Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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شنز شنع شنف

1. ⇒ شنع

شَنُعَ, aor. ـُ {يَشْنُعُ}, inf. n. شَنَاعَةٌ (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ) and شَنَعٌ and شَنَاعٌ, but this last, occurring in a verse, may be used by poetic license for شَنَاعَةٌ, (TA,) It (a thing, Ṣ) was, or became, bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly; (Ṣ,* O,* Mṣb, Ḳ;) syn. قَبُحَ. (Mṣb. [In the Ṣ and O and Ḳ, it is said that شَنَاعَةٌ signifies the same as فَظَاعَةٌ; but the latter seems to import more than the former.])

Root: شنع - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

شَنَعَ فُلَانًا He regarded such a one as bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly, (اِسْتَقْبَحَهُ, Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA, in the CK اسْتَخَفَّهُ,) and reviled, or vilified, him, (شَتَمَهُ, O, Ḳ, TA, and so accord. to one of my copies of the Ṣ,) or loathed him, (سَئِمَهُ,) thus in some of the lexicons, [and accord. to one of my copies of the Ṣ,] but [SM says that] شَتَمَهُ is shown to be the right reading by the saying of IAạr that شَنَعَهُ, inf. n. شَنْعٌ, means سَبَّهُ. (TA.) [See also 10.]

Root: شنع - Entry: 1. Signification: B2

Also, (O, Ḳ,) inf. n. شَنْعٌ, (TA,) He disgraced such a one; put him to shame; or exposed his vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions. (O, Ḳ, TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 1. Signification: B3

And شَنَعَ الخِرْقَةَ He frayed the torn-off piece of cloth so that it became shaggy (شَعَّثَهَا حَتَّى تَنَفَّشَ): (O, Ḳ: [in the CK, in the place of the last word of the explanation, which is for تَتَنَفَّشَ, is put تَنْفَشَّ:]) and in like manner one says of a thing similar to a خِرْقَة. (O.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

شَنِعَ بِهِ: see 10.

2. ⇒ شنّع

التَّشْنِيعُ signifies تَكْثِيرُ الشَّنَاعَةِ [app. meaning The uttering, or saying, much, or often, what is bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly: and the doing what is bad, &c. much or often]: (Ḳ:) or the uttering, or saying, what is bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly, (KL, PṢ,) against any one: (PṢ:) and the representing, or regarding, as bad,, &c.: (KL, PṢ:*) and the committing [an action that is bad,, &c., or] a fault, or vitious action. (KL.) You say, شَنَّعْتُ عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. تَشْنِيعٌ, (Ṣ, O,) I uttered, or said, what was bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly, against him: (PṢ:) from الشَّنَاعَةُ. (O.) And شنّع عَلَيْهِ الأَمْرَ, inf. n. as above, He showed, or declared, to him that the affair was bad, evil,, &c.: (TA: [see also 5:]) or characterized the affair to him as bad, evil,, &c. (Mṣb.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 2. Dissociation: B

And The striving, labouring, or exerting oneself, and being quick, and vigorous, or energetic, syn. التَّشْمِيرُ, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, التَّشْهِيرُ,]) and الاِنْكِمَاشُ, and الجِدُّ, (O, Ḳ,) in pace, or going; (O,* Ḳ;) as alsoالتَّشَنُّعُ↓ (Ḳ) [andالإِشْنَاعُ↓]: thus شنّع is said of a man, meaning He strove, laboured, or exerted himself, and was quick: (TA:) and in like manner شَنَّعَتْ is said of a she-camel, (Aṣ, AʼObeyd, Ṣ, O,) and of camels, (O,) as alsoتشنّعت↓, (Ṣ,* O, expl. in the former by جَدَّتْ only,) andاشنعت↓; (O;) in pace, or going: (Ṣ, O:) orاشنعت↓ said of a she-camel means she was quick, or swift. (Ḳ.)

4. ⇒ اشنع

5. ⇒ تشنّع

تشنّع القَوْمَ He showed, or declared, the case of the people, or party, to be bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly, by reason of their disagreement, and the unsound, or unsettled, state of their opinion. (TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Dissociation: B

And تشنّع He (a man) purposed to do a bad, an evil, an abominable, a foul, or an unseemly, thing or affair. (TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Signification: B2

See also 2, last sentence, in two places.

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Signification: B3

Hence, (IAạr, TA,) He prepared himself for fight: (IAạr, Ḳ, TA:) or, said of a party of men, they prepared themselves for fight: (O:) and accord. to AA, تشنّع لِلشَّرِّ He prepared himself for evil, or mischief. (O, TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Signification: B4

And It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) became rent, or slit. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Dissociation: C

تشنّع الغَارَةَ He spread, or dispersed, the horsemen making a raid, or sudden attack, upon an enemy. (AA, Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Signification: C2

And تشنّع الفَرَسَ He mounted the horse. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 5. Signification: C3

And تشنّع السِّلَاحَ He put on the weapon, or weapons. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ.)

10. ⇒ استشنع

استشنعهُ He reckoned it bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly. (O, TA.) And accord. to Lth, (O, TA,) one says,رَأَى أَمْرًا شَنِعَ↓ بِهِ, meaning استشنعهُ, (O, Ḳ, TA,) i. e. [He saw a thing] which he regarded as bad, evil,, &c. (TA.)

Root: شنع - Entry: 10. Signification: A2

And accord. to him, one says also, قَدِ ٱسْتَشْنَعَ بِفُلَانٍ جَهْلُهُ, (O, TA,) meaning His ignorance has rendered such a one light, inconstant, or unsteady. (TA.)


شَنِعٌ: see شَنِيعٌ.


شُنْعَةٌ the subst. from شَنُعَ; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) [i. e.] Badness, evilness, abominableness, foulness, or unseemliness; syn. قُبْحٌ; (Ḥar p. 196;) as alsoشُنُوعٌ↓: (O, Ḳ:) thus in the saying,فِى فُلَانٍ شُنُوعٌ↓ [In such a one is unseemliness, or ugliness]; as also نَظْرَةٌ and رَدٌّ [or rather رَدَّةٌ]: (TA:) and one says also, فِى وَجْهِهِ شُنْعَةٌ and رَدَّةٌ and نَظْرَةٌ [app. meaning In his face is unseemliness, or ugliness]. (IAạr TA voce شُفْعَةٌ.)

Root: شنع - Entry: شُنْعَةٌ Signification: A2

Also Diabolical, or demoniacal possession; or madness, or insanity. (IAạr, TA.)


شُنُوعٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.


شَنِيعٌ Bad, evil, abominable, foul, or unseemly; (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ;) as alsoشَنِعٌ↓ (O, Ḳ) andأَشْنَعُ↓, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) the last like أَكْبَرُ in the phrase اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ, meaning كَبِيرٌ, accord. to one of the two interpretations of this phrase: (O, TA:) pl. of the first شُنُعٌ. (Mṣb, TA.*) It is applied to a day, in this sense: or as meaning disliked, or hated: (TA:) and so is أَشْنَعُ↓, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) in the former sense, (TA,) or in the latter. (O, Ḳ, TA.) And you say مَنْظَرٌ شَنِيعٌ andمُشَنَّعُ↓ [An aspect that is bad, evil,, &c.] andاِمْرَأَةٌ مُشَنَّعَةٌ↓, meaning قَبِيحَةٌ [i. e. An unseemly, or ugly, woman]. (TA.) And اِسْمٌ شَنِيعٌ [An evil, or abominable, name]: and قَوْمٌ شُنُعُ الأَسَامِى [A people, or party, having evil, or abominable, names]. (A, TA.) Andقِصَّةٌ شَنْعَآءُ↓ [An evil, or abominable, or a foul, story]. (TA.) Andغَيْرَةٌ شَنْعَآءُ↓ Abominable, excessive jealousy: (O, Ḳ, TA:) in [some of] the copies of the Ḳ, erroneously, غبرة. (TA.)


شَنَعْنَعٌ Incongruous, unsound, weak, or faulty, [and therefore unseemly,] in make; (IDrd, O, Ḳ, TA;) as alsoأَشْنَعُ↓ الخَلْقِ; applied to a man: the former is from الشُّنُوعُ: and some say that it signifies tall. (TA.)

أَشْنَعُ / شَنْعَآءُ

أَشْنَعُ; and its fem. شَنْعَآءُ: see شَنِيعٌ, in four places: and see also شَنَعْنَعٌ.


مَشْنَعٌ: see مَشْنَأٌ, in art. شنأ.


مُشَنَّعٌ; and its fem. مُشَنَّعَةٌ: see شَنِيعٌ, in two places.


مَشْنُوعٌ i. q. مَشْهُورٌ [Well, or commonly, known; notorious;, &c.]. (O, L, Ḳ.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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