Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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شيز شيش شيص

4. ⇒ اشيشاشاش

اشاشت النَّخْلَةُ The palm-tree produced dates such as are termed شِيش. (O, Ḳ.)


شِيشٌ andشِيشَآءٌ↓ A sort of dates which do not organize and compact stones; (Fr, O, Ḳ;) or, if they do so, they do not become hard; and when they dry, they become such as are termed حَشَف, not sweet: (O, Ḳ:) dial. vars. of شِيصٌ and شِيصَآءٌ: (Ṣ:) accord. to AḤn, (TA,) of Persian origin. (O, TA.)


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