ميب ميت ميث
1. ⇒ ميت ⇒ مات
مَاتَ, aor. يَمِيتُ: see art. موت.
دارى بِمِيتَاءِ دَارِهِ, [as also بِمِيدَاءِ,] My house is opposite to his house. (L, not in the TA.) [See also art. اتى.]
Root: ميت - Entry: مِيتَاءٌ
Signification: A2
مِيتَاءُ طَرِيقٍ The measure of the two sides, and the distance, of a road; as also مِيدَاء. (L, not in the TA.) [See also art أتى.]