1. ⇒ كرج
كَرِجَ, aor. ـَ
كَرَجَ It (a thing) became corrupt. (IAạr, L.)
تكرّج↓ It (wheat, or food, طَعَام,) became spoiled, and overspread with greenness. (L.)
2. ⇒ كرّج
4. ⇒ اكرج
5. ⇒ تكرّج
كُرَّجٌ A مُهْر [lit. a horse-colt, but app. meaning a mock colt, or hobby horse,] (Ḳ,) with which one plays: (TA:) [a thing] made (يُتَّخَذُ) like a horse-colt, upon which one plays: (Lth:) an arabicized word, from كُرَّهْ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) which is the name of it in Persian. (Ṣ.) [Jereer, in two verses, mentions the جَلَاجِل, or little round bells, of a كرّج.]
خُبْزٌ كَارِجٌ i. q. مُكَرَّجٌ [Bread that is spoiled, and overspread with greenness; mouldy bread]. (IAạr, L.)