وثأ وثب وثج
1. ⇒ وثب
وَثَبَ, aor. يَثِبُ, inf. n. وَثْبٌ and وُثُوبٌ (the latter agreeable with analogy, TA,) and وَثَبَانٌ and وَثِيبٌ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and وِثاَبٌ (Ḳ; but this is generally affirmed to be an inf. n. of وَاثَبَ, TA;) and ثِبَةٌ, (Ibn-Málik and others) He leaped; jumped; sprang; bounded: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or he leaped down, or downwards. (Mgh, Mṣb, art. طفر.)
وَثَبَ المَوْضِعَ [He leaped, or jumped, upon, or over the place]. (TA.)
وَثَبَ إِلَى الشَّرَفِ وَثْبَةً ‡ [He made a single leap to eminence, or nobility]. (TA.)
وَثَبَ إِلَيْهِ [app., He leaped, or sprang up, or he hastened, to him]. (TA.)
الوُثُوبُ, except in the dial. of Himyer, signifies The act of rising, or standing up. (TA.)
It is also much used by the vulgar as signifying The act of hastening to a thing; as observed by MF, who is wrong in saying that there is nothing in the lexicons that favours its being so used. (TA.)
وَثَبَ, [aor. يَثِبُ,] inf. n. وَثْبٌ, in the dial. of Himyer signifies He sat; sat down. (Ḳ, TA, from a trad.) ثِبْ in that dial. signifies Sit; sit down. (Ṣ.) It is related that Zeyd Ibn-Abd-Allah Ibn-Dárim came as an envoy to one of the kings of Himyer, and found him at a hunting-place belonging to him, on a high mountain, and he saluted him, and mentioned to him his lineage, or relationship; whereupon the king said to him ثِبْ, meaning إِجْلِسْ, Sit; but the man thought that he commanded him to leap from the mountain; and he said, “Thou shalt find me, O king, very obedient:” then he leaped from the mountain, and perished. So the king said, “What ailed him?” And they explained to him his case, and his mistake respecting the word: upon which he said لَيْسَتْ عِنْدَنَا عَرَبِيَّتْ مَنْ دَخَلَ ظَفَارِ حَمَّرَ i. e., [“Arabic is not current with us:” (for, probably, in the time of this king, the term عَرَبِيَّة was only applied to the general language of Arabia:) “whoso entereth Dhafári,] let him learn [or, rather, speak, as MF says,] the Himyeree language.” (Mz., 16th نوع.) [The principal facts of this anecdote are also mentioned in the Ṣ, on the authority of Aṣ.] By the king's saying عَرَبِيَّتْ was meant العَرَبِيَّةُ: the ة is pronounced ت in the case of a pause (which is the case here) in their dialect. (Ṣ.) Or, accord. to another relation of the above anecdote, the king said لَيْسَ عِنْدَنَا عَرَبِيَّتْ كَعَرَبِيَّتْكُمْ [“Arabic like your Arabic is not current with us:”] and this, says ISd, is the right reading in my opinion: for the king did not mean to exclude himself from the Arabs. (MF.)
2. ⇒ وثّب
وتّبه, inf. n. تَوْثِيبٌ, He seated him upon a cushion: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) asserted to be of the dial. of Himyer. (MF.)
وثّبه وِسَادَةً, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) in some copies of the Ḳ وَثَبَهُ, (TA,) He threw to him a cushion (Ṣ, L, Ḳ) that he might sit upon it: (Ṣ:) [app. in the dial. of Himyer].
وَثَّبْتُهُ وِثَابًا I spread for him a bed, or the like. (TA.)
3. ⇒ واثب
واثبه He leaped, or sprang, upon him, or at him; he assaulted or assailed him; syn. سَاوَرَهُ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and ثَاوَرَهُ. (Ḳ, art. ثور) and صَاوَلَهُ. (Ḳ, art. صول.)
[Also, perhaps, He contended with him in leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding.]
[واثبه is also mentioned in the TA as having a signification not explained in the Ḳ: app., He contended with him in hastening to a thing.]
4. ⇒ اوثب
اوثبه He made him to leap, jump, spring, or bound. (Ṣ, Mṣb.)
اوثبه المَوْضِعَ [He made him to leap, or jump, upon, or over, the place]. (TA.)
5. ⇒ توثّب
توثّب فُلَانٌ فِى ضَيْعَةٍ لِى ‡ Such a one took possession unjustly of an estate belonging to me; he seized upon it unjustly. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)
توثّب فِى أَرْضِهِ عَلَى أَخِيهِ ‡ He took possession of his land with injustice towards his brother. (A.)
توثّب عَلَى مَنْزِلَتِهِ ‡ He took possession unjustly of the place occupied by him. (A.)
6. ⇒ تواثب
هُمْ يَتَوَاثَبُونَ عَلَى كَذَا They leap, or rush, together upon such a thing [in an evil, or injurious, or a contentious manner]. (Ṣ, art. كلب.) التَّوَاثُبُ is syn. with التَّكَالُبُ. (Ṣ, Ḳ, art. كلب.)
وَثْبَةٌ A single leap, jump, spring, a bound: (TA:) or a leap down, or downwards. (Mgh, Mṣb, art. طفر.)
ثُبَةٌ An assembly; a company; a troop; a congregated body. (Ḳ.) [But it seems rather to belong to the root ثبى, as remarked by Freytag; or, accord. to some, to art. ثوب. See arts. ثبى and ثوب.]
وَثَبَى: see وَثَّاتٌ.
وِثَابٌ A throne, or couch; syn. سَرِيرٌ; (Ḳ;) accord. to some, that is always occupied by the king; or that the king does not cease to occupy: (TA:) [app. of the dial. of Himyer].
A bed; or what is spread to lie or recline upon: (Ḳ:) ex. وَتَّبْتُهُ وِثَابًا I spread for him a bed, or the like: (TA:) or places where persons sit; syn. مَقَاعِدُ: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) in which case it is a pl., as some have expressly affirmed it to be: (TA:) accord. to IF and others, of the dial. of Himyer. (MF.) Applied to heaven (السَّمَاءُ) as being the sittingplaces of the angels. (Ṣ.)
ظَبْىٌ وَتَّابٌ An antelope that leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds, quickly. فَرَسٌ وَثَّابَةٌ A mare that leaps, &c., quickly. (TA.)
وَثَبَى↓ i. q. وَثَّابَةٌ; (Ḳ;) i. e., That leaps, &c., quickly. (TA.)
مَوْثَبَانٌ A king who sits still, and does not undertake military expeditions: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) asserted to be of the dial. of Himyer. (MF.)
مِيثَبٌ A plain, or level, land, or tract of land. (Ḳ.)
A leaper, or jumper. (IAạr, Ḳ.)
Also, [contr.,] A sitter: (IAạr., Ḳ:) [app. in the dial. of Himyer].
What is elevated, of land. (Ḳ.)
A rivulet, stream, or streamlet: syn. جَدْوَلٌ. (Ḳ.)