زمهر زن زنأ
1. ⇒ زنّ
see 4, in five places.
زَنَّ عَصَبُهُ, [aor., accord. to rule, ـِ, or the sec. pers. may be زَنِنْتَ, and the aor. ـَ
زَنَّ فَذَنَّ means حقن فقطر [which may be rendered He kept in, or retained, his urine, and then dribbled it, or his urine was kept in, or retained, and then dribbled]. (TA. [See زِنِّينٌ.])
4. ⇒ ازنّ
أَزْنَنْتُهُ I thought him to possess good or evil; as alsoزَنَنْتُهُ↓,, aor. ـُ
* حَصَانٌ رَزَانٌ مَا تُزَنُّ بِرِيبَةٍ *
i. e. [Chaste, staid,] she is not suspected of evil: [in which تُزَنُّ may be from زُنَّتْ↓ or from أُزِنَّتْ:] but some restrict themselves to the quadriliteral verb [ازنّ]. (Mṣb.)
8. ⇒ ازتنّ ⇒ ازدنّ
زَنَّةٌ A suspicion: whence the saying, أَبُو زَنَّةٍ↓ شَرٌّ مِنْهُ أَخُو زَنَّةٍ The ape, or baboon, or monkey, (القِرْدُ,) worse than he is the person who has conceived a suspicion: (A, TA:) [for]
أَبُو زَنَّةٍ, (so in three copies of the Ṣ and in my MṢ. copy of the Ḳ,) orابو زِنَّةٍ↓, (thus in the CK and TḲ and JM, [in the second and third of which it is expressly said to be “with kesr,” which, however, the author of the Ḳ should have added, accord. to his usual practice, if he meant it to be thus,]) signifies القِرْدُ. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)
أَبُو زِنَّةٍ: see what next precedes, in two places.
مَآءٌ زَنَنٌ, and مِيَاهٌ زَنَنٌ, [which suggests that زَنَنٌ is an inf. n. used as an epithet,] A water, and waters, small in quantity, and narrow: (Ḳ:) [for] زَنَنٌ signifies strait, or narrow; like زَنَآءٌ and زَنِىٌّ [which do not belong to this art.]: (TA:) or مَآءٌ زَنَنٌ means [a place of water] of which one knows not whether there be in it water or not. (Ḳ.)
ظِلٌّ زَنَانٌ Short [or contracted] shade; like زَنَآءٌ [mentioned in art. زنأ]. (Ḳ.)
زُنَانَى A fluid like mucus, that falls from the noses of camels: (Ḳ:) but the more approved word is ذُنَانَى. (TA.)
زَنَانِىٌّ A man who suffices for himself, without any other. (Ḳ.)
زَنَّانٌ One who opines, or conjectures, much; i. q. ظَنَّانٌ. (TA.)
زِنِّينٌ One suppressing his urine and his ordure: occurring in a trad.: or, as some say, it is زِبِّينٌ, [q. v.,] with ب. (TA. [But see 1, and see also what here follows.])
أَزَنُّ One suppressing his urine [or his ordure]; syn. حَاقِنٌ: such is one of the persons forbidden, in a trad., to act as إِمَام to others. (TA in art. نصر: mentioned also, but not expl., in the present art. in the TA.) [See also the next preceding paragraph.]