Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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كلحب كلد كلس

5. ⇒ تكلّد

تكلّد He (a man) was, or became, thick and firm in flesh. (L.)

Root: كلد - Entry: 5. Signification: A2

R. Q. 3. ⇒ اكلندد

إِكْلَنْدَدَ: see Q. Q. 3.

Q. Q. 3. ⇒ إِكْلَنْدَى

إِكْلَنْدَى He (a man, Lḥ, and a camel, Ṣ, L) was, or became, thick, big, gross, or coarse, and strong; (Lḥ, Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) like إِعْلَنْدَى; (Ṣ, L;) as alsoإِكْلَنْدَدَ↓ (Lḥ, L) andتَكَلَّدَ↓: (Ḳ:) he, or it, was, or became, hard; (Ḳ;) and strong; as alsoإِكْلَنْدَدَ↓. (TA.)

كَلَدٌ / كَلَدَةٌ

كَلَدٌ [a coll. gen. n.] Rugged lands: (Mṣb, Ḳ:) n. un. with ة {كَلَدَةٌ}: (Mṣb, Ḳ:) or [hills such as are termed] إِكَام: n. un. with ة {كَلَدَةٌ}: andكَلَنْدًى↓ also signifies a hill of this kind: (Ḳ:) also, a hard place without pebbles; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) as also كَلَدَةٌ andكَلَنْدًى↓: (TA:) or the last two words signify a piece of rugged ground or land. (Ṣ.) The Arabs use the expression ضَبُّ كَلَدَةٍ, because the ضبّ burrows only in hard ground. (L.)

Root: كلد - Entry: كَلَدٌ Signification: A2

أَبُو كَلَدَةٍ [in some copies of the Ḳ, كَلْدَةٍ] a surname of The male hyena. (L, Ḳ.)


كَلَنْدًى: see كَلَدٌ.


مُكْلَنْدٍ Strong, and thick, big, gross, or coarse, as alsoمُكْلَنْدِدٌ↓: (Ḳ:) and the latter, hard: (Ṣ, L:) and strong in make, and big: and, the former, accord. to some, strong; applied in a general manner: or a hard and strong camel; (L;) as also the latter. (TA.)


مُكْلَنْدِدٌ: see مُكْلَنْدٍ.

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