عطس عطش عطف
1. ⇒ عطش
عَطِشَ, aor. ـَ
عَطِشَ إِلَى لِقَائِهِ ‡ He longed, or desired, [lit. thirsted,] to meet with him: like as they say ظَمِئَ. (IDrd, O.) And أَنَا شَدِيدُ العَطَشِ إِلَى لِقَائِكَ ‡ [I am vehemently longing, or desiring, to meet with thee]. (A.) [See also the first paragraph {1} of art. عمى.]
عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ: see 3.
2. ⇒ عطّش
3. ⇒ عاطش
عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ [aor. of the latter, accord. to general rule, ـُ, He vied with him in endeavouring to satisfy, (see 6,) or in bearing, thirst, and surpassed him therein]. (O, Ḳ, TA. [But whether sanctioned by usage, seems to be doubtful.])
4. ⇒ اعطش
اعطش His camels, or cattle, thirsted. (T, Ṣ, M, O, Ḳ.)
اعطش فُلَانًا He made such a one to thirst. (O,* Ḳ,* TA.)
اعطش الإِبِلَ He increased the intervals between the two drinkings, or waterings, of the camels, and withheld them from coming to the water, (O, Ḳ,) or from the water on the day of their coming thereto: (TA:) andعطّشها↓, [in like manner,] he increased their thirsting: (A:) or the latter, of which the inf. n. is تَعْطِيشٌ, has a more intensive signification than the former verb: (O, Ḳ, TA:) or it signifies he kept them thirsty; i. e., did not water them at all; or, watered them little, so that they were not satisfied: (TA, voce ثَأْثَأَ:) when a man has been accustomed to bring his camels to water on the third day, or the fourth, and waters them one day beyond that, you say أَعْطَشَهَا. (TA.)
5. ⇒ تعطّش
تعطّش He constrained himself to thirst; syn. تَكَلَّفَ العَطَشَ. (O, Ḳ.)
6. ⇒ تعاطش
تَعَاطَشَا [app. They vied, each with the other, in endeavouring to satisfy their thirst, (see Ḳ, voce تَجَاشَعَا,) or in bearing thirst].
عَطُشٌ / عَطُشَةٌ
عَطُشٌ; and its fem. عَطُشَةٌ: see the next paragraph, in three places.
عَطِشٌ (Mgh, O, Mṣb, Ḳ) andعَطُشٌ↓ (Ḳ) andعَطْشَان↓ [without and with tenween, as is shown by the two forms of its fem., which see in what follows,] (Ṣ, Mgh, O, Mṣb) andعَاطِشٌ↓ (TA) Thirsting; or thirsty: (Ṣ, TA:) or needing water: (Mgh:) or you say,هُوَ عَطْشَانُ↓ ٱلْآنَ [He is thirsting, or thirsty, now]; (Lḥ, Ḳ;) andهُوَ عَاطِشٌ↓ غَدًا [He will be thirsting, or thirsty, tomorrow]; (Lḥ, O, Ḳ;) andمَا هُوَ بِعَاطِشٍ↓ بَعْدَ هٰذَا اليَوْمِ [He will not be thirsting, or thirsty, after this day]: (Lḥ, TA:) fem. [of the first] عَطِشَةٌ (O, Mṣb, Ḳ) and [of the second] عَطُشَةٌ↓ (TA) and [of the third] عَطْشَى↓, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) which is also used as a pl., (Ṣ, Ḳ,) andعَطْشَانَةٌ↓: (Lth, O, Ḳ:) pl. masc. [of the first and third and fourth, and perhaps of the second also,] عِطَاشٌ (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ) and عُطَاشٌ [which is irregular] and عَطِشُونَ and [of the second] عَطُشُونَ (TA) and [of the third] عَطَاشَى: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) pl. fem. عِطَاشٌ, like the masc., (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) and [of the first] عَطِشَاتٌ, (Lth, O, Ḳ,) but this was ignored by Aboo-Leylà, (O,) and [of the second] عَطُشَاتٌ (TA) and [of the third] عَطْشَانَاتٌ. (Lth, O, Ḳ.) Accord. to Moḥammad Ibn-Es-Seree, عَطْشَان↓ is originally عَطْشَآءُ, like صَحْرَآءُ, the ن being substituted for the fem. ا, as is shown by its plural's being عَطَاشَى like صَحَارَى: (Ṣ, O:) [but there are many similar pls. of epithets of the measure فُعْلَان; as سَكَارَى and غَيَارَى and نَدَامَى and كَسَالَى, &c.] You say also عَطْشَانُ نَطْشَانُ; the latter being an imitative sequent to the former, not used alone. (Ṣ, O.) Andإِنَّكَ إِلَى الدَّمِ عَطْشَانُ↓ كَأَنَّكَ عَطْشَانُ [Verily thou art thirsting for blood, as though thou wert 'Atshán]: (A:) this being the name of a sword of ʼAbd-El-Muttalib Ibn-Háshim. (A, O, Ḳ.) The dim. of عَطِشٌ is عُطَيْشَان↓, as though from عَطْشَان; andعُطَيْشٌ↓ also; but the former is the better. (ISk, O.)
[Hence,]عَطْشَان↓ also signifies ‡ Longing; or desiring. (Ḳ.) You say,إِنِّى إِلَيْكَ لَعَطْشَانُ↓ ‡ [Verily I am longing for seeing thee]. (IAạr, O.)
مَكَانٌ عَطِشٌ (Ṣ, O, Mṣb) andعَطُشٌ↓ (Ṣ, O) A place in which is little water: (Ṣ, O, Mṣb:) or in which is no water. (Mṣb.)
فُلَانَةُ عَطْشَى↓ الوِشَاحِ (A) or عَطِشَةُ الوِشَاحِ (TA) ‡ [Such a woman is slender in the waist; or in the belly and flanks; like غَرْثَى الوِشَاحِ].
عَطْشَان / عَطْشَى / عَطْشَانَةٌ
عَطْشَان; fem. عَطْشَى and عَطْشَانَةٌ: see عَطِشٌ, throughout.
عُطَاشٌ [Insatiable thirst;] a certain disease, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) that attacks a man, (Ṣ, O, TA,) or a child, (TA,) the sufferer from which drinks water and cannot satisfy his thirst: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,* TA:) or intense thirst: the sufferer thereof is permitted to break his fast. (TA.)
عُطَيْشٌ: dim. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.)
عُطَيْشَان: dim. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.)
عَاطِشٌ: see عَطِشٌ, in three places.
مَعْطَشٌ [The space in which one becomes thirsty: see an ex. voce مَجَاعٌ. And] sing. of مَعَاطِشُ, (O, Ḳ,) which signifies The appointed times (مَوَاقِيت, Ṣ, A, O, Ḳ) of thirst, or of the restraining of camels from water, (Ṣ, A, O,) or of thirsts, or of the restrainings of camels from water. (Ḳ.)
مُعْطِشٌ A man whose camels have become thirsty. (TA.) [See also مِعْطَاشٌ.]
مِعْطَشٌ A man who has not had drink given to him. (TA.)
مَعْطَشَةٌ A land in which is no water; (O, Ḳ;) as alsoأَرْضٌ مُعْطِشَةٌ↓: (TA:) pl. of the former مَعَاطِشُ. (O, Ḳ.)
A cause of thirst. (TA in art. بخل.)
مُعَطَّشٌ Confined, or withheld, (O, Ḳ, TA,) from water, purposely. (TA.)
مِعْطَاشٌ Very thirsty; or often thirsty: applied to a man and to a woman. (Lḥ)
Having thirsty camels: applied to a man and to a woman. (O, Ḳ.) [See also مُعْطِشٌ.]