1. ⇒ روق ⇒ راق
رَاقَ, (Ṣ, Mṣb, TA,) aor. يَرُوقُ, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) inf. n. رَوْقٌ, (Ṣ,) It (wine, or beverage, Ṣ, or water, Mṣb, TA, and a thing, TA) was, or became, clear. (Ṣ, Mṣb, TA.)
راق عَلَيْهِ, (JK, Ḳ,) aor. as above, (JK,) and so the inf. n., (Ḳ,) He, or it, exceeded him, or it: (JK:) [and] he, or it, exceeded him, or it, in excellence. (Ḳ.) You say, راق فِى يَدِى كَذَا Such a thing was redundant, or remained over and above, in my hand; like رَاعَ; syn. زَادَ. (L in art. ريع.) And راق فُلَانٌ عَلَى أَهْلِهِ Such a one was, or became, above, or superior to, his family; surpassed, or excelled, his family. (JK.)
رَاقَنِى, (JK, Ṣ, MA,) or راق لِى, (so in my copy of the Mṣb, [perhaps a mistranscription, for only the former is commonly known,]) and راقَهُ, (Ḳ,) aor. as above, (JK, Ṣ,) and so the inf. n., (JK, Ḳ,) It (a thing) induced in me, and him, wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy; excited my, and his, admiration and approval; pleased, or rejoiced, me, and him. (JK, Ṣ, MA, Mṣb, Ḳ.)
رَوِقَ, [aor. يَرْوَقُ,] inf. n. رَوَقٌ, He was, or became, long-toothed: (MA:) [or he had long teeth, the upper of which projected over the lower: or his upper central incisors were longer than the lower, and projecting over them: see رَوَقٌ, below.]
2. ⇒ روّق
روّق, (JK, Ṣ, Mṣb,) inf.n. تَرْوِيقٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) He cleared, or clarified, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) wine, or beverage, (Ṣ,) or water; (Mṣb;) he cleared, or clarified, wine, or beverage, with the رَاوُوق. (JK, TA.)
‡ He (a drunken man) made water in his clothes. (AḤn, Ḳ, TA.)
روّق البَيْتَ, (JK, TA,) inf. n. as above, (JK,) He made, or put, to the tent, a رِوَاق, (JK, TA,) meaning a curtain extended below the roof. (TA. [See رِوَاقٌ.])
Hence, (Ḥar p. 50,) روّق اللَّيْلُ † The night extended the رِوَاق [or curtain] of its darkness; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḥar ubi suprà, TA;) became dark; (Ḥar, TA;) as alsoأَرْوَقَ↓. (TA.)
تَرْوِيقٌ also signifies The selling a commodity and buying one better than it, (IAạr, Ḳ, TA,) or longer than it, and better: (TA:) or the selling an old and wornout thing and buying a new one: (Th, TA:) or the selling one's garment, and adding something to it, and buying [with that garment and the thing added to it] another garment better than it: (JK:) [or the buying, with a thing and something added thereto, a better thing: for] one says, بَاعَ سِلْعَتَهُ فَرَوَّقَ [He sold his commodity, and bought with it and something added thereto a better commodity]. (TA.)
One says also, رَوَّقَ لِفُلَانٍ فِى سِلْعَتِهِ He named a high price to such a one for his commodity, not desiring it [himself, but app. desiring to induce another to give a high price for it]. (JK, Ḳ: expl. in the former by رَفَعَ لَهُ فِى سَوْمِهَا وَلَا يُرِيدُهَا; and in the latter by رَفَعَ لَهُ فِى ثَمَنِهَا وَهُوَ لَا يُرِيدُهَا.)
4. ⇒ اروق ⇒ اراق
أَرْوَقَ: see 2.
اراقهُ, (Mṣb in art. ريق, and Ḳ in that and the present art.,) inf. n. إِرَاقَةٌ, (Ṣ in the present art., and so in the Ḳ accord. to the TA,) He poured it out, or forth; (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ;) namely, water and the like, (Ṣ,) or water and blood: (Mṣb:) and one says also هَرَاقَهُ, (Mṣb, TA,) changing the أ into ه, originally هَرْيَقَهُ, like دَحْرَجَهُ, in measure, (Mṣb,) said by Lḥ to be of the dial. of El-Yemen, and afterwards to have spread among Mudar, (TA in art. ريق,) aor. يُهَرِيقُهُ, (Mṣb, TA,) with fet-ḥ to the ه, imperative هَرِقْ, originally هَرْيِقْ, like دَحْرِجْ, (Mṣb,) inf. n. هِرَاقَةٌ; (Ṣ and Ḳ in art. هرق;) and أَهْرَاقَهُ, aor. يُهْرِيقُهُ, (Mṣb, TA,) with the ه quiescent, like يُسْطِيعُ aor. of إِسْطَاعَ; or, accord. to the T, أَهْرَقْتُ is wrong as being anomalous; and some say, هَرَقْتُهُ, aor. ـَ
And أَرِقْ عَنْكَ مِنَ الظَّهِيرَةِ and هَرِقْ meaning † Stay thou until the mid-day heat shall have become assuaged, and the air be cool; syn. أَبْرِدْ. (IAạr, TA in art. فيح.)
5. ⇒ تروّق
تروّق It (wine, or beverage, [&c.,]) became clear [or rather cleared] without pressing, or expressing. (TA.)
6. ⇒ تراوق
هُمَا يَتَرَاوَقَانِ المَآءَ They two pour the water out, or forth, by turns. (TA.)
رَوْقٌ [an inf. n. of رَاقَ, used as an epithet,] Clear; applied to water, &c. (IAạr, Ḳ. [See also رَائِقٌ.])
[Hence, app., as a subst.,] Pure, or sincere, love. (Ḳ.)
[Also, as an epithet originally an inf. n.,] Inducing wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy; exciting admiration and approval; pleasing, or rejoicing; (IAạr, Ḳ;) as alsoرَائِقٌ↓ (JK) andرَيِّقٌ↓. (IAạr, TA.) And, applied to a horse, Beautiful in make, that induces wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy, in his beholder; excites his admiration and approval; or pleases, or rejoices, him; as alsoرَيِّقٌ↓. (Ḳ.)
A horn (JK, Ṣ, Ḳ, TA) of any horned animal: (TA:) pl. أَرْوَاقٌ. (Ṣ, TA.) [Hence,] رَوْقُ الفَرَسِ † The spear which the horseman extends between the horse's ears: (Ḳ:) [for] spears are regarded as the horses' horns. (Ḥam p. 90.) And دَاهِيَةٌ ذَاتُ رَوْقَيْنِ ‡ A great calamity or misfortune; (Ḳ, TA;) lit. twohorned. (TA.) And حَرْبٌ ذَاتُ رَوْقَيْنِ ‡ A vehement war. (TA.)
Also † [A] courageous [man], with whom one cannot cope. (Ḳ.)
‡ A chief (IAạr, JK, Ḳ) of men. (JK.)
† A company, or collective body, (Aṣ, O, Ḳ,) of people: so in the saying, جَآءَنَا رَوْقٌ مِنْ بَنِى فُلَانٍ † [A company of the sons of such a one came to us: or, app., a numerous and strong company; for it is added that this is] like the saying رَأْسُ جَمَاعَةِ القَوْمِ [which means “the numerous and strong company of the collective body of the people”]. (Aṣ, O.)
Also syn. with رِوَاقٌ in several senses, as pointed out below: see the latter word in six places.
Also † The foremost part or portion of rain, and of an army, and of a number of horses or horsemen. (TA.) And ‡ The first part of youth; as alsoرَيِّقٌ↓, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) originally رَيْوِقٌ, (O, Ḳ,) andرَيْقٌ↓, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) which is a contraction of رَيِّقٌ: (O:) you say, فَعَلَهُ فِى رَوْقِ شَبَابِهِ andرَيِّقِ↓ شبابه andرَيْقِ↓ شبابه ‡ He did it in the first part of his youth: (Ṣ, TA:*) and مَضَى مِنَ الشَّبَابِ رَوْقُهُ ‡ The first part of youth passed. (TA.)
Also † The youth [itself] of a man. (TA.)
And † Life; i. e. the period of. life: whence the saying, أَكَلَ رَوْقَهُ † [He consumed his life; or] he became aged: (Ḳ:) or this saying means † his life became prolonged so that, or until, his teeth fell out, one after another. (Ṣ, O.)
† A part, or portion, of the night: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) pl., accord. to IB, أَرْوُقٌ: but accord. to Aboo-ʼAmr Esh-Sheybánee, this is pl. of رِوَاقٌ: (TA:) [or the pl. of رَوْقٌ in this sense is أَرْوَاقٌ.] You say, مَضَى رَوْقٌ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ † A part, or portion, of the night passed. (TA.) And أَرْوَاقُ اللَّيْلِ means ‡ The folds (أَثْنَآء) of the darkness of night. (Ḳ, TA.) And أَرْوَاقُ العَيْنِ ‡ The sides of the eye: so in the saying, أَسْبَلَتْ أَرْوَاقُ العَيْنِ ‡ The sides of the eye shed tears. (O, Ḳ,* TA.)
Also † The body: (Ḳ, TA:) and [in like manner the pl.] أَرْوَاقٌ signifies the † extremities and body, of a man: (TA:) and his self; (JK,* TA;) as also the singular. (JK, TA.) You say, رَمَوْنَا بِأَرْوَاقِهِمْ † They threw themselves upon us. (TA.) And أَلْقَى عَلَيْنَا أَرْوَاقَهُ † He covered us with himself [by throwing himself upon us]. (TA.) And رَمَاهُ بِأَرْوَاقِهِ † He threw his weight upon him. (TA.) And رَمَى بِأَرْوَاقِهِ عَنِ الدَّابَّةِ † He mounted the beast: and رَمَى بِأَرْوَاقِهِ عَنِ الدَّابَّةِ † He alighted from the beast. (O, Ḳ.) And أَلْقَى أَرْوَاقَهُ † He remained at rest in a place; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) like as one says, أَلْقَى عَصَاهُ: (Ṣ, O:) a meaning said in the Ḳ to be app. the contr. of what here next follows: but this requires consideration. (TA.) Also † He ran vehemently: (AʼObeyd, Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) not known, however, to Sh, in this sense; but known to him as meaning † he strove, laboured, toiled, or exerted himself, in a thing. (TA.) [Agreeably with this last explanation, it is said that] رَوْقٌ also signifies † A man's determination, or resolution; his action; and his purpose, or intention. (Ḳ, TA.) And hence the saying, أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ أَرْوَاقَهُ [meaning † He devoted his mind and energy to it, or him]: (TA:) [or] you say thus, and أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ شَرَاشِرَهُ, meaning his loving it, or him, (أَنْ يُحِبَّهُ,) vehemently [i. e. † he loved it, or him, vehemently; agreeably with explanations of the saying القى عليه شراشره in art. شر, q. v.]. (Thus in the JM.[In my two copies of the Ṣ, and in the O and Ḳ, and hence in the TA, in the places of عَلَيْهِ and يُحِبَّهُ we find عَلَيْكَ and تُحِبَّهُ; evidently mistranscriptions which have been copied by one lexicographer after another without due consideration: or, if we read عَلَيْكَ, we should read يُحِبَّكَ; for in this case the meaning of the saying would certainly be he loved thee vehemently. Freytag, misled by the reading تُحِبَّهُ in the Ṣ and Ḳ, renders القى عليك ارواقه as meaning Magno amore erga ipsum te accendit. Golius gives, in its place, ضرب اوراقه عليه (for ارواقه), as meaning Valde amavit eum.])
You say also, أَلْقَتِ السَّحَابَةُ أَرْوَاقَهَا, (JK, Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) or القت السحابة عَلَى الأَرْضِ ارواقها, (TA,) ‡ The cloud cast down its rain, and its vehement rain consisting of large drops, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) upon the earth: (TA:) or persevered with rain, and remained stationary upon the land: (JK, TA:) or أَلْقَتِ السَّمَآءُ بِأَرْوَاقِهَا The sky cast down all the water that was in it: (IAmb, O, TA:) or this saying, (O, TA,) or the former, (Ḳ,) means cast down its clear waters; (O, Ḳ, TA;) from رَاقَ المَآءُ signifying “the water was, or became, clear:” but IAmb deems this improbable, because the Arabs did not say مَآءٌ رَوْقٌ and مَاآنِ رَوْقَانِ and أَمْوَاهٌ أَرْوَاقٌ: (O, TA:) [i. e. they said رَوْقٌ only, in all cases when they used it as an epithet meaning “clear,” because it is originally an inf. n., like عَدْلٌ, &c.:] or, as some say, by بارواقها is meant its waters rendered heavy by the clouds: and one says, أَرْخَتِ السَّمَآءُ أَرْوَاقَهَا and عَزَالِيهَا † [The sky loosed, or let down, its spouts; the clouds being likened to leathern water-bags]: (TA:) [for] رَوْقُ السَّحَابِ means † The مَسِيل [or channel by which flows the water] of the clouds. (TA in another part of the art. [See also رِوَاقٌ, as used in relation to clouds.])
رَوْقٌ also signifies A substitute for a thing, (O, Ḳ,) accord. to [the JK and] Ibn-ʼAbbád. (O.)
And الرَّوْقُ means The breathing of [i. e. in] the agony of death (نَفْسُ النَّزْعِ). (O, Ḳ, TA. [In the CK and in my MṢ. copy of the Ḳ, نَفْسُ النَّزْعِ, which means the agony of death itself.])
رُوقٌ is said to be pl. of رُوقَةٌ, and of رَائِقٌ, and of أَرْوَقُ. (TA.) [See these three words.]
رَوَقٌ Length of the teeth, with a projecting of the upper over the lower: (JK:) or length of the upper incisors exceeding that of the lower, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) with projection of the former over the latter. (TA.) [See also 1, last sentence.]
رَيْقٌ: see رَوْقٌ, in two places, in the former half of the paragraph:
رَوْقَةٌ i. q. جَمَالٌ رَائِقٌ [i. e. Beauty, comeliness, or elegance,, &c., that induces wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy; or surpassing beauty,, &c.]. (Ḳ.)
رُوقَةٌ Choice, or excellent: (Fr, O:) or goodly, or beautiful: (Ḳ:) applied to a boy and to a girl, (Fr, O, Ḳ,) and to a he-camel and to a she-camel: (Fr, O:) and very beautiful or comely or elegant; (Ḳ;) applied to one and more of human beings: (TA:) used alike as masc. and fem. and sing. and pl. (O, TA) and dual: (TA:) [and also said to be pl. of رَائِقٌ, q. v.:] and it has a pl., [or coll. gen. n.,] namely, رُوْقٌ; (IDrd, O, TA;) applied to she-camels; (IDrd, O;) or sometimes applied to horses and camels, absolutely accord. to IAạr, or particularly when on a journey. (TA.)
Also A little, or paltry, thing: (JK, IDrd, O, Ḳ:) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (IDrd, O.) You say, مَا أَعْطَاهُ إِلَّا رُوقَةً He gave him not save a little, or paltry, thing. (IDrd, O.)
رَوَاقٌ: see what next follows.
رُوَاقٌ: see what next follows.
رِوَاقٌ (Lth, Ṣ, Mgh, O, Mṣb, Ḳ, &c.) andرُوَاقٌ↓ (MA, Ḳ) andرَوَاقٌ↓ (MA) A بَيْت [or tent] like the فُسْطَاط [q. v.], (Lth, JK, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) supported upon one pole in the middle thereof; (Lth, O, Mṣb;) as alsoرَوْقٌ↓; (Ḳ,* TA; expl. in the former as signifying a فُسْطَاط; and its pl. أَرْوَاقٌ is expl. in the Ṣ as signifying فَسَاطِيطُ;) accord. to Lth: (TA:) or a roof in the front, or fore part, of a بَيْت [or tent]; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) as alsoرَوْقٌ↓: (Ṣ:) or a curtain that is extended below the roof; as alsoرَوْقٌ↓; which latter is expl. in the Ḳ as signifying simply a curtain: (TA:) or the رِوَاق of a بَيْت [or tent] is the curtain of the front, or fore part, thereof, extending from the top thereof to the ground: (AZ, TA:) a [piece of cloth such as is called] كِسَآء let down upon the front, or fore part, of a بَيْت, from the top thereof to the ground: (Mgh:) رَوْقٌ↓ signifies the same as رِوَاقٌ: (Ḳ:) and each signifies the شُقَّة [or oblong piece of cloth] that is beneath the upper, or uppermost, شُقَّة of a بَيْت [or tent]: (Az, O, Ḳ:) or sometimes the رواق is one such piece of cloth, and sometimes of two such pieces, and sometimes of three: (TA:) and, (Mṣb,) or as some say, (Mgh, TA,) رِوَاقٌ signifies † the front, or fore part, of a بَيْت [or tent]; (Z, Mgh, Mṣb, TA;) as alsoرَوْقٌ↓; (JK, Z, Ḳ;) its hinder part being called its كِفَآء, and its two sides being called its خَالِفَتَانِ; (TA;) whence the saying,قَعَدُوا فِى رَوْقِ↓ بَيْتِهِ and رِوَاقِ بَيْتِهِ, i. e. ‡ [They sat in] the front or fore part [of his tent]: (Z, TA:) andرَوْقٌ↓ also signifies a tent; as in the saying, ضَرَبَ رَوْقَهُ [He pitched his tent]: (Ṣ:) and [hence] the place of the huntsman [in which he conceals himself to lie in wait]; (Ḳ;) as being likened to the رواق: (TA:) and رواق signifies also a place that affords shelter in rain: (MA:) [and a portico; and particularly such as surrounds the court of a mosque; (see سُدَّةٌ;) in some of the large collegiate mosques, as, for instance, in the mosque El-Azhar, in Cairo, divided into a number of distinct apartments for students of different provinces or countries, each of which apartments by itself is termed a رِوَاق:] the pl. of رواق is أَرْوِقَةٌ and رُوقٌ; (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ;) the former a pl. of pauc. and the latter of mult. (Ṣ, O.)
[Hence, الرِّوَاقُ مِنَ السَّحَابِ, expl. in the TA as meaning ما دار مِنْهُ كَرِوَاقِ البَيْتِ: but دار is here evidently a mistranscription for كَانَ; and the meaning is, † The part, of the clouds, that resembles the رواق of the tent. See also رَوْقُ السَّحَابِ, near the end of the paragraph commencing with رَوْقٌ.]
[Hence also,] رِوَاقُ اللَّيْلِ † [The curtain of night: and] the first part of night; and the greater, or main, part thereof. (ISd, Ḳ. [It is implied in the latter that one says also in this instance and in the next رُوَاق.]) You say, of night, مَدَّ رِوَاقَ ظُلْمَتِهِ † [It extended the curtain of its darkness]: (Ṣ, Mṣb:) and أَلْقَى أَرْوِقَتَهُ † [It let fall its curtains]. (Ṣ.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited voce مُرِمٌّ, in art. رم.]
And رِوَاقُ العَيْنِ † The eyebrow. (JK, Ḳ.)
رِوَاقُ [imperfectly decl. as being a proper name and of the fem. gender, though it is implied in the Ḳ that it is الرِّوَاقُ and الرُّوَاقُ,] is a name for The ewe, (O, Ḳ,) by which she is called to be milked, by the cry رِوَاق رِوَاق; (O;) but not unless she be رَوْقَآء↓ [app., if not a mistranscription for وَرْقَآء, formed from this latter by transposition, and thus meaning dusky: see أَرْوَقُ]. (O, Ḳ.)
رَائِقٌ Cleared, or clarified, [or ratherمُرَوَّقٌ↓ has this meaning, and رَائِقٌ signifies clear,] wine, or beverage. (TA.) And Pure musk. (TA.) [See also the same word in art. ريق: and see رَوْقٌ.]
[Also Exceeding, surpassing, or superlative: see 1, second and next two following sentences.]
See also رَوْقٌ, third sentence. [Hence,] Goodly, or beautiful: (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) from رَاقَنِى signifying as expl. in the first paragraph of this art.; (Ṣ;) or from رَاقَ signifying “it was, or became, clear:” (TA:) pl. رُوقَةٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) like as فُرْهَةٌ and صُحْبَةٌ are pls. of فَارِهٌ and صَاحِبٌ, (Ṣ,) [or rather quasi-pl.,] applied to boys, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and to girls; (Ṣ;) [and also (as expl. above) an epithet used alike as masc. and fem. and sing. and pl. and dual;] and رُوقٌ is another pl. of رَائِقٌ, like as بُزْلٌ is of بَازِلٌ. (Ṣ.) رُوقَةُ المُؤْمِنِينَ, in which روقة is [quasi-] pl. of رائق, means the best, and the manly and noble or generous, of the believers. (TA.)
رَيِّقٌ: see رَوْقٌ, in four places, in the former half of the paragraph.
Also The most excellent of anything; (JK, Ṣ;) as, for instance, of wine, or beverage, and of rain. (JK.)
And it is said to signify also, (JK, Ibn-ʼAbbád, O,) or so رَيْقٌ↓, (accord. to the copies of the Ḳ,) A scanty fall of rain: thus bearing two contr. meanings. (JK, Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ.)
رَاوُوقٌ A clarifier, or strainer, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ,) syn. مِصْفَاةٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) for wine or beverage: (Ṣ:) the نَاجُود [q. v.] with which wine, or beverage, is cleared, (Lth, JK, Ḳ, TA,) without pressing, or expressing: (TA:) and (sometimes, Ṣ) the [kind of wine-vessel called] بَاطِيَة. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) Accord. to IAạr, (O, TA,) who is said by Sh to differ herein from all others, (TA,) الرَّاوُوقُ signifies also The كَأْس [or drinking-cup, or cup of wine,] itself. (O, Ḳ, TA.) And Dukeyn uses it metaphorically in relation to youth; saying,
* أَسْقَى بِرَاوُوقِ الشَّبَابِ الخَاضِبِ *
[app. meaning † He gave to drink of the cup of ruddy youth: see خَاضِبٌ as an epithet applied to an ostrich]. (TA.)
أَرْوَقُ [app. originally signifying Horned:]
[and hence,] † A horse between whose ears the rider extends his spear: when the rider does not thus, he [the horse] is said to be أَجَمُّ. (Ḳ.)
Also, applied to a man, (Ṣ, Mgh, Ḳ,) Having long teeth, with a projecting of the upper over the lower: (JK:) or having long incisors: (Mgh:) or whose upper incisors are longer than the lower, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) and project over the latter: (TA:) fem. رَوْقَآءُ: (JK, TA:) and pl. رُوقٌ; (Ḳ, TA;) which is also said to be pl. of رُوقَةٌ, and of رَائِقٌ. (TA.) [In the Ḳ is added, after the mention of the pl., وَكَذٰلِكَ قَوْمٌ رُوقٌ وَرَجُلٌ أَرْوَقُ: an addition altogether redundant.]
[It seems that it is also syn. with أَوْرَقُ, as being formed from the latter by transposition; and that hence] one says سَنَةٌ رَوْقَآءُ and سِنُونَ رُوقٌ [meaning † A rainless year and rainless years], and عَاثَ فِيهِمْ عَامٌ أَرْوَقُ كَأَنَّهُ ذِئْبٌ أَوْرَقُ [meaning † A rainless year made mischief, or havock, among them, as though it were a dusky wolf]. (TA.) See also رِوَاق, last sentence.
إِرَاقَةٌ inf. n. of 4. (Ṣ.)
And [hence,] The مَآء [meaning seminal fluid] of a man; as also هِرَاقَةٌ and إِهْرَاقَةٌ. (TA.) [See أَرَاقَ مَآءَ ظَهْرِهِ.]
مَرَاقٌ: see art. ريق.
مَآءٌ مُرَاقٌ [Water, and hence, seminal fluid, poured forth]. (TA. [There immediately followed by أَرَاقَ مَآءَ ظَهْرِهِ, q. v.])
رَجُلٌ مُرِيقٌ [A man pouring forth water, and hence, his seminal fluid]. (TA. [There immediately followed by مَآءٌ مُرَاقٌ, q. v.])
مُرَوَّقٌ: see رَائِقٌ:
Also A tent (بَيْتٌ, Ṣ, Ḳ, and خِبَآءٌ, Ṣ) having a رِوَاق [q. v.]. (Ṣ, Ḳ. [Said in the TA to be tropical; but why, I do not see.])
هُوَ مُرَاوِقِى He has the رِوَاق of his tent fronting, or facing, that of mine; (JK, A, O, Ḳ;*) and so هُوَ جَارِى مُرَاوِقِى. (A, TA.)