جدى جذ جذب
1. ⇒ جذّ
جَذَّهُ, (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb,) aor. ـُ
Also, (Ṣ, A, L, Mṣb,) aor. ـُ
Also, (L,) inf. n. جَذٌّ, (L, Ḳ,) He hastened it; or hastened to it. (L, Ḳ.*) It is said in a prov., respecting one who boldly ventures upon taking a false oath, جَذَّهَا جَذَّ العَيْرِ الصِّلِّيَانَةَ He hastened to it as the ass hastens to the plant called صلّيانة. (L.)
2. ⇒ جذّذ
5. ⇒ تجذّذ
7. ⇒ انجذّ
انجذّ It became cut, or cut off: (Ṣ, L, Mṣb, Ḳ:) or cut off utterly: or cut off utterly and quickly: and in like manner,تجذّذ↓ [said of a number of things, or used in a frequentative or an intensive sense; being quasi-pass. of 2]. (L.)
8. ⇒ اجتذّ
see 1, in two places.
R. Q. 1. ⇒ جذجذ
جَذْجَذَ, inf. n. جَذْجَذَةٌ: see 1.
جَذٌّ A piece broken off; a fragment: pl. أَجْذَاذٌ: so in the phrase, كَسَرْتُهُ أَجْذَاذًا [I broke it in pieces, or fragments]; occurring in a trad., relating to an idol. (L.) [See also جُذَاذٌ.]
مَا عَلَيْهِ جُذَّةٌ There is not upon him a piece of rag; i. e., any garment to cover him: (L:) or anything (Ṣ, L, Ḳ) of clothing: (Ṣ, L:) pl. جُذَذٌ. (Bḍ in xxi. 59.)
جِذَذٌ: see جُذَاذٌ.
جَذَاذٌ, with fet-ḥ, The act of separating a thing from another thing (فَصْلُ شَىْءٍ عَنْ شَىْءٍ, accord. to some copies of the Ḳ and the TA; [see 1;] accord. to other copies of the Ḳ, [probably by mistranscription,] the superiority of a thing over another thing, فَضْلُ شىءٍ عَلَى شىءٍ); as alsoجَذَاذَةٌ↓. (Ḳ.)
جُذَاذٌ andجِذَاذٌ↓, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) the former of which is the more chaste, (Ṣ, L,) andجَذَاذٌ↓, (L, Ḳ,) substs. from جَذٌّ the act of “breaking; “(Ḳ;) What is broken, of, or from, a thing: (Ṣ, L:) or what is broken, or cut, in pieces: or broken pieces: so in the Ḳur xxi. 59, in which the word is read in these three different forms: (L:) some also read جُذُذًا, which is pl. ofجَذِيذٌ↓; and some, جُذَذًا, pl. of جُذَّةٌ: (Bḍ:) or the first signifies fragments of a thing much broken; [as a coll. gen. n.;] and the n. un. is جُذَاذَةٌ↓: (Lth, L:) [or] it is an extr. pl. ofجَذِيذٌ↓; (L;) or i. q. مَجْذُوذٌ; andجِذَاذٌ↓ is a dial. var.; or is pl. ofجَذِيذٌ↓. (Bḍ.) [See also جَذٌّ.]
Also the first, Small pieces, or particles, of silver: andجُذَاذَاتٌ↓, pieces of silver: (L:) or the latter, cuttings, or clippings, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) of silver. (M and L in art. قذ.)
Also Stones containing gold; (Ks, Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) so called because they are broken: (Ks, Ṣ, L:) or stones containing gold, &c. which are broken; as alsoجِذَاذٌ↓. (Mṣb.)
And جذاذ [app. جُذَاذٌ orجِذَاذٌ↓], (L,) orجِذَذٌ↓, (TA,) i. q. فِرَقٌ [Distinct parties, or portions,, &c., of men or things]. (L, TA.)
جِذَاذٌ: see جُذَاذٌ, in four places.
جَذِيذٌ andمَجْذُوذٌ↓ Cut; or cut off: or cut off utterly: or cut off utterly and quickly: and also broken: (L:) pl. of the former, جُذُذٌ and جِذَاذٌ (Bḍ in xxi. 59) and جُذَاذٌ, which last is extr. (L. See the paragraph headed جُذَاذٌ, in three places.)
Also the former, (A, Ḳ,) and شَرَابٌ جَذِيذٌ, (A,) andجَذِيذَةٌ↓, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) Meal of parched barley or wheat; syn. سَوِيقٌ; (Ṣ, A, L, Ḳ;) so prepared [by being moistened with water or with clarified butter, &c.] as to be drunk: (A:) andجذيذة↓ is [a mess of the kind called] جَشِيشَة made of coarse سويق; so called because it is broken and made into coarse particles: and a quantity of سويق, or the like, such as a man eats or drinks at one time. (L.)
جَذَاذَةٌ: see جَذَاذٌ.
جُذَاذَةٌ / جُذَاذَتٌ
جُذَاذَةٌ and its pl. جُذَاذَتٌ: see جُذَاذٌ, in two places.
جَذِيذَةٌ: see جَذِيذٌ, in two places.
يَدْ جَذَّآءُ [fem. of أَجَذُّ] ‡ An amputated arm or hand: used figuratively: see أَحَذُّ, in art. حذ. (L.)
رَحِمٌ جَذَّآءُ † A bond of relationship [cut, or severed, or] not made close by affection; expl. by إِذَا لَمْ تُوصَلْ [a well-known phrase: erroneously explained by Golius as meaning “uterus infœcundus vel interruptæ conceptionis”]: (Fr, Ṣ, L, Ḳ:) as also حَذَّآءُ. (Fr, Ṣ, L.)
يَمِينٌ جَذَّآءُ: see حَذَّآءُ.
سِنٌّ جَذَّآءُ A tooth much broken; or broken in pieces. (Ḳ, TA.)
جَذَّانٌ / جَذَّانَةٌ
جَذَّانٌ (Aṣ, L, and so in some copies of the Ḳ: in other copies of the Ḳ, and in the TA, جُذَّانٌ:) Soft stones: (Aṣ, L, Ḳ:) as also كَذَّانٌ [q. v.]: (Aṣ, L:) n. un. (of both, Aṣ, L) with ة
مَجْذُوذٌ: see جَذِيذٌ.
عَطَآءٌ غَيْرُ مَجْذُوذٍ [A gift, or stipend,] not cut short, or not interrupted; syn. غَيْرُ مَقْطُوعٍ. (AʼObeyd, Ṣ, L.)