1. ⇒ ختم
خَتَمَهُ, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ
Hence, خَتْمُ الشَّهَادَةِ [The sealing of the testimony]; which is thus described by El-Hulwánee: the witness, when he wrote his name upon a صَكّ [q. v.], caused his written name to be beneath a piece of lead, [i. e. covered it with a piece of lead,] and put upon it the impress of his signet, in order that there might be no falsification of it or substitution for it. (Mgh.)
As to خَتْمُ الأَعْنَاقِ [The sealing of the necks], the case is related, in the “Risáleh Yoosufeeyeh,” to have been this: ʼOmar sent Ibn-Honeyf to seal the عُلُوج [or unbelievers] of the Sawád; and he sealed five hundred thousand of them, in classes; that is, he marked them twelve dirhems, and twenty-four, and forty-eight; tying a thong upon the neck of each, and putting upon the knot a seal of lead. (Mgh.)
خَتْمٌ also signifies The protecting what is in a writing by marking [or stamping] a piece of clay [upon it, or by means of a seal of any kind]. (TA.)
And you say, of a man, خَتَمَ عَلَيْكَ بَابَهُ [He sealed his door against thee]; meaning ‡ he turned away from thee, avoided thee, or shunned thee. (TA.)
And خَتَمَ لَكَ بَابَهُ [He sealed for thee his door]; meaning ‡ he preferred thee to others. (TA.)
خَتَمَ عَلَى قَلْبِهِ [which may be rendered He sealed his heart] means ‡ he made him to be such that he understood not, and such that nothing proceeded from him; or he made his heart, or mind, to be such that it understood not,, &c. (Ḳ, TA.) خَتَمَ ٱللّٰهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ, in the Ḳur [ii. 6], is like the phrase in the same [xvi. 110 and xlvii. 18] طَبَعَ ٱللّٰهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ: (TA:) it points to what God has made to be usually the case when a man has ended in believing what is false and in committing that which is forbidden, so that he turns not his face to the truth; this occasioning, as its result, his becoming inured to the approval of acts of disobedience, so that he is as though this habit were impressed upon his heart: the assertion of El-Jubbáee, that it means God hath put a seal upon their hearts, as a sign, to the angels, of their infidelity, is nought: (Er-Rághib, TA:) الخَتْمُ is explained by IAạr as meaning the preventing of the heart from believing. (L in art. خدع.) [See also طَبَعَ.]
خَتَمَ الشَّىْءَ, inf. n. خَتْمٌ, also signifies [as indicated above] † He reached the end of the thing. (Ḳ.) Andاِخْتَتَمْتُ↓ الشَّىْءَ † [I ended, or finished, the thing,] contr. of اِفْتَتَحْتُهُ. (Ṣ, TA.) You say, خَتَمَ القُرْآنَ † He reached the end of the Ḳur-án [in reciting it]; (Ṣ, Er-Rághib;) [he recited the whole of the Ḳur-án;] he completed [the recital of] the Kur- án: (Mgh:) he retained in his memory the last portion of the Ḳur-án; meaning he retained the whole of it in his memory. (Mṣb.) It is said of Suleymán El-Aamash, كَانَ يَقْرَأُ خَتْمًا, meaning † He used to recite the whole of the Ḳur-án; at one time, according to the reading of Ibn-Mesʼood; at another time, from the edition of ʼOthmán. (Mgh.)
You say also, خَتَمَ ٱللّٰهُ لَهُ بِخَيْرٍ † [May God make his end to be good]. (Ṣ.)
خَتَمَ البَذْرَ † He covered over the sown seed: (Az, TA:) or خَتَمُوا عَلَى البَذْرِ † they turned up the earth over the sown seed, and then watered it: (Et-Táïfee, TA:) or خَتَمَ الزَّرْعَ, (JK, Ḳ, TA,) aor. ـِ
خَتَمَ النَّحْلُ ‡ The bees filled with honey the place in which they deposited it: (JK, A, TA:) or خَتْمٌ signifies bees' collecting some thin wax, thinner than the wax of the comb, and smearing with it the orifices of their خَلَايَا [or hives]. (M, Ḳ, TA.)
2. ⇒ ختّم
ختّمهُ, inf. n. تَخْتِيمٌ, He sealed it, stamped it,, &c., much. (TA.)
[In modern Arabic, He put a خَاتَم, or signet-ring, upon his (another's) finger.]
5. ⇒ تختّم
تختّم, or تختّم خَاتَمًا, (accord. to different copies of the Ṣ,) or تختّم بِخَاتَمٍ, (Ḳ, [agreeably with a trad. cited in the TA,]) He put on [i. e. put on his own finger] a خاتم [or signet-ring]. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)
And تختّم ‡ He put on a turban: (Ḳ, TA:) or تختّم بِعِمَامَتِهِ he put on his turban in the manner of a نِقَاب [q. v.]; syn. تَنَقَّبَ بِهَا. (Z, TA.) The subst. [signifying the act or mode, of doing so] is تَخْتِمَةٌ↓ [q. v. infrà]. (Ḳ.)
تختّم بِأَمْرِهِ † He concealed his affair, or case. (Z, Ḳ.)
تختّم عَنْهُ ‡ He feigned himself heedless of him, and was silent [to him]. (Ḳ, TA.)
8. ⇒ اختتم
see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph.
خَتْمٌ inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ.)
Also The impress produced by the engraving of a signet. (Er-Rághib, TA.)
أَعْطَانِى خَتْمِى means ‡ He gave me my sufficiency, or what sufficed me: because what suffices a man is the last [or utmost] of his desire, or demand. (TA.)
Also ‡ Honey. (Ḳ, TA.)
And ‡ The orifices of the خَلَايَا [or hives] of bees. (Ḳ, TA.)
خَتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ.
Also A sealed piece of clay [or wax]: like نَفَضٌ in the sense of مَنْفُوضٌ, and قَبَضٌ in the sense of مَقْبُوضٌ: so in the saying of El-Aạshà,
* وَأَبْرَزَهَا وَعَلَيْهَا خَتَمْ ** وَصَحْبَآءَ طَافَ يَهُودِيُّهَا *
[And a jar of reddish-coloured wine, the Jew -vender whereof came, and brought it out, with a sealed piece of clay upon it]. (Ṣ.) [See also خِتَامٌ.]
خَتْمَةٌ [an inf. n. of un. of 1, † A recitation of the whole of the Ḳur-án: used in this sense in the present day: pl. خَتَمَاتٌ.]
[And also] vulgarly used as meaning † A copy of the Ḳur-án: and soخِتْمَةٌ↓. (TA.)
خِتْمَةٌ: see what next precedes.
خِتَامٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (Lḥ, Ḳ.)
And a subst. signifying The first watering of seedproduce, or of a sown field: (JK, TA:) or the turning up the earth over sown seed, and then watering it. (Et-Táïfee, TA.)
Also The clay, (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,) and the wax, (TA,) with which one seals, or stamps, (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,) upon a writing, (JK,) or upon a thing: (Ḳ:) or which is sealed, or stamped, upon a writing. (Mṣb.) [See also خَتَمٌ. And see an ex. in a verse of Lebeed cited in art. دكن.]
‡ [The hymen; as being the seal of virginity; as alsoخَاتَمٌ↓.] You say, زُفَّتْ إِلَيْكَ بِخِتَامِهَا ‡ [She was conducted as a bride to thee with her seal of virginity], andبِخَاتَمِ↓ رَبِّهَا [with the seal of her Lord]. (TA.) And [hence, app.,] سِيقَتْ هَدِيَّتُهُمْ إِلَيْهِ بِخِتَامِهَا ‡ [if it mean, as I suppose it to do, Their present was sent to him with what rendered it perfect or complete, or with what appertained to it]. (TA.)
† The furthest part of a valley. (JK, TA.) † The last of a company of men; (Lḥ, TA;) as alsoخَاتَمٌ↓ andخَاتِمٌ↓: (Ḳ:) whenceخَاتَمُ↓ النَّبِيِّينَ † [The last of the prophets], in the Ḳur [xxxiii. 40]; accord. to one reading, خَاتُم↓, with damm to the ت; (TA;) or خاتمُ الأَنْبِيَآءِ, i. e. Moḥammad; (Ṣ;) also called الخَاتَمُ↓ andالخَاتِمُ↓. (TA.) And † The last portion of anything that is drunk [&c.]. (TA.) خِتَامُهُ مِسْكٌ, in the Ḳur [lxxxiii. 26], means † The last that they will perceive thereof will be the odour of musk: (Ṣ, TA:) or, accord. to 'Alkameh and Mujáhid, its admixture shall be musk: accord. to Ibn-Mesʼood, its result shall be the taste of musk: Fr says, خَاتَمٌ↓ andخَاتِمٌ↓ and خِتَامٌ are nearly the same in meaning; whence the reading of ʼAlee,خَاتَمُهُ↓ مِسْكٌ: and the explanation is this; that when any one shall drink thereof, he will find the last cup thereof to have the odour of musk: Er-Rághib says that the meaning is, the end, and the last draught, i. e. what shall remain, thereof shall be in perfume [like] musk: and that the assertion that it means it shall be sealed with musk is nought. (TA.) [See also خَاتَمٌ and خَاتِمَةٌ.]
Also, (IAạr, Ḳ,) andخَاتِمٌ↓, (Ḳ,) or, accord. to IAạr, خَتَامٌ↓, (TA,) sings. of خُتُمٌ, which signifies † The places of separation (فُصُوص [q. v.]) of the joints (مَفَاصِل) of horses. (IAạr, Ḳ.) خَاتَمٌ (JK, Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) and خَأْتَمٌ (TA) andخَاتِمٌ↓, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) which is more commonly known than خَاتَمٌ, (Mṣb, [but see what follows,]) andخَاتَامٌ↓ andخِيتَامٌ↓ (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ, the last in the CK and TAخَيْتَام↓) andخِتَامٌ↓ (Ḳ and TA but omitted in the CK) andخَتَمٌ↓ (ISd, IHsh, Ḳ) andخَتْمٌ↓ (Ez-Zeyn El-'Irákee, TA) andخَيْتَمْ↓ (Ibn-Málik, TA) andخَيْتُومٌ↓ (EzZeyn El-'Irákee, TA) andخَاتِيَامٌ↓ (Ḳ) signify the same; (JK, Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA;) [A signet; generally a signet-ring; i. e.] a certain ornament (حَلْىٌ, M, Ḳ) for the finger, (Ḳ,) app., at the first, used for sealing, or stamping, therewith; so that the word is of the same class as طَابَعٌ: afterwards, in consequence of frequency of usage, applied to one not used for that purpose: (ISd, TA:) or a ring having a فَصّ of a substance different therefrom [set in it; i. e., having a stone, or gem, set in it]: if without a فَصّ, it is called فَتَخَةٌ: (Mṣb:) orخَاتِمٌ↓ signifies the agent [i. e. the person sealing, or stamping]: (JK, Az, Mṣb:) خَاتَمٌ, the thing that is put upon the piece of clay [or wax, for the purpose of sealing, or stamping]: (Az, Mṣb, Ḳ:) the pl. [of خَاتَمٌ and خَاتِمٌ] is خَوَاتِمٌ (Ḳ) and [properly of خَاتَامٌ] خَوَاتِيمُ: (Ṣ, in which the former pl., though more common, is not mentioned, and Ḳ:) Sb says that those who use the latter pl. make it to be pl. of a sing. of the measure فَاعَالٌ, though it be not in their language; which shows that he knew not خَاتَامٌ: the pl. of خَتْمٌ is خُتُومٌ. (TA.)
خَاتَمٌ also signifies A seal, or stamp, and a mark: so in a trad., in which it is said, آمِينَ خَاتَمُ رَبِّ العَالَمِينَ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ المُؤْمِنِينَ, i. e. [آمِينَ (or Amen) is] the seal, or stamp, and the mark, [of the Lord of the beings of the whole world upon his servants the believers,] which removes from them accidents, and causes of mischief; for the seal of the writing protects it, and precludes those who look from [seeing] what is within it. (TA.)
See also خِتَامٌ, in seven places. [It is nearly syn. with خِتَامٌ, as Fr says: and thus,] it signifies also, (JK, Ḳ,) and so doesخَاتِمَةٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) † The end, or last part or portion, (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,) and result, or issue, (Ḳ,) of a thing (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ) of any kind: (JK, Ḳ:)↓ the latter [particularly] signifies † the last part or portion (JK, Mṣb) of a chapter of the Ḳur-án, (JK,) and of the Ḳur-án itself: (Mṣb:) [and † a concluding chapter or section: an epilogue: and an appendix:] andمُخْتَتَمٌ↓ signifies [in like manner] the contr. of مُفْتَتَحٌ; as in the saying, التَّحْمِيدُ مُفْتَتَحُ ٱلْقُرْآنِ وَٱلِاسْتِعَاذَةُ مُخْتَتَمُهُ † [The declaration of the praises of God is the opening portion of the Ḳur-án, and the prayer for the protection of God is its closing portion]; (A, TA;) and it is a chaste word, of frequent occurrence, though the contr. has been asserted. (TA.) One says also, الأَعْمَالُ بِخَوَاتِيمِهَا [Actions are characterized, or to be judged, as good or evil, by their results]. (TA.)
Also, i. e. خَاتَمٌ, of a mare, ‡ The lower ring (الحَلْقَةُ الدُّنْيَا [app. meaning the extremity, in which is the orifice, see حَلْقَتَا الرَّحِمِ and حَلْقَةُ الدُّبُرِ, in art. حلق,]) of the طُبْيَة [evidently here used as a dial. var. of طُبْى, i. e. the teat, though I do not find it mentioned in its proper art. in any lexicon; unless مِنْ طُبْيَتِهَا be a mistranscription for من طُبْيِهَا]: (Ḳ, TA:) so called by way of comparison [to a signet or seal]. (TA.)
And ‡ The hollow (نُقْرَة) of the back of the neck; (JK, Ḳ, TA;) which is the cuppingplace. (TA.)
And † The least وَضَح [or whiteness] of the legs (JK, Ḳ, TA) of horses; (JK, TA;) i. e. a slight whiteness in the parts next the hoof, less than what is termed تَخْدِيمٌ. (TA.)
خَاتُمٌ: see خِتَامٌ.
خَاتِمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in two places:
and see also خِتَامٌ, in five places.
خَيْتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
خَاتِمَةٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph.
خَاتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
خَيْتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
خِيتَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
خَيْتُومٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
خَاتِيَامٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, first sentence.
تَخْتِمَةٌ: see 5. You say, مَا أَحْسَنَ تَخْتِمَتَهُ [How good, or beautiful, is his act, or mode, of putting on the turban! or, of putting it on in the manner of the نِقَاب!]. (Ez-Zejjájee, TA.)
مُخْتَّمٌ Sealed, or stamped,, &c., much. (Ṣ,* TA.)
Applied to a horse, (TA,) † Having the whiteness of the legs which is termed خَاتَمٌ. (Ḳ, TA. [See the latter word, last sentence.])
مَخْتُومٌ Sealed, or stamped,, &c. (Ṣ,* TA.)
Also The [measure commonly called] صَاع: (AʼObeyd, Mgh, Ḳ:) or the sixth part of the [measure called] قَفِيز. (Mgh in art. كر. [It is there added that the قفيز is the tenth part of the جَرِيب: but it seems that this is the قفيز which is a measure of land; not what is here meant in the explanation of مختوم, which is a measure of corn and the like.]) [Pl. مَخَاتِيمُ.]
مُخْتَتَمٌ: see خَاتَمٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph.