Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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قوق قول قولنج

1. ⇒ قولقال

قَالَ. The objective complement of قال, meaning He said, or what is termed مَقُولُ القَوْلِ, must be a complete proposition, or a word signifying at least one complete proposition, as كَلَامًا; or a word signifying a command or the like; or a word significant of a sound, termed إِسْمُ صَوْتٍ: it may be a verb; but cannot be an inf. n., as عِبَادَةٌ. (Gr.) [This is what is meant where] it is said in the Keshsháf, العِبَادَةُ لا تُقَالُ. (Kull, p. 327.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

قَالَ لَهُ signifies خَاطَبَ له: قال عَنْهُ, رَوَى عنه: قال عَلَيْهِ, اِفْتَرَى عليه: قال بِهِ, حَكَمَ به and قال فيه, اِجْتَهَدَ فِيهِ. (Marg. note in Additions to a copy of the KT.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

قَالَ فِيهِ فَمَا اتَّرَكَ, i. e. اِجْتَهَدَ فِيهِ: see تَرَكَ.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A4

قَالَ عَلَيْهِ, aor. ـُ {يَقْوُلُ}, He lied, or said what was false, against him. (TA in art. تلو.) See تَقَوَّلَ.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A5

قَالَ فِيهِ and عَنْهُ He said of him, or it, such a thing.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A6

قَالَ بِكَذَا He asserted his belief in such a thing, as a doctrine or the like: a well-known meaning.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A7

قَالَتِ العَيْنَانِ The eyes made a sign [as though saying...]. (TA.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A8

قَالَ بِرَأْسِهِ He made a sign with his head: (TA:) or a motion. (Ḥam, p. 242.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A9

قَالَ بِيَدِهِ He took [with his hand]. (TA.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A10

قَالَ بِرِجْلِهِ He walked, or struck [with his leg, or foot]. (TA.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A11

قَالَ بِثَوْبِهِ He raised his garment. (TA.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A12

قَالَ بِالمَآءِ عَلَى يَدِهِ He poured the water on his arm or hand. (TA.)

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A13

قَالَ فِيهِ He spoke against him; vituperated him.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A14

قَالَ شِعْرًا lit., He said, or spoke, or put forth, or uttered, or gave utterance to, or recited, poetry; he spoke in verse; he poetized, or versified.

Root: قول - Entry: 1. Signification: A15

قَالَ He made a sign; syn. أَوْمَأَ. (Ḥam, p. 601, where see other meanings: see also p. 242 of the same: and see Mgh.) قَالَ بِيَدِهِ [He made a sign with his hand, meaning to say...]. (A trad. cited voce حَطَّ; and another voce حَرَّفَ.) Also, He struck his hand upon a thing. (Mgh.) See an ex. voce. أَشْرَبَ.

5. ⇒ تقوّل

تَقَوَّلَ عَلَيْهِ He lied against him. (Ḥar, p. 256.)

8. ⇒ اقتولاقتال

اِقْتَالَ عَلَيْهِ, (Ṣ,) or عَلَيْهِمْ, (Ḳ,) i. q. تَحَكَّمَ, (Ṣ,) or اِحْتَكَمَ. (Ḳ.) See مُؤْتَالٌ.


قَوْلٌ A saying; something said: and speech, or diction.

Root: قول - Entry: قَوْلٌ Signification: A2

صَعُبَ عَلَيْهِ القَوْلُ [Diction, or speech, was, or became, difficult to him]. (Ḳ in art. جبل.)


قَيْلٌ andمِقْوَلٌ↓: see زَعِيمٌ.


قِيلٌ: see exs. voce أَصْبَحَ and voce صِرَّى.

Root: قول - Entry: قِيلٌ Signification: A2

قِيلَةٌ [A saying]. (M, art. أبد.)


قَالَةٌ: see فُوَّهَةٌ, near the end.


قَوَّالٌ, &c., Good in speech: or loquacious; or copious in speech; chaste, or perspicuous, in speech; and eloquent. (Ḳ.)

Root: قول - Entry: قَوَّالٌ Signification: A2

إِبْنُ أَقْوَالٍ The man who talks much. (TA in art. بنى.)


مَقُولُ القَوْلِ The thing said: as كَذَا in the phrases قَالَ كَذَا and يُقَالُ كَذَا. See قَالَ.


مِقْوَلٌ: see قَيْلٌ.


المَقُولَاتُ العَشْرُ, in logic, The Ten Predicaments, or Categories; namely, الجَوْهَرُ Substance, الكَمُّ Quantity, الكَيْفُ Quality, الإِضَافَةُ Relation, الأَيْنُ Place, or where, المَتَى Time, or when, الوَضْعُ Collocation, or posture, المِلْكُ Possession, or having, الفِعْلُ Action, or doing, and الإِنْفِعَالُ Passion, or suffering.

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