[Q. 1. سردق]
[سَرْدَقَ, inf. n. سَرْدَقَةٌ, He covered a house with an awning over its interior court, as a protection from the heat of the sun: so accord. to Golius, as on the authority of the KL: and the same is indicated by the explanation of the pass. part. n. in the PṢ: but in the KL, I find only the inf. n. expl. by سَرَاپَرْدَهْ كَرْدَنْ: the verb may, however, be better expl. as signifying he furnished with a سُرَادِق, q. v.]
سُرَادِقٌ, said by El-Jawáleeḳee to be an arabicized word from [the Pers.] سَرَادَرْ or سَرَاطَاقْ, (MF,) An awning extended over the interior court of a house: (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ:) [and the cover of a tent:] and any tent of cotton: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, and mentioned in the Mṣb as on the authority of J:) or a [tent of the kind called] فُسْطَاط; (Bḍ in xviii. 28;) so says AO: (Mṣb:) also (Mṣb) an enclosure around a خَيْمَة [or tent], consisting of pieces of cloth, without a roof: (Mgh, Mṣb:) or an enclosure (حُجْرَة) around a فُسْطَاط: (Ksh and Bḍ ubi suprá:) or what surrounds the [tent called] خَيْمَة and the [tent called] قُبَّة: (Ḥam p. 772:) or any wall or enclosure, or [tent such as is called] مِضْرَب or [such as is called] خِبَآء that surrounds a thing: (IAth, TA:) pl. سُرَادِقَاتٌ: (Ṣ O, Ḳ:) it has this pl., though it is masc., because. it has no broken pl. (Sb, TA.) El-Kedhdháb El-Hirmázee says, not Ru-beh as in the “Book” of Sb [and in the Ṣ], addressing Hakam Ibn-El-Mundhir Ibn-El-Járood,
* سُرَادِقُ المَجْدِ عَلَيْكَ مَمْدُودْ *
† [The canopy of glory is extended over thee]. (O, TA.)
[Hence,] † Dust rising; or spreading, or diffusing itself. (Az, O, Ḳ.)
And † Smoke rising high, and surrounding a thing. (Az, O, Ḳ.)
In the Ḳur xviii. 28, it is applied to what will surround the unbelievers, of the fire of Hell, (Ksh, Bḍ,) as being likened to a فُسْطَاط, (Bḍ,) or to an enclosure around a فسطاط; or as meaning the smoke of the fire; or a wall thereof. (Ksh, Bḍ.)
بَيْتٌ مُسَرْدَقٌ (Lth, Ṣ, &c.) [A house, or tent,] having a سُرَادِق: (Ksh in xviii. 28, and PṢ:) or having the whole of its upper part, and of its lower part, مَشْدُود [accord. to the TḲ here meaning curtained, which seems to be the only apposite rendering, but I know not any authority for it], (Lth, JK, O, Ḳ, TA,) or مَسْدُود [i. e. closed,, &c.]. (So in the CK.)