1. ⇒ وقد
وَقَدَتِ النَّارُ, aor. تَقِدُ, inf. n. وُقُودٌ (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb, Ḳ) and وَقُودٌ, (Sb, Zj, L, Ḳ,) but this is a deviation [as to form] from the constant course of speech, and most hold that the former is an inf. n. and the latter a subst. signifying “fire-wood” [or “fuel”], though there are some instances of inf. ns. of the measure فَعُولٌ, whereof قَبُولٌ is one, (El-Basáïr, TA,) and وَقْدٌ (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb, Ḳ) and وَقَدٌ and قِدَةٌ and وَقَدَانٌ (Ṣ, L, Ḳ) and وَقِيدٌ; (Ṣ, L;) andتوقّدت↓, andاتّقدت↓, (Ṣ, L, Mṣb, Ḳ,) andاستوقدت↓; (L, Mṣb, Ḳ;) The fire burned; burned up; burned brightly or fiercely; blazed; or flamed; syn. اِشْتَعَلَت; (Mṣb, art. شعل;) and هَاجَت; (L;) and سَطَعَتْ وَٱرْتَفَعَ لَهَبُهَا. (Bḍ, ii. 16.)
وَقَدَتْ بِكَ زِنَادِى † [May my زند emit fire by thy means!] a prayer, like وَرِيَتْ بك زنادى: (L:) [meaning, do thou aid, or help, me].
وَقَدَ andتوقّد↓ It (anything) shone, or glistened. (L.)
توقّد↓ قَلْبُهُ ‡ His heart became excited with ardour, or eagerness. (L.)
[Andتوقّد↓ ‡ He (a man) was, or became, clever, ingenious, acute, sharp, or penetrating. (See وَقَّادٌ.)]
2. ⇒ وقّد
وَقَّدَ see 4.
4. ⇒ اوقد
اوقد النَّارَ, (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. إِيقَادٌ; (L, Mṣb;) andوقّدها↓, (L,) andتوقّدها↓, (Ḳ,) andاستوقدها↓; (Ṣ, L, Mṣb, Ḳ;) He lighted, or kindled, the fire; made it to burn, to burn up, to burn brightly or fiercely, to blaze, or to flame; syn. أَضْرَمَهَا; (Ḳ, art. ضرم;) and أَشْعَلَهَا; (TḲ;) he raised the fire, or made it to burn up, with fire-wood, or fuel: (A:) or the↓ last signifies he desired, or endeavoured, to kindle the fire. and to make it burn up, or burn brightly or fiercely, and blaze, or flame. (Bḍ, ii. 16.)
كُلَّمَا أَوْقَدُوا نَارًا لِلْحَرْبِ أَطْفَأَهَا ٱللّٰهُ ‡ [Whenever they kindle a fire for war, God extinguisheth it; Ḳur. v. 69,] meaning, whenever they contrive a mischievous and deceitful plot, God annulleth it. (Mṣb.)
أَوْقَدْتُ لِلصِّبَا نَارًا [in some copies of the Ḳ, لِلصَّبِىِّ,] † I relinquished silly and youthful conduct. (L, Ḳ.) A poet says,
* صَحَوْتُ وَأَوْقَدْتُ لِلَّهْوِ نَارَا ** وَرَدَّ عَلَىَّ ٱلصِّبَا مَا ٱسْتَعَارَا *
† [I recovered from intoxication, and relinquished vain and frivolous diversion; and youthfulness restored to me what it had borrowed]. (L.)
أَبْعَدَ ٱللّٰهُ دَارَهُ وَأَوْقَدَ نَارَا أَثَرَهُ ‡ [May God remove his dwelling far away, and] may He not bring him back, or restore him! (L, Ḳ.) It was a custom of Arabs, when a man whose evil or mischief they feared removed from them, to light a fire behind him, that his evil or mischief might go with him. (L.)
5. ⇒ توقّد
توقّد is also said of the odour of perfume, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ, in art. وهج,) meaning † It was, or became, hot [or strong]. (TḲ.)
8. ⇒ اوتقد / اتّقد
اتّقدت الشَّمْسُ [The sun was, or became, burning, or fiercely burning]. (M, Ḳ, in art. صقر, conj. 4, &c.)
10. ⇒ استوقد
وَقَدٌ Fire itself. (A, L, Ḳ.) Ex. مَا أَعْظَمَ هٰذَا الوَقَدَ How great is this fire! (A.)
الوَقْدَةُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or وَقْدَةُ الحَرِّ, (L,) ‡ The greatest heat; (Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) which is a period of ten days, or of half a month. (Ṣ, L.)
طَبَخَتْهُمْ وَقْدَةُ الصَّيْفِ ‡ [The greatest heat of the summer affected them with a hot, or burning, fever]. (A.)
وَقَدَاتُ سُهَيْلٍ: see the last paragraph of art. عدل.
وَقَدَى, fem. Shining, or glistening. (L.)
وَقُودٌ Fire-wood; (Ṣ, L, Mṣb, Ḳ;) but it is only so called when kindled; (El-Ḥareeree, in De Sacy's Anthol. Gramm. Ar., p. 31 of the Arabic text;) as also وِقَادٌ and وَقِيدٌ: (Ḳ:) or any fuel; anything with which fire is kindled, or made to burn, burn up, burn brightly or fiercely, blaze, or flame: (L:) or the blaze, or flame, of fire, which one sees. (Lth, L.)
وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَٱلْحِجَارَةُ [Ḳur. ii. 22; and lxvi. 6; The fuel whereof shall be men and stones]. (L.)
See also 1. In the Ḳur. lxxxv. 5, it is most properly rendered as an inf. n.; (Az, L;) and some in this case read الوُقُود. (Yaạḳoob, Ṣ, L.)
وَقَّادٌ Shining, or shining brightly; (L, Ḳ;) applied to a star. (L.)
وَقَّادٌ (L, Ḳ) andمُتَوَقِّدٌ↓ (L) ‡ A heart, or mind. quickly excited with ardour, or eagerness, in liveliness and acuteness or penetration. (L, Ḳ.)
Also, both words, ‡ A man (L) clever, ingenious, acute, sharp, or penetrating. (L, Ḳ.)
غَائِرُ الوَاقِدَيْنِ ‡ Blind: (A:) by الواقدين are meant the two eyes: El-Aạshà says, accord. to one reading,
* رَأَتْ رَجُلًا غَائِرَ الوَاقِدَيْنِ *
but the reading commonly known is الوَافِدَيْنِ. (JK.)
مَوْقِدٌ (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb) andمُسْتَوْقَدٌ↓ (A, L) andمُوقَدٌ↓ (JK) A fire-place; a place in which fire is lighted. (Ṣ, A,* L, Mṣb.) [See an ex. voce حَسَاسٌ.]
مُوقَدٌ: see مُوْقِدٌ.
زَنْدٌ مِيقَادٌ A زند that quickly produces fire. (A, L, Ḳ.) You also say زند وَقَدَى, i. e., مُتَوَقِّدَةٌ. (JK.)
مُتَوَقِّدٌ: see وَقَّادٌ.
مُسْتَوْقِدٌ: see مَوْقِدٌ.