صدم صدن صدو
صَيْدَنٌ A firm, strong, or compact, building. (M.)
And A firm, strong, or compact, garment, or piece of cloth: (M:) or a [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء that is stout, or strong, or that is thick, or compact, in texture. (Ḳ.)
And A king; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) because of the firmness of his rule, or his state, or condition; as alsoصَيْدَنَانِىٌّ↓ and صَيْدَلَانِىٌّ. (M.)
And A fox; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) as alsoصَيْدَنَانِىٌّ↓: (Ḳ:) or الصَّيْدَنُ is one of the names thereof. (TA.)
And The hyena. (Ḳ.)
Also A species of fly, that makes a buzzing sound over the herbage. (IKh, TA.)
And, as also صَيْدَلٌ, Stones [i. e. pieces of ore] of silver: to which are likened what are termed حِجَارَةٌ العَقَاقِيرِ. (IDrst, TA. [See صَيْدَلٌ; and see also صَيْدَانٌ, below.])
صَيْدَانٌ / صَيْدَانَةٌ
صَيْدَانٌ Pieces of silver, (M, TA,) when struck from the stone [or ore] thereof: (TA:) n. un. with ة
And Stone cooking-pots: (M, TA:) in this sense [likewise] a coll. gen. n.: n. un. with ة
And Small pebbles: (IAạr, M, TA:) or so صَيْدَانُ الحَصَى. (L in art. صيد.)
صَيْدَانَةٌ [as a n. un.: see صَيْدَانٌ, above.]
[Also] Rugged, hard ground, in which is fine stone. (M, TA.)
صَيْدَنَانِىٌّ A certain creeping thing, (دَابَّةٌ, M,) or a small creeping thing, (دُوَيْبَّةٌ, Ṣ, Ḳ,) that makes for itself a habitation in the ground, (Ṣ, M, Ḳ,) within the ground, (M,) and conceals it; (Ṣ, M, Ḳ;) i. e. covers it over; (M;) so says AʼObeyd; (Ṣ;) also called صَيْدَنٌ↓: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) accord. to IKh, a certain small creeping thing (دويبّة) that collects pieces of stick, or wood, from the plants: accord. to IAạr, a certain creeping thing (دَابَّةٌ) having many legs, so many that they cannot be counted, which are short and long. (TA.)
See also صَيْدَنٌ, in two places.
Also i. q. صَيْدَلَانِىٌّ (Ṣ, Mgh, Ḳ, TA) as meaning A seller of medicines, (Mgh,) or of perfumes: so called as being likened to the small creeping thing mentioned above: or from صَيْدَنٌ in a sense expl. above as syn. with صَيْدَلٌ. (TA.)