Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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درد درز درس


دَرْزٌ [A seam, or a raised seam, of a garment or piece of cloth;] the elevation that is occasioned in a garment or piece of cloth when its two edges are put together in the sewing; (Mgh;) one of the دُرُوز of a garment or piece of cloth, (Ṣ, TA,) and the like; (TA;) which are well known: (Ḳ:) a Persian word, [originally دَرْزْ,] (Ṣ, TA,) arabicized: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or, accord. to some, the nap, or villous substance, (زِئْبِر,) and lustre, (مَآء,) of a garment, or piece of cloth. (TA.)

Root: درز - Entry: دَرْزٌ Signification: A2

[Hence,] بَنَاتُ الدُّرُوزِLice: and nits; syn. صِئْبَانٌ. (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA.)

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