خذل خذم خر
1. ⇒ خذم
خَذَمَهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ
Also, said of a hawk, He struck him, or it, with his talon, or claw. (IAạr, Ḳ.*)
خَذِمَ, aor. ـَ
خَذِمَ, aor. ـَ
[And hence,] خَذَمٌ signifies also † [The being liberal, or bountiful; (see the part. n. خَذِمٌ;) or] the giving a gift, or making a present. (KL.)
2. ⇒ خذّم
see 1, first sentence, in two places.
4. ⇒ اخذم
see 1, in the latter part.
اخذم النَّعْلَ He repaired the [thong called] شِسْع of the sandal. (AA, TA.) [Here, as in many other instances, the ا has a privative effect: see خَذِمَتِ النَّعْلُ, above.]
5. ⇒ تخذّم
as an intrans. v.: see 1, near the middle of the paragraph:
as a trans. v.: see 1, first sentence, in two places.
8. ⇒ اختذم
اِخْتَذَامٌ, [accord. to some, seems to signify The cutting off a thing for oneself:] accord. to some, طِيبُ النَّفْسِ [as meaning the being pleased, content, or willing: see خَذِمٌ]. (Ḥam p. 703, q. v.)
خَذِمٌ A cutting, or sharp, sword; (Ḳ;) as alsoخَذُومٌ↓ (JK, Ḳ) andمِخْذَمٌ↓; (JK, T, Ṣ, ISd, TA;) the last erroneously said in the Ḳ to be like مُعَظَّمٌ. (TA.) One of the swords of Moḥammad was named المِخْذَمُ↓: it was formerly the sword of El-Hárith El-Ghassánee. (TA.)
A garment, or piece of cloth, altogether, or wholly, old and worn out. (TA.) [And in like manner, accord. to Freytag (who does not name his authority), خَذُومٌ↓, applied to a scabbard of a sword, Lacerated and worn by use.]
‡ Quick, or swift of pace, applied to a horse; (JK, Ṣ;) and soخَذُومٌ↓, applied to an ostrich. (Ṣ.)
[And hence.] ‡ A man (JK, Ṣ) liberal, or bountiful, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) in giving; (Ṣ;) pleased, content, or willing, (JK, Ḳ, TA,) to be liberal or bountiful; plenteous in gifts: (TA:) pl. خَذِمُونَ: (JK, Ḳ:) it has no broken pl. (TA.)
خَذْمَةٌ A snatching away; a snatch: and a stroke, or blow. (TA.)
A certain mark (سِمَةٌ) of camels: (JK, Ḳ:) an Islámee term: (Ḳ:) a certain mark of sheep or goats, (JK, T, TA,) being a slit across the ear, (T, TA,) which leaves the ear dried up. (JK, T, TA. [See خَذْمَآءُ.])
Also, [or خِذْمَةٌ, q. v.,] A space, or period, syn. سَاعَةٌ, (Ḳ,) [of the night, or of the day:] and خَدْمَةٌ [or خِدْمَةٌ] is a dial. var. thereof. (TA.)
خِذْمَةٌ [like جِذْمَةٌ] A piece cut off of a garment. (JK. [See also خُذَامَةٌ.]) A portion cut off from property. (JK.) A portion of the night. (JK. [See also خَذْمَةٌ.])
A company of men. (JK. [But perhaps this may be a mistake for خَدَمَةٌ.])
خَذْمَآءُ A sheep or goat, (شَاةٌ, JK, Ḳ,) or a she-goat, (Ṣ,) having the mark in the ear termed خَذْمَةٌ; (JK;) [i. e.] having the ear slit across, without its being separated: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or a ewe having the extremity of her ear cut off. (T, TA.)
خَذَمَانٌ [app. an inf. n. of خَذِمَ] Quickness of pace, or of rate of going. (TA.)
خَذُومٌ: see خَذِمٌ, in three places.
أُذُنٌ خَذِيمٌ An ear cut, or cut off: (Ḳ:) pl. خُذُمٌ. (TA.)
خُذَامَةٌ A piece cut off. (JK, Ḳ. [See also خِذْمَةٌ.])
مِخْذَمٌ: see خَذِمٌ, in two places.