نجل نجم نجو
4. ⇒ انجم
أَنْجَمَ It (rain,, &c.) left off. (Ḳ.)
نَجْمٌ [A star.]
[Also, An asterism, or constellation: being applied autonomastically to] the Pleiades. (Ṣ.)
نُجُومٌ [like عِرْقٌ] signifies also The sprouts from the roots [of a tree, or shrub], before the رَبِيع [meaning either spring or autumn], the heads of which one sees like large needles, clearing the ground. (TA.) See عُسْلُوجٌ.
نَجْمٌ also signifies ‡ The time when a payment falls due. (Mṣb.) [Hence, app., an ex. cited voce طىٌّ.]
And hence, (Mṣb,) ‡ An instalment: syn. وَظِيفَةٌ. (Mgh, Mṣb.) See also عَزْلٌ.
نَجْمٌ and نَجْمَةٌ A kind of plant, triticum repens or dogs' grass: see ثِيلٌ.
مِنْجَمٌ The beam of a balance; (MA;) the transverse piece of iron, in which is the tongue, of a balance. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) See عَمُودُ المِيزَانِ.