عش عشب عشر
1. ⇒ عشب
عَشِبَ المَوْضِعُ and عَشِبَتِ الأَرْضُ: see 4.
عَشِبَ said of bread, (Yaạḳoob, TA,) It was, or became, dry, (Yaạḳoob, Ḳ, TA.)
And عشب, [so in the TA, app. عَشُبَ,] inf. n. عَشَابَةٌ and عُشُوبَةٌ, said of a man, He became dry, or tough, by reason of leanness. (Yaạḳoob, TA.)
2. ⇒ عشّب
4. ⇒ اعشب
اعشب المَوْضِعُ; andعَشِبَ↓, aor. ـَ
And اعشب القَوْمُ The people, or party, lighted on, or found, عُشْب; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) as alsoاِعْشَوْشَبَ↓ القوم [but probably in an intensive sense]. (Ḳ.) One says to him who is sent to seek for herbage, أَعْشَبْتَ اِنْزِلْ [Thou hast found fresh herbage: alight]. (O.)
سَأَلْتُهُ فَأَعْشَبَنِى [I asked him and] he gave me an old she-camel, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) i. e. what is termed عَشَبَة. (TA.)
5. ⇒ تعشّب
تعشّبت الإِبِلُ The camels fed upon [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] عُشْب; and [accord. to the TA as a distinct meaning] became fat (Ḳ, TA) therefrom; (TA;) as alsoأَعْشَبَت↓ accord. to the Ḳ, but this latter is wrong, being correctly اعتشبت↓, as in the parent-lexicons. (TA.)
8. ⇒ اعتشب
12. ⇒ اعشوشب
اِعْشَوْشَبَتِ الأَرْضُ The land produced abundance, or much, of [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] عُشْب; this verb having an intensive signification, like اخشوشن [q. v.]. (Ṣ, O, TA.) [It is erroneously mentioned in the Ḳ as syn. with أَعْشَبَت.]
عُشْبٌ / عُشْبَةٌ
عُشْبٌ [a coll. gen. n.], n. un. with ة
عُشْبَةُ الدَّارِ [The green herb of the dwelling] means that which grows in the دِمْنَة [or patch of ground which people have blackened by their cooking and where their cattle have staled and dunged] of the dwelling, surrounded by fresh, or green, herbs, in a white [or clean] part of the ground, and good soil: and hence, ‡ The هَجِينَة [or woman whose father is a free man, or an Arab, and her mother a slave]; an appellation like خَضْرَآءُ الوَضَرِ [app. lit. meaning “The green herb that grows in the place where the water with which skins have been washed, or the like, is poured out:” but IbrD thinks that it may be a mistranscription for خَضْرَآءُ الدِّمَنِ]. (TA.)
[عُشْبُ الذِّئْبِ is Eyptian toad-flax; antirrhinum Aegyptiacum; the name of which is written by Forskål (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. lxviii. and 112,) عشب الديب and Asjib ed dîb and Aeschib ed dîb.]
عِيَالٌ عَشَبٌ A family, or household, among whom is none little, or young. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ.)
عَشِبٌ; fem. عَشِبَةٌ: for the latter see عَاشِبٌ.
عَشَبَةٌ An old she-camel (نَابٌ كَبِيرَةٌ [mistranslated by Golius and Freytag “dens exertus magnus”]); (Ṣ, O, Ḳ; [see 4;]) as also عَشَمَةٌ. (Ṣ, O.) And An old ewe, advanced in age. (Ḳ.) Also An old man bent with age. (Ḳ.) A man, and an old woman, bent, and slender, and advanced in age: (Lḥ, L, TA:) or a decrepit old man and old woman. (Ṣ, O.) A short man; (O, Ḳ;) as alsoعَشِيبٌ↓ (Ḳ.) And A woman short, and ugly, or despicable; (O, Ḳ, TA;) and so applied to a man; (TA;) or so عَشَبٌ↓ applied to a man. (O.) And A man dry, or tough, by reason of leanness. (Yaạḳoob, TA.)
عَشِيبٌ; and its fem. عَشِيبَةٌ: see عَاشِبٌ, in three places.
عَشَابَةٌ The state of having, or producing, [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] عُشْب, (Ṣ, O,) or much thereof. (Ḳ.)
عَاشِبٌ (Ṣ, A, O) andمُعْشِبٌ↓, (A,) and مَوْضِعٌ عَاشِبٌ (Mṣb) andمَكَانٌ عَشِيبٌ↓, (Ṣ, O,) and رَوْضٌ عَاشِبٌ andمُعْشِبٌ↓, (TA,) and أَرْضٌ عَاشِبَةٌ (Mṣb, Ḳ) andعَشِيبَةٌ↓ (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ) andعَشِبَةٌ↓ (Mṣb, Ḳ) andمُعْشِبَةٌ↓, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) but some do not sayعَشِيبٌ↓, (Mṣb,) [A country, and a place, and meadows, and land,] having, or producing, [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] عُشْب, (Ṣ, A, O, Mṣb,) or much thereof. (Ḳ. [See also مِعْشَابٌ.])
And بَعِيرٌ عَاشِبٌ A camel feeding upon عُشْب. (Ṣ, O.)
تَعَاشِيبُ Scanty, and scattered, or disunited, [herbs, or herbage, of the kind termed] عُشْب: a word [of an extr. form (see تَبَاشِيرُ) and] having no sing.: (Ṣ, O:) or scattered, or disunited, portions thereof: (AḤn, Ḳ, TA:) or different kinds of herbage: in the saying of a seeker of herbage, عُشْبٌ وَتَعَاشِيبْ وَكَمْأَةٌ شِيبْ تُثِيرُهَا بِأَخْفَافِهَا النِّيبْ, it means scattered, or disunited, عُشْب: (AḤn, TA:) or عُشْبٌ not yet mature. (Th, TA.) [See عُشْبٌ as opposed thereto.]
مُعْشِبٌ / مُعْشِبَةٌ
مُعْشِبٌ and its fem. مُعْشِبَةٌ: see عَاشِبٌ, in three places.
أَرْضٌ مِعْشَابٌ, and أَرَضُونَ مَعَاشِيبُ, [Land, and lands,] having, or producing, much herbage [of the kind termed عُشْب]: (Ḳ,* TA:) معاشيب is pl. of معشاب, or it has no proper sing. (TA.) [See also عَاشِبٌ.]