1. ⇒ خور ⇒ خار
خَارَ, aor. يَخُورُ, (Ṣ, A, Mgh,) inf. n. خُوَارٌ (JK, Ṣ, A, Mgh, Ḳ *) and خَوْرٌ, (JK,) He (a bull) uttered his cry; [i. e. lowed, or bellowed;] (Lth, JK, Ṣ, A, Mgh, Ḳ;) this being its primary signification: (Er-Rághib:) the inf. n. خوار, used agreeably with this explanation, occurs in the Ḳur xx. 90 [and vii. 146]: (Ṣ:) it signifies the loud crying [i. e. the lowing or bellowing] of a cow and of a calf: (Lth:) and the crying [i. e. bleating] of sheep, or that of goats, and of gazelles, (Ḳ,) and of any beast: (Er-Rághib:) and the sounding [i. e. whizzing] of arrows: (Ḳ:) of any of these, you say, خَارَ, aor. and inf. n. as above. (TA.) [Hence,] لَهُ صَوْتٌ كَخُوَارِ الثَّوْرِ He has a voice like the bellowing of the bull. (A.)
[And hence, (see 10,)] خار عَلَيْهِ ‡ He bent, turned, or inclined, towards him. (A.)
خار, aor. as above, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) inf. n. خُؤُورٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ, [for which Golius, as on these authorities, substitutes خُؤُورَةٌ,]) said of a man, (Ṣ,) and of anything, (TA,) He, or it, was, or became, weak, or feeble, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) and languid; (Ṣ, TA;) as also خَوِرَ, (TA,) aor. يَخْوَرُ, (JK,) inf. n. خَوَرٌ; (Ṣ,* Ḳ,* TA;) andخِوِّر↓, (JK, TA,) inf. n. تَخْوِيرٌ. (Ḳ.) خار and خَوِرَ both signify It was soft, or fragile; said of anything, like a reed. (JK.) It is said in a trad. of ʼOmar, لَنْ يَخُورَ قَوِىٌّ مَا دَامَ صَاحِبُهَا بَنْزِعُ وَيَنْزُو, meaning A possessor of strength (صَاحِبُ قُوَّةٍ) will not be weak as long as he can pull his bow and leap to his beast. (TA.) In a camel that is drinking, خَوَرٌ denotes, or implies, a quality that is praised; i. e. Patient enduring of thirst and fatigue: and a quality dispraised; i. e. the lacking patience to endure thirst and fatigue. (TA.)
Also, said of heat, (Ṣ, TA,) and of cold, inf. n. خُؤُورٌ and خُؤُورَةٌ, (JK,) ‡ It became faint; it remitted, or abated; (JK, Ṣ, TA;) and so خَوِرَ, inf. n. خَوَرٌ; andخوّر↓. (TA.) And خار عَنَّا, said of cold, It ceased from us; quitted us. (A.)
خَارَهُ, (JK, Ṣ,) inf. n. خَوْرٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) He hit, or hurt, his خَوْرَان, (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,*) in thrusting or piercing him with a spear or the like. (JK, Ṣ.)
2. ⇒ خوّر
خوّر: see 1, in two places.
خوّرهُ He attributed to him weakness, or feebleness, and languor. (TA.)
4. ⇒ اخور ⇒ اخار
اخارهُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) inf. n. إِخَارَةٌ, (Ṣ,) [app., in its' primary acceptation, He caused him to utter a cry. (See 10.)]
[And hence,] † He bent, turned, or inclined, him, or it. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) You say, أَخَرْنَا المَطَايَا إِلَى مَوْضِعِ كَذَا † We bent, or turned, the riding-camels to such a place. (Ṣ.)
6. ⇒ تخاور
تخاورتِ الثِّيرَانُ The bulls lowed, or bellowed, one to another. (A.)
10. ⇒ استخور ⇒ استخار
استخارها [He endeavoured to make her (namely, a gazelle, or a wild cow,) to utter her cry; or] he uttered a cry in order that she should do the same. (TA.) The sportsman, coming to a place in which he thinks the young one of a gazelle or [wild] cow to be, utters a cry like that of her young one; and the mother, hearing it, if she have a young one, thinks the cry to be that of her young one, and follows the cry. (Ṣ,* TA.)
Hence, (Ṣ, TA,) استخارهُ ‡ He endeavoured to make him bend, turn, or incline: (JK, Ṣ, A, Ḳ, TA:) and he called him to him: and he interrogated him; or desired him to speak; syn. اِسْتَنْطَقَهُ: namely, a man. (JK.) [استخار المَنْزِلَ is explained in the L and Ḳ as meaning اِسْتَنْظَفَهُ: to which is added in the TA, كأنّه طلب خيره, with the remark that it should therefore properly be mentioned in art. خير: but an explanation in the sentence immediately preceding, and a verse cited below, evidently show that استنظفه is a mistranscription for اِسْتَنْطَقَهُ, and that خيره should be خَبَرَهُ: so that the meaning is He interrogated the place of abode.] The author of the L cites, as an ex., the saying of El-Kumeyt,
* وَلَنْ يَسْتَخِيرُ رُسُومَ الدِّيَارِ ** لِعَوْلَتِهِ ذُو الصِّبَى المُعوِلُ *
[And he who is affected with youthful amorousness, wailing, will not ask the remains, or traces, of the dwellings to reply to his wailing: but for لِعَوْلَتِهِ I would rather read بِعَوْلَتِهِ; i. e., will not interrogate them with his wailing]. (TA.)
استخار الضَّبَّ, (Ḳ, TA, [in some copies of the Ḳ, erroneously, الضَّبُعَ,]) and اليَرْبُوعَ, (TA,) He placed a piece of wood in the hole of the burrow of the [lizard called] ضبّ, (Ḳ, TA,) and of the jerboa, i. e. in the قَاصِعَآء, (TA,) in order that it should come forth from another place, (Ḳ, TA,) i. e. the نَافِقَآء, so that he might catch it. (TA.) Lth falsely assigns the act of الاِسْتِخَارَة to the ضبّ and the jerboa. (Az, TA.)
خَوْرٌ Low, or depressed, ground or land, (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ,) between two elevated parts; (JK, Ṣ;) like غَورٌ: (TA:) an inlet (lit. a neck) from a sea or large river, entering into the land: (Sh:) a place, or channel, where water pours into a sea or large river: (JK, Ḳ:) or a wide place or channel, where waters pour, running into a sea or large river; (TA:) or (as in the TA, but in the Ḳ “and,”) a canal, or cut, from a sea or large river: (Ḳ, TA:) and i. q. رَحَبَةٌ [app. as meaning the part in which the water flows from the two sides of a valley]: (JK:) pl. خُؤُورٌ. (TA.)
خُورٌ a pl. of خَوَّارَةٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) contr. to rule; (MF, TA;) and of خَوّار in the phrase خَوّارُ العِنَانِ. (JK, TA.) See خَوَّارٌ, in five places.
خُورَةٌ الإِبِلِ, with damm, [app. originally خُيْرَة,] The best of camels, or of the camels; (IAạr, Ḳ;) [see خَيْرٌ, (in art. خير,) near the end of the paragraph;] and soخُوَارُهَا↓, andالخُورَى↓ مِنْهَا. (Fr, TA.)
خُورَى fem. of أَخْيَرُ, and properly belonging to art. خير: see what next precedes.
خَوْرَانٌ The مَبْعَرٌ [or rectum], which comprises the حِتَار [or anus, with the extremities of its skin,] of the صُلْب [or back], (Ḳ,) of a man, &c.: (TA:) or the passage of the رَوْث [or dung, properly of a horse or the like, but here app. meaning of a man also]: (Ṣ:) or the head [or extremity] of the مَبْعَرَة [or rectum]: or the part in which is the دُبُر [or anus]: (Ḳ:) or the دُبُر [or anus] itself; (TA;) or it has this meaning also; (JK;) and soخَوَّارَةٌ↓, syn. اِسْتٌ; (Ḳ;) the دُبُر being so called because it is like a depressed place between two hills: (TA: [see خَوْرٌ:]) or the gap in which is the دُبُر [or anus] of a man; and that in which is the قُبُل [or anterior pudendum] of a woman: (TA:) or the gap in which is the دُبُر and the place of the ذَكَر and that of the قُبُل of the woman: (Zj in his “Khalk el-Insán:”) pl. خَوْرَانَاتٌ and خَوَارِين: (Ḳ:) the former pl. of a form which any sing. subst. not significant of a human being may receive. (TA.)
خُوَارٌ an inf. n. of خَارَ as explained in the first sentence in this art. (Ṣ, A, &c.)
خُوَارُ الإِبِلُ: see خُورَة.
خَؤُورٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.
خَوَّارٌ / خَوَّارَةٌ
خَوَّارٌ Weak, or feeble; (JK, Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) applied to a man; (Ṣ;) as alsoخَائِرٌ↓, (Ḳ,) andخَؤُورٌ↓: (AHeyth:) a weak man, who cannot endure difficulty or distress: (Lth:) and ‡ cowardly, or a coward: (A:) pl. of the first خَوَّارُونَ, and of the third خُوَرَةٌ. (AHeyth.) Applied to a camel, Slender (رَقِيق) and beautiful: (Ḳ, TA: [for الحِسِّ in the CK, I read الحَسَنُ, as in other copies of the Ḳ and in the TA:]) and the fem., with ة
خُورٌ↓ as meaning † Women much suspected, on account of their corruptness, (Ḳ, TA,) and the weakness of their forbearance, (TA,) is [a pl.] without a sing. (Ḳ.)
خَوَّارَةٌ fem. of خَوَّارٌ [q. v.].
As a subst.: see خَوْرَانٌ.
خَائِرٌ: see خَوَّارٌ, first sentence.