Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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نخر نخرب نخس

Q. 1. ⇒ نخرب

نَخْرَبَ It (a canker-worm) pierced holes in, or eroded, a tree. (Ḳ.) IJ derives this verb from خَرَابٌ, (TA,) q. v.


نُخْرُوبٌ; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) mentioned in the Ḳ without description of its measure because there is no Arabic word of the measure فَعْلُولْ; but some prefer it being written نَخْرُوبٌ, [as it is in the CK,] asserting its ن to be augmentative, so that its measure is نَفْعُولٌ, as IAạr holds, asserting it to be derived from خَرَابٌ; (TA;) A fissure, or cleft, in a stone. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: نخرب - Entry: نُخْرُوبٌ.1 Signification: A2

Also, [so in the TA: in the CK and a MṢ. copy, or,] A hole, perforation, or bore, in anything. (Ḳ.) Pl. نَخَارِيبُ. (Ṣ.)

Root: نخرب - Entry: نُخْرُوبٌ.1 Signification: A3

Also, the pl., The holes, or cells, prepared with wax for the bees to deposit their honey therein: (Ḳ:) holes like the cells of wasps. (L.)


نَخْرَبُوتٌ [i. q. تَخْرَبُوتٌ] An excellent, nimble, or agile, she-camel. Some say that its ن is augmentative, and its radical letters are خرب; but its derivation from خَرَابٌ is not apparent; therefore its ن should be considered as radical. (AḤei.)


شَجَرَةٌ مُنَخْرِبَةٌ, and مُنَخْرَبَةٌ, A tree that is old and pierced with holes. (Ḳ.)

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