Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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كت كتأ كتب

Q. Q. 1. ⇒ كَنْتَأَتِ

كَنْتَأَتِ اللِّحْيَةُ: see كَثَأَت.


كَتْأَةٌ A plant resembling the جِرْجِيرٌ, [or rocket], (Ḳ,) which is cooked and eaten. (TA.) But AM says it is كَثْأَةٌ, with ث; and it is also called نَهْقٌ, accord. to Aboo-Málik and others. (TA.)


كِنْتَأْوُ (but accord. to some, this is from كنت) A strong rope. (Ḳ.) [But see art. كدأ.]

Root: كتأ - Entry: كِنْتَأْوُ Signification: A2

Also, A man having a large and thick, or a handsome, beard. (Ḳ.) Said to be a dial. form of كِنْثَأْوٌ. (TA.)

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