كيأ / كوأ
1. ⇒ كيأ
كَآءَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ, first pers. كِئْتُ, aor. يَكِىْءُ, inf. n. كَىْءٌ and كَيْئَةٌ; (Ṣ, Ḳ;*) and كَآءَ عَنْهُ, first pers. كُؤْتُ, aor. يَكُوْءُ, inf. n. كَوْءٌ and كَآءٌ and كَأْوٌ, this last formed by transposition; (Ḳ;) He abstained from the thing through timidity: (TA:) or he dreaded the thing, and abstained from it through cowardice: (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) or his eye reverted from the thing, and he desired it not. (TA.)
كَاءَ عَنْهُ He retired from him through fear. (TA.) [Accord. to the TA, it seems that أَكَآءَهُ↓ also has this signification.]
4. ⇒ اكيأ
اكاءه, inf. n. إِكَآءٌ and إِكَآءَةٌ, He came upon him suddenly, when he (the latter) was about to do a thing, and caused him to abstain from it through fear or cowardice. (Ḳ, TA.) But some say that this is correctly أَكَأَهُ; like كَتَبَ, inf. n. كِتَابٌ and كِتَابَةٌ. (TA, art. أَكأ.)
كَآءٌ and كَآءَةٌ andكَىْءٌ↓ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and كَيْئَةٌ (Ḳ) A weak-hearted, cowardly, man: (Ḳ, TA:) like كَعٌّ and كَاعٌّ. (Ṣ.)
كَىْءٌ / كَيْئَةٌ
كَىْءٌ and كَيْئَةٌ: see كَآءٌ.