فطأ فطح فطحل
1. ⇒ فطح
فَطَحَهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. ـَ
And فَطَحَ العُودَ وَغَيْرَهُ, (Ḳ, TA,) inf. n. as above; andفطّحهُ↓, inf. n. as above; (TA;) He pared, or fashioned by cutting, the stick, or piece of wood,, &c., and made it broad, or wide. (Ḳ, TA.) And فَطَحَ الحَدِيْدَةَ, andفطّحها↓, He made the piece of iron broad, or wide, and even, or flat, for a مِسْحَاة, or a مِعْزَق, or some other thing. (L.)
And فَطَحَ بِالعَصَاظَهْرَهُ, (Ḳ,* TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He struck his back with the staff, or stick. (Ḳ,* TA.)
And فَطَحَتْ بِالوَلَدِ, said of a woman, i. q. رَمَتْ بِهِ [She cast forth the child, or the fœtus]. (Ḳ, TA.) [Compare طَفَحَتْ.]
فَطِحَ, aor. ـَ
فَطِحَ النَّخْلُ The palm-trees became fecundated. (Kr, Ḳ.)
2. ⇒ فطّح
see the preceding paragraph {1}, in four places.
فَطَحٌ [inf. n. of فَطِحَ, q. v.: and, as a simple subst.,] Breadth, or width, of the head, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) in the middle; as also تَفْطِيحٌ: (TA:) and breadth, or width, of the end of the nose, (L, Ḳ,) so that it sticks close to the face; as in the bull, which is termed أَفْطَحُ. (L.)
فَطُوحٌ A she-camel bulky in the belly, (Ḳ, TA,) broad, or wide, in the ribs. (TA.)
أَفْطَحُ A man having a broad, or wide, head. (Ṣ.) And A broad, or wide, head; (A, L;) as alsoمُفَطَّحٌ↓ (Ṣ, A, L) andمَفْطُوحٌ↓. (A.) And أَرْنَبَةٌ فَطْحَآءُ A broad, or wide, end of a nose: (A, L:) and so قَدَمٌ [i. e. foot]. (A.)
الأَفْطَحُ The bull: so called because of the breadth of the end of his nose: (L, Ḳ:) an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (L.)
And The chameleon (Ḳ, TA) whose back and colour the sun makes to glisten so that it becomes white by reason of the heat thereof. (TA.)
And الفَطْحَآءُ The broad, or wide, part of a bow. (L.)
Also i. q. أَفْدَعُ [q. v.]. (Ḳ.)
مُفَطَّحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
مَفْطُوحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.