Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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طسوج طش طشت

1. ⇒ طشّ

طَشَّتِ السَّمَآءُ, (Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ {يَطْشِشُ} and ـُ {يَطْشُشُ}, (O, Ḳ,) inf. n. طَشٌّ, (TḲ,) The sky let fall rain such as is called طَشّ [q. v.]; as alsoاطشّت↓. (Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ.)

Root: طش - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

[Hence,] طَشَّ [as meaning † He sprinkled the moisture from his nose like fine rain] is said of one affected with the malady termed طُشَّة, when he blows his nose. (O.)

Root: طش - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

And طُشَّ, (O, Ḳ,) with damm, (Ḳ,) He (a man) was, or became, affected with the malady termed طُشَّة: (O, Ḳ:) but Az says that the [better] known word is طُشِئَ. (TA.)

4. ⇒ اطشّ


طَشٌّ andطَشِيشٌ↓ Weak [or fine] rain, (Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ,) but exceeding what is termed رَذَاذٌ: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) or the former is less than رَذَاذ: (El-Khaṭṭábee, and Suh in TA art. رذ:) or rain exceeding what is termed رِكٌّ, but less than what is termed قِطْقِطٌ: (TA:) or the first of rain; (L, TA;) next to which is what is termed رَشٌّ: (L:) [but see these other terms for rain: طِشَاشٌ and طُشُوشٌ are pls. of طَشٌّ; both mentioned in the O, though not there said to be pls. of طَشٌّ:] one says, أَصَابَنَا طِشَاشٌ وَرِشَاشٌ [Rains such as are termed طشاش and رشاش fell upon us]. (O.)


طُشَّةٌ andطُشَاشٌ↓, both with damm, A malady like the [rheum termed] زُكَام, (O, Ḳ,) incident to human beings: said by El-Ḳutabee to be termed طُشَّة because when he who is affected with it blows his nose he sprinkles the moisture from it like fine rain (إِذَا ٱسْتَنْثَرَ طَشَّ): but the [better] known word is طُشْأَةٌ (O.) [See also the next paragraph.]


طِشَّة is said in the Ḳ to signify A young child; its author having app. understood a young child to be meant thereby in a trad. respecting the [plant called] حَزَاة, in which it is said, يَشْتَرِيهَا أَكَايِيسُ الصِّبْيَانِ لِلطِّشَّةِ [evidently meaning, Intelligent children purchase it for the malady termed طِشَّة, this word being doubtless either a dial. var. of طُشَّة, or a mistranscription]: that طشّة here denotes children is refuted by another relation of the trad., يَشْرَبُهَا أَكَايِيسُ النِّسَآءِ لِلطُشَّةِ [i. e. intelligent women drink a preparation of it for the طُشَّة]. (TA.)


طَشَاشٌ i. q. رَشَاشٌ [i. e. Such as is sprinkled, or scattered,] (Ḳ, TA) of rain: or such as is weak. (TA.) [Not to be mistaken for the pls. طِشَاشٌ and رِشَاشٌ: see طَشٌّ.]

Root: طش - Entry: طَشَاشٌ Signification: A2

And hence, app., and, if so, tropical, Weakness of sight: whence the prov., الطَّشَاشُ وَلَا العَمَى [Weakness of sight, and not blindness]. (TA.)


طُشَاشٌ: see طُشَّةٌ.


طَشِيشٌ: see طَشٌّ.


أَرْضٌ مَطْشُوشَةٌ Land upon which has fallen rain such as is termed طَشٌّ. (Ṣ, A, O.)

Root: طش - Entry: مَطْشُوشَةٌ Signification: A2

And رَجُلٌ مَطْشُوشٌ A man affected with the malady termed طُشَّة. (TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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