جحفل جحم جد
1. ⇒ جحم
جحُمَتِ النَّارُ, aor. ـُ
جَحَمَ, aor. ـَ
4. ⇒ اجحم
اجحم عَنْهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) inf.n. أِجْحَامٌ, (TA,) He refrained, forbore, abstained, or desisted, from it; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) namely, a thing; like احجم: (Ṣ:) but the former is a rare dial. var. (Ḥar p. 95.) Both these verbs bear contr. significations; being used as meaning He advanced, or went forward: and also he receded, or drew back. (MF.)
اجحم فُلَانًا He, or it, was near to destroying, or killing, such a one. (Ḳ.)
5. ⇒ تجحّم
تجحُم He burned with vehemence of desire, or covetousnsss, and niggardliness; (Ḳ;) as alsoتجاحم↓: from جَاحِمُ الحَرْبِ. (TA.)
Hence, also, (TA,) i. q. تَضَايَقَ [app. meaning He became straitened in disposition]. (Ḳ.) You say also,هُوَ يَتَجَاحَمُ↓ عَلَيْنَا, i. e., يَتَضَايَقُ [app., He becomes straitened in disposition against us]: a phrase mentioned by El-Mundhiree on the authority of Aboo-Tálib. (TA.)
6. ⇒ تجاحم
see 5, in two places.
جَحْمَةٌ The burning, burning brightly or fiercely, blazing, or flaming, of fire; (Ḥam p. 77;) as alsoجَاحِمٌ↓: (TA:) or vehemence of burning or blazing or flaming: (Bḍ in xxxvii. 95:) or it is an epithet applied to fire because of its redness [or as meaning red]. (Ḥam ubi suprà.)
جُحْمَةٌ: see جَحِيمٌ.
جَحِيمٌ A fire burning, or blazing, or flaming, vehemently; (Ḳ;) as alsoجَاحِمٌ↓: (Ḥam p. 810:) and any fire having one part above another; as alsoجَحْمَةٌ↓ andجُحْمَةٌ↓; (Ḳ;) of which last the pl. is جُحَمٌ: (TA:) or having many live coals, and flaming much: (so in a copy of the Ṣ:) and any great fire in a pit or the like; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) from the saying in the Ḳur [xxxvii. 95], قَالُوا ٱبْنُوا لَهُ بُنْيَانًا فَأَلْقُوهُ فِى الجَحِيمِ [They said, Build ye for him a building, and cast him into the great fire therein]. (Ṣ.) And الجَحِيمُ is one of the names of The fire [of Hell]; (Ṣ, TA;) from which may God preserve us. (TA.) See also جَاحِمٌ.
جَحَّامٌ Niggardly, tenacious, stingy, penurious, or avaricious: (Ḳ:) from جَاحِمُ الحَرْبِ, meaning “the straitness, and vehemence, of war.” (TA.)
جَاحِمٌ: see جَحِيمٌ. Also Live coals (جَمْرٌ) vehemently burning or blazing or flaming. (Ḳ.) And a place vehemently hot; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) as alsoجَحِيمٌ↓. (Ḳ.) El-Aạshà says, المَوْتُ جَاحِمٌ [app. meaning † Death is like a burning, or fiercelyburning, fire]. (Ṣ.) See also جَحْمَةٌ.
جَاحِمُ الجَرْبِ The main part [or the thick] of the war or battle: (Ḳ:) or the straitness thereof: (TA:) and the vehemence of the fight or slaughter, in the scene thereof. (Ḳ.) You say, اِصْطَلَى بِجَاحِمِ الحَرْبِ ‡ [He warmed himself with the heat, or vehemence, of the battle]. (TA.)
الجَاحِمَةُ Fire: (TA:) or, [as an epithet,] fire burning, burning brightly or fiercely, blazing, or flaming. (Ḥam p. 77.)