يَلَبٌ Shields, of the kind called تِرْسَةٌ, (Ḳ,) pl. of تُرْسٌ; or of the kind called دَرَقٌ, as is said in the R and M; which two kinds differ in this, that the درق, like the حَجَف, are of skin, or leather, without any wood or sinews (or nerves), whereas ترس is a more general appellation: (TA:) or coats of defence, syn. دُرُوعٌ, (Ḳ,) of the fabric of El-Yemen: (TA:) made [app. whether shields or coats of defence] of skins; (Ḳ;) i. e., of the hides of camels: (TA:) or coats of defence (دروع) of the fabric of El-Yemen, made of skins sewed together: a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is يَلَبَةٌ: ʼAmr Ibn Kulthoom says:
* عَلَيْنَا البَيْضُ وَاليَلَبُ اليَمَانِى ** وَأَسْيَافٌ يَقُمْنَ وَيَنْحَنِينَا *
[Upon us (were) helmets, and leathern coats of defence of the fabric of El-Yemen, and swords that are straight (so accord. to the above reading, of يَقُمْنَ, which I find in an excellent copy of the Ṣ: but some read يُقَمْنَ, which, I think, affords not so good a sense:) and that curve]: (Ṣ:) or helmets made of camel's hides: [see also أَلَبٌ and أَلَبَةٌ:] or [head-coverings made of] plaited thongs of leather (نُسُوعٌ) woven together, which are put on the head in lieu of the helmet: (TA:) or skins which are sewed together, and worn on the head, specially: (Ḳ:) or skins which are worn beneath the [kind of coat called] دِرْع, or [beneath that of] دِيبَاج; one of which is called يَلَبَةٌ: or skins which are worn like the coats of defence called دروع: or skins of which such coats are made: (TA:) or any defensive coverings, or armour, of skins; not of iron; and hence, shields (دَرَقٌ) [of skins] are thus called: a poet says,
* عَلَيْهِمْ كُلُّ سَابِغَةٍ دِلَاصٍ ** وَفِى أَيْدِهِمِ اليَلَبُ المُدَارُ *
[Upon them (are, or were,) all (kinds of) ample coats of mail, smooth and glistening; and in their hands, round shields of skins]: and يَلَبٌ, originally is a name of that skin [of which such coverings are made]: Aboo-Dahbal El-Jumahee says,
* دِرْعِى دِلَاصٌ شَكُّهَا شَكٌّ عَجَبْ ** وَجَوْبُهَا القَاتِرُ مِنْ سَيْرِ الْيَلَبْ *
[My coat of mail is smooth and glistening: its cleaving (or sticking close) is an admirable cleaving: and its shield, of good dimensions, is of strips of skin: so accord. to explanations in the Ṣ, in arts. شك and قتر: but I incline to think that جوبها here is the same as جَيْبُهَا; and that a word is understood, which makes the meaning to be its opening at the neck and bosom, of good dimensions, is bordered with an edge of thongs]: (Ṣ:) or simply skin, or hide. (Ḳ.)
Also defensive coverings, or armour, of pieces of felt (لُبُود), with a stuffing of honey (عَسَل) and sand. (Ḳ.)
Also, Steel; (Ḳ;) pure iron: (ISh, T, Ḳ:) n. un. يَلَبَةٌ. (TA.) Of this signification, the following hemistich is cited as an ex.,
* وَمِحْوَرٌ أَخْلَصُ مَن مَّاءِ اليَلَبَ *
[And a pulley-axis clearer (in its brightness) than the lustre of pure iron, or steel]: but ISk says that it is by an Arab of the desert, who, hearing the verse of ʼAmr Ibn-Kulthoom quoted above, erroneously supposed يلب to signify the most excellent kind of iron; and IDrd also asserts that the meaning assigned to it in this hemistich is founded upon a mistake. (TA.) See also أَلَبَةٌ.
Also, Anything great, big, or large in size. (Ḳ.)