هِيهَ / هِيهِ / هِيهٍ
هَيْهَاتَ كَذَا Far, or far from being believed or from the truth, is such a thing; as also هَيْهَاتَ لِكَذَا: or the latter means remoteness, or remoteness from being believed or from the truth, is to be attributed to such a thing: هَيْهَاتَ followed by لِ means بَعُدَ, (Jel, in xxiii. 38,) or بَعُدَ التَّصْدِيقُ or الصِّحَّةُ: (Bḍ, ibid:) or البُعْدُ: (Bḍ, ibid, TA:) and without لِ after it, it denotes the pronouncing [a thing] remote. (TA.) See أَيْهَاتَ.
هَيْهَات denotes one's deeming a thing remote, or improbable, and despairing of it; and means بَعُدَ جِدًّا [Very far,, &c.], or ما أَبْعَدَ [How far,, &c.]; implying more than بَعُدَ though we render it by this word. (Kull, p. 382.)