مزر مزق مزن
2. ⇒ مزّق
مَزَّقَ † He scattered, or dispersed. (Ḳur, xxxiv, 18; and Expos. of the Jeláleyn.)
[مَزَّقَ, used tropically, may sometimes be rendered † He mangled, rent much, or dissundered; but more generally, † he, or it, shattered, disorganized, or dissipated; or † he, or it, marred, or impaired; being opposed to أَصْلَحَ, or to رَقَعَ or رَقَّعَ, in the sense of أَصْلَحَ, as in an ex. cited voce رَقَعَ; sometimes several of these renderings will be found to be appropriate in a single instance. You say, مَزَّقَ عِرْضَهُ † He mangled, rent, or shattered, or marred, his honour, or reputation. And مَزَّقَ عَقْلَهُ, and رَأْيَهُ, and أَمْرَهُ, † It shattered, or disorganized or dissipated, or it marred or impaired, his intellect, and his judgment, and his state of affairs or circumstances.]
مَزَّقَهُ He rent it, or tore it, much; or in several, or many, places. mangled, or dissundered, it; and cut it much;, &c. (TA.)
5. ⇒ تمزّق
تَمَزَّقَ عَلَيْهِ عَقْلُهُ † [His intellect became shattered, or dissipated, or impaired]. (TA in art. رَقَعَ.) And تَمَزَّقَ عَلَيْهِ رَأْيُهُ وَأَمْرُهُ † [His judgment, and his state of affairs or circumstances, became shattered, disorganized, dissipated, marred, or impaired.] (A and TA in art. رقع.) See مَزَّقَ, of which تَمَزَّقَ is quasi-pass.
تَمَزَّقُوا † They became scattered, or dispersed. (TA.)
تَمَزَّقَ عِرْضُهُ † His honour, or reputation, became mangled, rent, or shattered, or marred.
مَزْقٌ The rending, tearing, or slitting, a garment and the like. (JK.)
مِزْقَةٌ A piece torn off of a garment (Ṣ, Ḳ *), &c. (Ḳ.)
مِزَاقٌ [A she-camel] whose skin almost becomes rent in pieces by reason of her swiftness. (O in art. عنسق.)