وأد وأر وأل
وأر:see wrA^
1. ⇒ وأر
وَاڤ^َ The verse of Lebeed,
* تَسْلُبُ الكَانِسَ لَمْ يُوأَرْ بِهَا ** شُعْبَةَ السَّاقِ إِذَا الظِّلُّ عَقَلْ *
means She carries off from the gazelle entering his covert, he not being frightened by her. the branch of the trunk of the tree above him, when the shade contracts, or decreases, or goes away, at midday: he is describing his swift she-camel.
10. ⇒ استوأر
اِسْتَوْءَرَ He hasted in the darkness; as also استأور. (Ḳ, art. أور.)