَامِ I ate little of the food. (TA.)
شَعْثٌ: see the next paragraph.
شَعَثٌ inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (L, Mṣb, &c.)
[Hence,] لَمَّ ٱللّٰهُ شَعَثَكَ, (Ṣ,) and شَعَثَكُمْ, (A,) i. e. ‡ [May God rectify, or repair, and consolidate, what is discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, of thy, and your, affairs; (see art. لم;) or] consolidate thy, and your, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, state of affairs: (Ṣ, A:* [in the latter expressly distinguished as tropical:]) [and soشَعْثَكَ↓, and شَعْثَكُمْ; perhaps by poetic license; for] Kaab Ibn-Málik El-Anṣáree says,
* لَمَّ ٱلْإِلٰهُ بِهٍ شَعْثًا وَرَمَّ بِهِ ** أُمُورَ أُمَّتِهِ وَالأَمْرُ مُنْتَشِرُ *
† [God rectified and consolidated, by him, a discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, state of affairs, and repaired, by him, the affairs of his people, when the state of affairs was broken up]. (TA.) It is said in a trad., as a form of prayer, أَسْأَلُكَ رَحْمَةً تَلُمُّ بِهَا شَعَثِى i. e. ‡ [I ask of Thee mercy] whereby thou shalt consolidate what is discomposed, deranged, disorganized, disordered, or unsettled, of my state of affairs. (TA.)
شَعِثٌ, applied to hair, Shaggy, or dishevelled: (MA:) [or shaggy, or dishevelled, and frouzy, or altered in odour, in consequence of its being seldom dressed: (see 1, first sentence:)] or defiled with dust, and matted, or compacted, in consequence of its being seldom anointed. (Mṣb.) And in a similar sense applied to the head of a مِسْوَاك [or tooth-stick, meaning † Disintegrated; or separated, disunited, or uncompacted, in its fibres; or rendered brushy; by its being bruised,, &c.; and so as applied to the head of a wooden peg or stake; as indicated by an explanation of its verb]. (MA.) [And in the TA it is applied to a plant, as meaning † Straggling.] See also أَشْعَثُ.
And † A man dirty in the body. (Mṣb.)
شَعَثَةٌ A place of [or in] the hair that is شَعِث [or shaggy, or dishevelled,, &c.]. (TA.)
شَعْثَانُ, and شَعْثَانُ الرَّأْسِ: see what next follows.
أَشْعَثُ, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and أَشْعَثُ الرَّأْسِ, (Ḳ,) andشَعِثٌ↓, (Mgh, TA,) [and شَعِثُ الرَّأْسِ,] andشَعْثَانُ↓, (TA,) and شَعْثَانُ الرَّأْسِ, (Ḳ,) applied to a man, (A, Mgh, Mṣb,) Having the hair shaggy, or dishevelled, and frouzy, or altered in odour, in consequence of its being seldom dressed: (Mgh:) or having the hair defiled with dust, and matted, or compacted, in consequence of its being seldom anointed: (Mṣb:) or having the head dusty, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ, TA,) and the hair plucked, and unanointed: (TA:) fem. of the first شَعْثَآءُ, applied to a woman: (A, Mṣb:) and شُعْثٌ [is its pl., and] is applied to horses, as meaning [having shaggy coats,] not curried: (Ṣ:) or dusty by reason of long journeying. (Ḥam p. 130, [See and ex. from a poet, voce آيَةٌ.]) The first [or each] is also applied to a head, as meaning Dusty, not renovated [by dressing or anointing], nor cleansed. (Mṣb.)
الأَشْعَثُ ‡ The wooden peg or stake: (A, Ḳ, TA:) so in a verse of El-Kumeyt cited in the first paragraph of art. حف: an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant: (TA:) so called because its head is disintegrated; or separated, disunited, or uncompacted, in its component parts [or its fibres; by its being battered by blows]. (A,* TA.)
And † What has dried up of the [barley-grass called] بُهْمَى: (Ḳ, TA:) [or] it is so called when its prickles have dried. (TA.)