2. ⇒ وظّف
وَظَّفَ عَلَيْهِ العَمَلَ He appointed him the work. (Mṣb.)
وَظَّفَ عَلَيْهِمُ الخَرَاجَ [He assessed them their rates of the خراج]. (Mgh in art. قسط.)
وَظِيفٌ, in every quadruped, What is above the رُسْغ [or pastern], to the joint of the سَاق: in the fore-leg of a horse, what is beneath the knee, to the جُبَّة; and in the hind-leg, what is between the كعب [or hock] and the جُبَّة: accord. to IAạr, in a camel, from the رُسغ [or pastern], to the knee in the fore-leg, and in the hind-leg to the عُرْقُوب [or hock]: (M, TT:) [the shank, fore and hind].
In a horse, What corresponds to the كُرَاعٌ in an ox or sheep or goat; or the slender part of the leg. (Ḳ, voce كراع.) The مَوْصِلُ الوظيفِ is The joint between which and the hoof is the slender part called the رُسْغٌ. (Ḳ, art. رسغ.) The slender part of the ذِراع and سَاق in a horse, camel, &c. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) That which is broad, in the hind-leg, is preferred; and that which is gibbous in the foreleg. (Ṣ.) [In art. جُبَّة, the place where the ساق and وظيف meet is mentioned.] The arm (ذِراعٌ) of a camel, [&c.,] is above the وظيف. (Ḳ, voce ذِرَاعٌ.) The وظيف evidently signifies what anatomists call the metacarpus (in the fore-leg) and the metatarsus (in the kind-leg): see ركبة and كَعْبٌ. In general it seems to signify the slender part of the shank, next the pastern: and this, accord. to the explanation of مُسْتَدَقٌّ in the M and Ḳ, is the meaning assigned to it in the Ṣ and Ḳ. [See also ذِرَاع.]
The bone of the سَاق. (L, art. زج.)
مَوْصِلُ الوَظِيفِ The fetlock-joint. (Ṣ, Ḳ, voce رُسْغٌ.)
وَظِيفَةٌ A daily allowance, or portion, of food, or the like. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)
وَظِيفَةٌ also An appointed part-payment, or instalment, due at a particular period. (Mgh, Mṣb, in art. نجم.)
وَظِيفَةٌ مِنْ خَرَاجِ الأَرْضِ [An assessed rate of the land-tax]. (S, voce طَسْقٌ.)