دبغ دبق دبل
1. ⇒ دبق
دَبِقَ بِهِ, (JK, Ḳ,) aor. ـَ
دَبِقَ فِى مَعِيشَتِهِ is explained by Lḥ only as signifying لَزِقَ [app. meaning † He stuck fast, or perhaps he clave to one course, in respect of his means of subsistence: see also مُدَبَّقٌ]. (TA.)
دَبَقَهُ He stuck it, or made it to adhere. (TA. [See 4.])
2. ⇒ دبّق
دبّقهُ, inf. n. تَدْبِيقٌ, (Lth, JK, Ḳ,) He caught it with دِبْق [or bird-lime]; (Lth, Ḳ;) namely, a bird: (JK:) and soدَبَقَهُ↓, aor. ـُ
4. ⇒ ادبق
ادبقهُ He made it to stick, or adhere. (Ḳ. [See also 1.]) You say, ادبقهُ ٱللّٰهُ بِهِ † God made him, or may God make him, to stick to it; or, it to him. (JK, TA.)
مَا أَدْبَقَهُ † How great is his attachment, addictedness, or devotedness! (JK, TA.)
5. ⇒ تدبّق
تدبّق It (a thing) was, or became, sticky, glutinous, viscous, or ropy. (TA.)
It (a bird) was, or became, caught by means of دِبْق [or birdlime]; (Ḳ, TA;) i. e. it stuck, or adhered. (TA. [See also دَبِقَ.])
دِبْقٌ (Lth, IDrd, Ṣ, Ḳ, &c.) andدَابُوقٌ↓ (Fr, Ḳ) andدَبُوقَآءُ↓ (Ḳ) [Bird-lime: and the viscum, or mistletoe; and its berries, of which bird-lime is mostly prepared: the first of these words has these applications in the present day:] a kind of glue, (IDrd, Ḳ,) well known, (IDrd,) or a sticky, glutinous, or viscous, thing, like glue, (Fr, Ṣ, TA,) with which birds are caught; (Fr, IDrd, Ṣ, Ḳ, TA;) in one dial. called طِبْقٌ: (IDrd:) Lth says, it is the fruit, or produce, of a tree, having in its interior a substance like glue, that sticks to the wing of the bird: the hakeem Dáwood says, [in a passage which is imperfect in the TA,] it is found upon the tree in like manner as lichen (الشَّيْبَة), but is a berry, like the chick-pea (حِمَّص) in roundness; … the best thereof is the smooth, soft, with much moisture, inclining, in its exterior, to greenness, and it is mostly found upon the oak; when it is cooked with honey and دِبْس [or the expressed juice of fresh ripe dates,, &c.], … and drawn out into longish strings, and put upon trees, the birds become caught by it. (TA.)
[دَبِقٌ part. n. of دَبِقَ, Sticky, glutinous, or viscous: so in modern Arabic.]
دَبُوقَآءُ: see دِبْقٌ.
Also Anything sticky, glutinous, viscous, or ropy; that draws out with a sticky, glutinous, viscous, or ropy, continuity of parts. (IDrd, Ḳ,* TA.)
And Human ordure; (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ;) because of its sticky, or ropy, quality. (JK.)
دَابُوقٌ: see دِبْقٌ.
عَيْشٌ مُدَبَّقٌ † [Means of subsistence] not complete. (TA.)