نينوفر ه هأ
Arabic Letter ه
[The twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet; called هَآءٌ: it is one of the class termed حَلْقِيَّةٌ (or guttural), and is a radical letter, except when written with two dots, ة; for which, and for the pronominal values of ه, &c., see the Supplement.]
[As a numeral it denotes five.]
هُ: the vowel of this pron. is sometimes, in a case of pause, transferred to the preceding letter: and this is always done in modern Arabic.
هْ subjoined in هُنَّهْ, and the like: see أَبْيَضُ.
The هَا, termed تَنْبِيهٌ, is said by some to be used as an inceptive, without any meaning but inception. (See ذا.) See كَلِمَةُ تَنْبِيهٍ in art. نبه: and see an ex. voce تَا. When followed by a pronoun, as هو, &c., it is best rendered Lo.
ه of pausation: see remarks on a verse cited voce حِينٌ.
بِهَا, in حَطَأَ بِهَا, and many phrases syn. therewith, is app. for بِٱسْتِهِ. See حَطَأَ.
هَآءَ / هَآءِ
هَآءَ and هَآءِ: see art. هوأ.