مقط مقل مكأ
3. ⇒ ماقل
مَاقَلَهُ, inf. n. مُمَاقَلَةٌ He vied with him in diving: see غَامَسَهُ.
6. ⇒ تماقل
تَمَاقَلَا: see تَغَاطَسَا.
مُقْلٌ The Theban palm; palma Thebaïca of Pococke; the cucifera of Theophrastes.
Root: مقل - Entry: مُقْلٌ
Signification: A2
Also The خُوص, or leaves, of the tree thus called: see نظم
Root: مقل - Entry: مُقْلٌ
Signification: A3
مَقْلَهٌ, for جُرْعَةُ مَقْلَةٍ: see 3 in art. صفن.
مُقْلَةٌ The ball, or globe, or bulb (lit. fat, شَحْمَة), of the eye, i. e., the eyeball, which comprises the white and the black. (Khalk el-Insán of Zj; and Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ.)