Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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قنص قنط قنطر

1. ⇒ قنط

قَنَطَ, aor. ـِ {يَقْنِطُ}; and قَنَطَ, aor. ـُ {يَقْنُطُ}; and قَنِطَ, aor. ـَ {يَقْنَطُ}; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) and قَنُطَ, aor. ـُ {يَقْنُطُ}; (Ḳ;) and قَنَطَ, aor. ـَ {يَقْنَطُ}; and قَنِطَ, aor. ـِ {يَقْنِطُ}; each of the last two being a mixture of two dialects; (Akh, Ṣ, Ḳ;) inf. n. قُنُوطٌ, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) which is of the first and second, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) and of the fourth and sixth also; (Ḳ; [but this is doubtful;]) and قَنَطٌ, which is of the third; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) and قَنَاطَةٌ, which is also of the third, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or [more probably, agreeably with analogy,] of the fourth; (TḲ;) He despaired (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) of (مِنْ) the mercy of God, (Mṣb,) or, as in the T, of good: or, as some say, he despaired most vehemently of a thing. (TA.) It is said in the Ḳur, [xv. 56,] accord. to different readings, وَمَنْ يَقْنِطُ مِنْ رَحْمَةِ رَبِّهِ إِلَّا الضَّالُّونَ and يَقْنُطُ (Bḍ, TA) and يَقْنَطُ (Bḍ) [And who despaireth of the mercy of his Lord except those who are in error?]

Root: قنط - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

قَنْطٌ is also syn. with مَنْعٌ. (Ḳ.) You say, قَنَطَ مَآءَهُ عَنَّا He withheld, kept, or debarred, his water from us. (Ṣgh on the authority of Ibn-ʼAbbád.)

2. ⇒ قنّط

قنّطهُ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. تَقْنِيطٌ, (Ḳ,) He made him to despair; (Mṣb, Ḳ;) as alsoاقنطهُ↓. (Mṣb.) You say, شَرُّ النَّاسِ الَّذِينَ يُقَنِّطُونَ النَّاسَ مِنْ رَحْمَةِ ٱللّٰهِ The worst of men are those who make men to despair of the mercy of God. (TA.)

4. ⇒ اقنط


قَنِطٌ: see what follows.


قَنُوطٌ: see what follows.


قَانِطٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb) andقَنِطٌ↓ (Ṣ, TA) andقَنُوطٌ↓, (Mṣb, TA,) but the last has an intensive signification, (Bḍ, xli. 49,) Despairing: (Ṣ, Mṣb, TA:) pl. of the first with ون; (Ḳur xv. 55, accord. to the prevailing reading;) and so of the second. (Ṣ, TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited