خد خدب خدج
1. ⇒ خدب
خَدَبَهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ
خَدْبٌ signifies also The act of rending, or cutting open, the skin and the flesh together, (JK, Ṣ, TA.) with the canine tooth. (JK, TA.)
And The act of biting. (Ḳ.) You say, خَدَبَتْهُ الحَيَّةُ The serpent bit him. (Ṣ.)
And The act of lying, or saying what is untrue. (Ḳ.) You say, خَدَبَ He lied. (JK, Ṣ.)
And The act of milking much. (Ḳ.)
5. ⇒ تخدّب
تخدّب He went a middling pace. (Aṣ, Ḳ.)
خَدَبٌ Stupidity; (JK;) i. q. هَوَجٌ [which means the same; or tallness combined with stupidity;, &c.]: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) and [simply] tallness, or length; (Ṣ,* Ḳ, TA;) as alsoخُدْبَةٌ↓. (TA.) One says, كَانَ بِنَعَامَةَ خَدَبٌ There was, in Na'ámeh, هَوَج [i. e. stupidity,, &c.]: (Ṣ, TA:) Na'ámeh being the surname of Beyhes, (TA,) who became the subject of a prov. respecting the taking of blood-revenge: (Ḳ in art. بهس:) Beyhes El-Fezáree, surnamed En-Na'ámeh, [or simply Na'ámeh,] was one of seven brothers, who were slain [in a case of blood-revenge], except himself; he being left because of his stupidity; for which he became proverbial. (TA in art. بهس.) One says also, فِى لِسَانِهِ [He is long-tongued; lit.] in his tongue is length. (Ṣ.)
Also The act of making haste. (KL.)
خَدِبٌ Cutting; or sharp: (IAạr, Ḳ:) applied to a sword, and a spear-head, and a dog-tooth. (IAạr.)
See also أَخْدَبُ, in three places.
خُدْبَةٌ: see خَدَبٌ.
وَقَعُوا فِى وَادِى خَدِبَاتٍ [They fell into the valley of Khadibát]: a prov., applied to a man who falls into perdition; or to one who misses the object of his aim, or pursuit: (Aṣ, Ḳ:*) see, respecting it, [جَذَبَات, in] art. جذب. (TA.)
خَدِبٌّ / خَدِبَّةٌ
خَدِبٌّ An old man. (A, Ḳ.) Great, big, or bulky; (Ṣ, A, Ḳ;) applied to a man, (Ṣ,) or to an ostrich, &c.; (Ḳ;) fem. with ة
خَادِبَةٌ, (JK, TA,) or شَجَّةٌ خَادِبَةٌ, (TA,) A severe wound breaking the head. (JK, TA.)
خَيْدَبٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) orخَيْدَبَةٌ↓, (JK,) A conspicuous road: (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ:) so says Esh-Sheybánee. (Ṣ.)
And the latter, A way of acting or conduct: so in the saying, فُلَانٌ عَلَى خَيْدَبَةٍ صَالِحَةٍ [Such a one is following a good, righteous, or just, way of acting or conduct]. (TA.)
Opinion, judgment, or counsel: (Ḳ:) so in the saying, تَرَكْتُهُ وَخَيْدَبَتَهُ [I forsook him and his counsel]. (TA.)
One's first, or original, affair, concern, or business: (AZ, JK, Ṣ, Ḳ:) so in the saying, أَقْبِلْ عَلَى خَيْدَبَتِكَ [Apply thyself to thy first, or thine original, affair,, &c.] (AZ, JK, Ṣ.)
خَيْدَبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
أَخْدَبُ (Ṣ, Ḳ) andخَدِبٌ↓ (JK) andمُتَخَدِّبٌ↓ (Ṣ, Ḳ,) applied to a man, (JK, Ṣ,) Stupid; (JK;) characterized by هَوَج [i. e. stupidity, or tallness combined with stupidity,, &c.]; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) and [simply] by tallness: (Ḳ: [in which أَخْدَبُ is said to be syn. with طَوِيلٌ:]) fem. [of the first], applied to a woman, خَدْبَآءُ: (Ṣ:) and the first, one who cannot restrain himself, by reason of stupidity: (TA:) and the same, (Ḳ,) orخَدِبٌ↓, (JK,) one who goes his own way, at random, or heedlessly, without any certain aim or object, or without consideration, not obeying a guide to the right course, (JK, Ḳ, TA,) by reason of ignorance, (JK,) or from boldness. (TA.)
Also [the fem.] خَدْبَآMُ, applied to any [she-] animal, That is wont to wound, and kill, and seize its prey and break its neck. (IAạr.) And حَرْبَةٌ خَدْبَآءُ andخَدِبَةٌ↓ [A dart, or javelin,] that inflicts a wide wound. (Ḳ.) And طَعْنَةٌ خَدْبَآءُ, (Ṣ,) and ضَرْبَةٌ خَدْبَآءُ, (Ḳ,) [A thrust, and a blow,] with which the جَوْف [or belly,, &c.,] is assaulted: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or the former, a wide thrust or wound with a spear or the like: and the latter, a continuous and long act of beating. (TA.)
And دِرْعٌ خَدْبَآءُ A coat of mail that is smooth, or pliable, (لَيِّنَةٌ, JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,) and (so in the JK, but in the Ḳ “or”) wide. (JK, Ḳ.)
مُتَخَدِّبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.