1. ⇒ ورخ
وَرِخٌ, aor. يَوْرَخُ, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) inf. n. وَرَخٌ; (Ṣ, L;) andتورّخ↓; (L;) It (dough) was, or became, thin, or flaccid, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) by reason of the abundance of water in it. (Ṣ, L.)
2. ⇒ ورّخ
ورّخ الكِتَابَ بِيَوْمِ كَذَا He inscribed the writing, or letter, with the date of such a day; i. q. أَرَّخَهُ; (Ṣ, Ḳ *;) of which it is a dial. form. (Yaạḳoob.)
4. ⇒ اورخ
اورخ He made dough thin, or flaccid, (Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) by putting much water to it. (L.)
5. ⇒ تورّخ
10. ⇒ استورخ
استورخت الأَرْضُ, andتورّخت↓, The land, or ground, became wet, or moist. (Ḳ.)
وَرْخٌ A kind of tree resembling the مَرْخ in its growth, (L, Ḳ,) except that it is dust-coloured, having slender leaves, like the leaves of the طَرْخُون, or larger. (L.)
أَرْضٌ وَرِخَةٌ Land having tangled and luxuriant herbage. (Ḳ.)
وَرِيخَةٌ Dough that is thin, or flaccid, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) by reason of the abundance of water in it. (Ṣ.)
Wet, or moist, land, or ground. (Ḳ.)
تَوَارِيخُ, pl. of تَوْرِيخٌ: see تَأْرِيخٌ.