Q. 1. ⇒ عرصف
عَرْصَفَهُ He pulled it, (Lth, O, L, Ḳ,) namely, a thing, (O,) so that he slit it, or divided it lengthwise. (Lth, O, Ḳ.)
عَرْصَفٌ A certain plant, called in ancient Greek كَمَافِيطُوس [i. e. χαμαίπιτυς, the chamæpitys, or ground-pine], (Ḳ, TA,) by which name it is commonly known to the physicians, who say, (TA,) when a mixture of some of its leaves with hydromel is drunk for forty days, it cures the sciatica; and when for seven days, it cures the jaundice. (Ḳ, TA.)
عِرْصَافٌ One of the عَرَاصِيف of the [camel's saddle called] رَحْل [or قَتَب], (Ṣ, O,) which are four pegs, or pins of wood, that unite, or conjoin, the heads of [the curved pieces of wood called] the أَحْنَآء of the قَتَب; in the head of each حِنْو are two pegs, or pins of wood, bound with [the sinews called] عَقَب, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) or with [pieces of] the skins of camels; and in it [or appertaining to the same part] are the ظَلِفَات; (Ṣ, O;) and they are also called the عَصَافِير, which is formed from عراصيف by transposition: (Ṣ and O in art. عصفر:) or, (Ḳ,) accord. to Aṣ, (O,) they are the two pieces of wood (O, Ḳ) that bind, (O,) or are bound, (Ḳ,) between [the upright piece of wood called] the وَاسِط [in the fore part] of the رَحْل and its آخِرَة [which is in its hinder part]; on the right and left. (O, Ḳ.)
The عِرْصَاف of the [kind of saddle called] إِكَاف, also called its عُرْصُوف↓ and its عُصْفُور, is A piece of wood bound between [or conjoining] the anterior [curved pieces called] حِنْوَانِ. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ.)
And, [so in the O, but in the Ḳ “or,”] accord. to Az, (O,) عِرْصَافٌ signifies A whip made of [the sinews called] عَقَب; (O, Ḳ;) as also عِرْفَاصٌ. (O.) And, (O, Ḳ,) accord. to Lth, (O,) Elongated عَقَب; (O, Ḳ;) mostly applied to the عَقَب of the two sides and of the two elongated portions of flesh between which is the backbone: (O:) or, (Ḳ.) accord. to IDrd, as also عِرْفَاصٌ, (O, TA,) a fascicle (خُصْلَة) of عَقَب and of thongs, (O, TA,) upon a قُبَّة [q. v.], with which the [women's camel-vehicle called] هَوْدَج is bound, or made fast. (TA.)
عُرْصُوفٌ: see عِرْصَافٌ.
العُرْصُوفَانِ signifies Two sticks (عُودَانِ) inserted in the دَجْرَانِ of the plough, (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ,) forking; the دُجْر being the piece of wood upon which is bound the iron [or share] of the plough. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O.)
The عَرَاصِيف of the hump of the camel are The extremities of the سَنَاسِن [pl. of سِنْسِنٌ, q. v.,] of his back; (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ;) sing. عُرْصُوفٌ: (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O:) or what are upon the سَنَاسِن; and also called the عَصَافِير; and ISd says, I think that العَرَافِيصُ is a dial. var. thereof. (L, TA.)
The عَرَاصِيف of the خُرْطُوم [or nose, or fore part of the nose, &c.,] are Certain bending bones in the [part called] خَيْشُوم [q. v.]. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ.)