جهش جهض جهل
1. ⇒ جهض
see 4, in two places.
3. ⇒ جاهض
جاهضهُ, (Ḳ,) inf. n. جِهَاضٌ, (TA,) He endeavoured to prevent him, or to turn him away [from a thing]; and strove to be before him; syn. مَانَعَهُ and عَاجَلَهُ. (Ḳ.) Hence the saying, in a trad. of Moḥammad Ibn-Meslemeh, relating his endeavouring to attack a man on the day of Ohod, فَجَاهَضَنِى عَنْهُ أَبُو سُفْيَانَ But Aboo-Sufyán endeavoured to turn me away from him (مَانَعَنِى عَنْهُ), and put me away [from him]. (TA.)
4. ⇒ اجهض
أَجْهَضَنِى He overcame me in contending for the thing; as alsoجَهَضَنِى↓. (Ṣ.) You say, اجهضهُ عَنِ الأَمْرِ, He overcame him in contending for the thing, and made him to quit it, or put him away from it; as alsoجَهَضَهُ↓ عَنْهُ, aor. ـَ
اجهض is also syn. with أَعْجَلَ. (A, Ḳ.) Thus, sometimes, (Ṣ,) أَجْهَضْتُهُ عَنْ كَذَا, (Ṣ,) or عَنِ الأَمْرِ, (Mgh, TA,) signifies I hurried him so as to prevent him from doing such a thing, or the thing; (Ṣ, Mgh, TA;) and made him to quit it. (Mgh.)
You say also, اجهضهُ عَنْ مَكَانِهِ He roused him, or made him to rise, from his place. (A,* TA.) And [elliptically] أَجْهَضْنَا العَدُوَّ We roused the enemy, or made them to rise, from their places; and removed them therefrom, or made them to quit them. (Mgh.)
اجهضت She (a camel, AZ, Aṣ, Ṣ, A, Ḳ) cast her young one: (Ṣ, A:) or cast her young one with its fur grown, (Aṣ, Ḳ,) before it was perfect: (Aṣ:) or cast her young one before its form was apparent: (AZ:) or in an imperfect state: (TA:) or اجهضت وَلَدَهَا, inf. n. إِجْهَاضٌ, she (a camel, and a woman,) cast her young one imperfect in form. (Mṣb.)
جِهْضٌ: see جَهِيضٌ, in two places.
جِهَاضٌ [The act of a camel's, and of a woman's, casting an imperfect fœtus;] a subst. from اجهضت said of a camel and of a woman. (Mṣb.)
جَهِيضٌ, applied to the young one, or fœtus, of a camel, (Ṣ, A, Mṣb,) and of a woman, (Mṣb,) i. q.مُجْهَضٌ↓ [pass. part. n. of أَجْهَضَتْ, q. v.]: (Ṣ, A, Mṣb:*) or, (Ḳ,) as alsoجِهْضٌ↓, on the authority of Fr, being, as he says, like خِدْجٌ, in the Ḳ, erroneously, جَهِضٌ, (TA,) an abortion: or a young one perfectly formed, and into which the spirit has been inspired, without its living: (Ḳ:) orجِهْضٌ↓ signifies the young one of a camel that is cast before its form is apparent. (TA.)
مُجْهَضٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
مُجْهِضٌ, applied to a she-camel, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and to a woman, (Mṣb,) act. part. n. of أَجْهَضَتْ [q. v.]; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) as also with مَجَاهِيضُ: (Mṣb:) pl. مٍجْهَاضٌ. (Ḳ.)
مِجْهَاضٌ A she-camel that is accustomed to cast her young (Ṣ, A) in an imperfect state. (TA.)